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Status of UOStream?


I'm not really sure where all the hatred for UOSteam comes from. It is a good tool that brought some new players to the shard because of it's ease of use. I use both razor and UOSteam, if I had to choose one I would go with UOSteam, only reason I even use razor anymore is that I am to lazy to rewrite some of my macro's in UOSteam.

Since I don't PvP it appears most of the people complaining about it are the ones that PvP, I have saw the same complaints from the PvP from time to time on the forums complaining others are using easyUO scripts.

I think the majority of people like or are indifferent to UOSteam. I think it is a nice tool with a slick interface, for some reason it just appeals more to me then the razor interface. For an old game like UO sometimes you need some innovation to attract new players like UOSteam. I have tried in the past to get people to try out Demise but they hated razor for whatever reason, I have had those same people try again with UOSteam and for whatever reason they have stuck around and told me razor was the reason they didn't stick around the first time (whether that is accurate or not I don't know, that is just what they told me).

The staff has been hard at work with adding new content and updates to Demise, they have been doing an awesome job. Hopefully UOSteam will continue to work for awhile before it breaks, because I think once it breaks the shard will probably lose some players that won't go back to razor and it's been nice to see the population up a little.

And for people talking about hacking this and that software, any program you install on your computer can be hacked, that is just a fact.

Anyways, just my 2 cents.


People already have... What most people don't seem to realize is UOsteam is just a Combo of broken Razor Code and EasyUO. There have been people using mis-mashed versions of it for years.
Kraz just finally took all the pieces and put them into a nice looking little platform format and gave it a name. It is nothing new or creative and is just all worst parts of many programs in one.
It also has easier back doors than Razor does making it easy to hack and modify and tie other programs into (including key loggers) that can compromise your account information.

So when someone just offers up a link to UOsteam be weary... It could be from anywhere.

This is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on Demise.
The stupidity in it is so high I even felt embarrassed for all the people that had to read it.

In the future try not to talk bullshit about themes you know nothing about.

el pepino

EUO - String based language.
Razor - C#.
UOSteam - C++

If you put an EUO code to be ran on Razor or Steam, it doens't works. If you try to put a Razor code on Steam, it doesn't work. If you put a Steam script on Razor or EUO, it doesn't works.

What else do you need to know before you pull more non-sense out of your ass?

I said nothing about what CODE it was written in I simply stated that it was a mis-mash of operations based off both those programs.
Thanks for the nerd like and angry response though. Defending you automated garbage till the end...

This is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on Demise.
The stupidity in it is so high I even felt embarrassed for all the people that had to read it.

In the future try not to talk bullshit about themes you know nothing about.

Don't you have a boat to catch?

I dunno, makin' shit up in my head and asking others to prove I'm wrong seems like a pretty reasonable request to my fantasy-land mind ;)


I'm the QUEEN! I'm the QUEEN!

We know... :cool:


ofcourse it's a mixture of those operations, there is only so many ways you can manipulate packets, or memory addresses. It has nothing to do with how it was written.

el pepino

ofcourse it's a mixture of those operations, there is only so many ways you can manipulate packets, or memory addresses. It has nothing to do with how it was written.

My point exactly. Thank you! This UOsteam literally took most of the horrible things hated about Broken Razor and EasyUO and put them into one body combine.
What you get is an over automated game changer that ruins the (skilled based) aspect of the game.

This type of over automation used to be a priority to purge out of the game for UO Gamers Staff but then suddenly they took a complete 180 from that and they wonder why the player population and participation is dropping off the grid from what it used to be... ??? LoLz and you even have Francis on here jumping upon the bandwagon of nerds throwing tomatoes for people bringing up the fact that this program ruins skill based game play in UO.
Skill based game play is a cornerstone of integrity that true UO players have always gravitated towards. Kill it, and kill the game.

el pepino

Truth be told UOsteam is being discontinued in all probability because when Kraz took it to OSI (He had ambitions to get them to allow it there...)
I bet they shot him down and once he saw the cow was done milking he slaughtered it. LoLz

So either way your garbage will slowly become less viable over time as it is replaced with the next generation platform for UO.
Perhaps the next person to embark on this venture will have some common sense and make it better.

P.S. If it wasn't acceptable for OSI then it should not be acceptable for us either. Thanks! :cool:

royal kapero2

And what? You are 30 year old man who cares too much about stupid video game LOL

Oh yeah, I see your despair. It must hurt you a lot


I said nothing about what CODE it was written in I simply stated that it was a mis-mash of operations based off both those programs.
Thanks for the nerd like and angry response though. Defending you automated garbage till the end...


You asked me to prove Steam was coded from scratch. I did.

el pepino

When did OSI make Razor acceptable?
And why don't I ever get these memos?

Is there a way to log into Demise using just the UO client from EA? :confused:
There has to be some way to login and play demise, that way doesn't have to be an over the top automated catastrophe...
And what? You are 30 year old man who cares too much about stupid video game LOL

This one hit close to home. Didn't the second age come out in '99?

So... if you're under, lets say 24-ish.. did you ever REALLY play uo?

walk around the only facet for days, no horse: cause it died.
own with your vanquishingly accurate silver halberd
lose it a week later..
WOW 80 level in 3 skills, such ownage
Server lines?

el pepino

Nice stereotype, I can play that game too, I got 5 people working in my small business, all earning decent wages, how about you?
Do you even have a job?

Um what do stereotypes and your real life have to do with your trammy ass catching a boat to gauntlet? :cool:

Sensitive much? LoLz