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Sooo uh...


I have killed Vizeroth plenty of times 1v1 where he has yet to accomplish this task.

You are forgetting that 99% of the dexxers on this server have magery and can just as easily cast trap pouch or magic arrow or EVEN paralyze if they chose. It's absolte bull shit that they made weapons not only stronger but able to be bless but instead of making armor able to patch it's power they chose to make colored armor weaker (which you can't bless btw.)

Why should they have uber strong blessed weapons but we are forced to use at best invul armor that doesn't do shit?

P.S. I don't own any blessed clothes or any of that newbie hand out shit.
So, let's see if I understand this correctly. You've allegedly gone undefeated against the person who is arguably the most accomplished dexxer on the server, but his weapons are too powerful and your armor is too weak. Does that about sum it up?

Your delusions of grandeur seem to be clashing with your argument against dexxers.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
It's most certainly possible.

Someone yesterday told me directly "I use a speedhack "

then proceeded to completely rubber band away off my screen just to show me it worked.

I didn't think it was possible until I saw it with my own eyes.


Network side code, server side blocks this, there is no way around it.

Pat McGroin


Network side code, server side blocks this, there is no way around it.

Then how did the player skip off my screen? He looked like how a gm would move around.

It wasn't some random time where I could have lagged he made it a point to say hey check out this speed hack and then boom he flew off my screen.

Pat McGroin

So, let's see if I understand this correctly. You've allegedly gone undefeated against the person who is arguably the most accomplished dexxer on the server, but his weapons are too powerful and your armor is too weak. Does that about sum it up?

Your delusions of grandeur seem to be clashing with your argument against dexxers.

It has nothing to do with a 1v1 fight.

In big group fights the dmg is absolute bull shit.

Having 3 alchy dexxers spam e pots on you while hitting you for a ridiculous amount of dmg is stupid.

You're only crying because you know damn well if they get removed you would actually have to learn how to play your character instead of relying on luck.

P.S. you are an accomplished dexxer with todays standards but you stand no chance against the older dexxers that would have made you rage quit.

Those guy's at least took the time to learn how to heal instead of running out on the field with 130 str with 10 gh wand charges.

If gh wands did not exist you would die every time you stepped out on the field.


I've tried to keep up with the nonsense people write but there are good points on both sides. Everyone needs to look at the bigger picture. What will happen if they remove blessed weapons? What will happen when they remove wands? Do you want a server with diversity or do you want a server with all mages?

No one had an issue when blessed verite weapons were around, so make a compromise and revert it back to verite weapons. They are still very strong and people will stop bitching about weapons.
I don't really care about hybrid armor so i'm going to leave that alone.

Everyone just needs to let it go until Ryan gives the verdict.
No matter what the outcome is someone is going to bitch and whine. I'm sure we'll see a few people threatend to quit and blah blah. Same thing happened when they made wands use mana.

Pat McGroin

funny u say this loooool


I can heal any sync that is actually healable and the only time I use gh wands is when I am getting pot/wanded by a gank squad.

I find it funny how much you talk shit about how I pvp but you wouldn't in a million years try and 1v1 me or any sort of event numbered fight.

You gotta be a real pussy if you're scared to die in a video game and or to let anybody who you are on the board.

Afraid the mean people on the internet are going to make fun of you :/


I've tried to keep up with the nonsense people write but there are good points on both sides. Everyone needs to look at the bigger picture. What will happen if they remove blessed weapons? What will happen when they remove wands? Do you want a server with diversity or do you want a server with all mages?

I have looked into my crystal ball (my own asshole) and seen the externalities of these changes. These are my suggestions.

Step 1: Remove wands, keep ID as these are useful and non-pvp related
Step 2: Introduce a system to replace wand incentive for farming (increase gold drop rate, leather AR drop rate, vanq drop rate, or some dungeon emblem type deal)
Step 3: Remove faction blessed valorite weapons
Step 4: Unbless hybrid armor or simply reduce its Armor Rating (to fortification, guarding, exceptional iron, etc)
Step 5: Do week long town events related to UO lore to introduce the new faction bases, (examples: Minax raid on trinsic, Undead overrun in Serps Hold (SL), TB Council Slaughter at old TB Base (10-12 champ spawns), Remove guards and burn down blacksmith/tailor in Mag to fight against trammel items (CoM)
Step 6: Log an admin/staff in to AFK at the bank, as a show of force
Step 7: Watch avg online skyrocket
Step 8: PvP
Step 9: Deal with new round of bitching
Step 10: Add more wandering healers to handle the massive increase of grey screens as Hybrid becomes the #1 pre-item based PvP shard once again.
Step 11 or Step 0: Tell Pepsi to stfu cause he's a knob ;/


I agree with all of it, except Steps 1-10


I find it funny how much you talk shit about how I pvp but you wouldn't in a million years try and 1v1 me or any sort of event numbered fight.

You gotta be a real pussy if you're scared to die in a video game and or to let anybody who you are on the board.

Afraid the mean people on the internet are going to make fun of you :/
lol, Mouse is calling someone a pussy for refusing to fight 1v1. That's rich.


Best is the riddler one when he says helicopter hahah.

For those who don't know what we're talking aboutm go to collegehumor.com n batman