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Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Which changes would you like to see made? (can vote for multiple ones)

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Van Dam

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

so many people arguing this, Things are the way they are now for a reason. Because the admins and ryan want them that way, I dont see how people posting in the faction forums are going to do anything or even the suggestion forum for that matter. But non the less I do agree with your changes Lud but yes they are going to fuck the solo pks the solo pker will eliminated wich is a bad thing. It is hard to do changes like this because while you are helping out the angry mob wanting the change your taking a big stinky shit on the little guy wich im sure ryan doesnt want to do.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Van Dam said:
so many people arguing this, Things are the way they are now for a reason. Because the admins and ryan want them that way, I dont see how people posting in the faction forums are going to do anything or even the suggestion forum for that matter. But non the less I do agree with your changes Lud but yes they are going to fuck the solo pks the solo pker will eliminated wich is a bad thing. It is hard to do changes like this because while you are helping out the angry mob wanting the change your taking a big stinky shit on the little guy wich im sure ryan doesnt want to do.
From what i know the suggestion forum is fucked up, and this has really snowpiled into a big idea, it keeps picking up support as well as those who dont support it. Frankly some of these changes seem like a good idea on paper but they just wont work out, im sure they have been discussed for many many hours amongst ryan and others...


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
You're not a trash PK. Stop trying to argue like one.

I'm just saying, you're claiming it to be a punishment. However, this is not OSI, Skills don't take long as all to work up. I just do not see how that is a punishment at all.

I don't mind either way... I'm just saying..... How is it a punishment when working a skill takes 5 mins :(


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

elohdee said:
I'm just saying, you're claiming it to be a punishment. However, this is not OSI, Skills don't take long as all to work up. I just do not see how that is a punishment at all.

I don't mind either way... I'm just saying..... How is it a punishment when working a skill takes 5 mins :(

Put yourself in the shoes of the average Hybrid griefer pk when you're thinking about things designed to punish them.

You also need to note that skills becomes harder to train the more times you train them... E.g. if you train 6 skills to gm and then do resist, it's much harder than training resist first... Meaning that every time you ahve to re-train after statloss is harder.
A good PK will die maybe once a week tops... A trash PK will die 4 or 5 times a day due to being a fucking retard. Either ay, that shit will add up.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
Put yourself in the shoes of the average Hybrid griefer pk when you're thinking about things designed to punish them.

You also need to note that skills becomes harder to train the more times you train them... E.g. if you train 6 skills to gm and then do resist, it's much harder than training resist first... Meaning that every time you ahve to re-train after statloss is harder.
A good PK will die maybe once a week tops... A trash PK will die 4 or 5 times a day due to being a fucking retard. Either ay, that shit will add up.

I changed elohdee's skills from tactics psn anatomy tactics anatomy alchemly tactics alchemy tactics.... never once was "hard" and/or harder than the last time.

And as you said yourself, you don't mind training a few skill pts.... why would anyone else?

It's just not really a punishment in my eyes.

Van Dam

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

yah but if i lost connection and died especially to a monster or something and i had to re train all my skills id be fucking rip shit, Its just not fair to the people who have jobs and familys and do not have time to train skill everytime they log on its pissing on the little guy =( i disagree with the a good pker will die once a week statment because if you run into the wrong group then your going to die no matter who you are


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

An Corp? Just thought this should keep being discussed since some of the best ideas I've seen on these forums were posted here.
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

i love all these ideas. i agree with ehlohdee skill gain is way fast on this shard its not even a punishment unless you just started
i think that if the duel pits were removed there should be a time limit for using it like a month for new acounts so people who are new can get used to pvp but after u have been playing for awile you should be able to go out on your own all these suggestions are great


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

I just read this whole thread.
I started out in disagreement with most of the options. After reading this whole thread I see their purpose for increasing "respectable" pvp.

As far as option
1)Point wipe- I really do not see the point. But if it makes people feel good for some reason, whatever. I think atrophy should be changed. I suppose it's to balance if reds get kicked out and lose their standings...then everyone should get kicked; so we all have to regain our ranks in the faction standinds?

2)Revert- I'm not sure what it would revert back to? I read the thread, so sorry if I missed this point. I don't know what the shitty changes are that were put into place for all the whiners.

3)Statloss- I would think that the "trash pk's" would be more prone to just beat up weak characters with statloss implemented. I mean, why would they go somewhere they might get their ass kicked?

Maybe make a larger guarded area for new characters to do things in? Guard zone that whole mountain around minoc? This takes away the chance to beat up on the small fish and gives people no choice but to pk in the big boy area's.

Alternative- Maybe make a long temp stat loss... like 3-4 days(offline time included). That way the casual pker who only hunts once in a blue can just come back another day. People who play more often will have to have backup characters in factions or o/c for pvp..otherwise just sit around bored. Maybe limit 1 red per account or ip? Just an idea.

4) I didn't like this at first. But I see the logic in it. I just rather be able to smoke some of the fellow factioners purely out of dis-like. Little Jimmy is more then welcome to roll with me anytime though.
"As a result, E. will never kill Little Jimmy and may ;let him house hide from c2w with them." That was pretty damn funny.

5)I rather see more people in faction, and less people in duel pits.

It's too hard to find a fight.
OT-(Yesterday I ran around looking for field fights for about 2 hours..and it was like the shard was dead. Soon as an event gate poped up, I went in to take a peek..and there were tons and tons of orange and red char's there.)

The one thing having red's and freedom in UO is to force some degree of respect. If you've ever played a game where you can't force a fight with someone you should undertand this. If you think UO is full of assholes try something like SWG. People just talk tons and tons of shit to each other because no one can do anything about it.

Overall some good idea's. I'm all for trying out anything that leads to more OJ.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

i skimmed the last post until i saw this
maybe make a larger guarded area for new characters to do things in? Guard zone that whole mountain around minoc? This takes away the chance to beat up on the small fish and gives people no choice but to pk in the big boy area's.

no. this is a trammel idea.. uogamers hybrid is pvp when you want or don't want it, thats how it is here
if i get mad and feel like nuking that guy attacking a skeleton it should be allowed, that's the risk of going outside town and the risk of killing is to be ganked by 20 blues


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)


#1. Wiping faction? I do not really see how this wll effect anyone other then krrios and a few other who think hoarding faction points means anything. But on the other hand, a complete wipe in the forum of kicking everyone out of factions and implementing a 1 faction per IP i like.

#2 Don't see how this helps anything, other then faction member CAN NOT pk people. As it is now most factioners are blue, but if you want to go kill some guy on your faction character and go red, inducing more of a gank on yourself, go ahead. Faction loyalty? 1 faction per IP but make it work!

#3. State lose is stupid. People like hybrid cause you can fight all the time. I personaly learned how to pk by trying to kill random people as a newbie, I was red and died a lot, I think if there was stat lose, I wouldnt have enjoyed hybrid. Takes enough personal time but for something like statlose? taking hours of macroing(this is not fun or what uogamers is about) wait a week? are you joking this is a game. Lets have fun and play. Stat lose is retarded, I love hybrid cuase I can die and come back out fighting 5 minutes later, having more fun and adding to the people out in the field. More the better and funner.

#4. NO

#5 the dueling system is lame period. Change somethign about it. But id rather see more factioners or pvpers.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

#1. 1 faction character on 1 IP? NO WAY me and my brother share a computer and we both like being in factions, this would limit us from both being in factions and im shure im not the only one that would have this problem.

#2. If there are no faction PKs there wont be any action....

#3. Stat Loss is VERY stupid, for many reasons, 1. reduce the PK action 2. no harm in a blue going out of town because the PKs will be to scared to get close to town. 3. NO FUN

#4. Change the dueling system but not get rid or it, thats all i have to say about that.

So this is what i think about that stuff, alot like what Joey2Ultima said but maybe alot of this stuff could be a good thing, we just dont know, BUT i do know that i would like Factions to be Wiped so we could start over and maybe a system were there could only be a certain amount of people in a faction at a time so there isnt a MASS on one side.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

What is meant by 1 faction per IP is....

Not one faction charcter, you could have 100, and your bro could have 50 more BUT only on one faction team. So you and your bro would have to play the same faction like CoM or Minax but you problem would want to anyways because then you could play together..

I say this because everyone out there that factions has a faction character in all 4 faction teams. And they log on the faction team with more players and its just a gank...

Forcing people to play and be loyal to one faction would form some real alliances aswell as team work. Factions would actaully be a war for sigils. As of right now there is NO reward for taking sigils.

1 faction team per IP....
ONLY faction members of owning towns can buy npc resources...

People will have to pick 1 faction, and take sigils, or no regs......
People NOT in factions will pay city prices for regs (like its suppose to be), giving more gold/silver to factions. Making it more fun.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

joey2ultima said:
What is meant by 1 faction per IP is....

Not one faction charcter, you could have 100, and your bro could have 50 more BUT only on one faction team. So you and your bro would have to play the same faction like CoM or Minax but you problem would want to anyways because then you could play together..

I say this because everyone out there that factions has a faction character in all 4 faction teams. And they log on the faction team with more players and its just a gank...

Forcing people to play and be loyal to one faction would form some real alliances aswell as team work. Factions would actaully be a war for sigils. As of right now there is NO reward for taking sigils.

1 faction team per IP....
ONLY faction members of owning towns can buy npc resources...

People will have to pick 1 faction, and take sigils, or no regs......
People NOT in factions will pay city prices for regs (like its suppose to be), giving more gold/silver to factions. Making it more fun.

I love that idea, but I don't think they will add that
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

joey2ultima said:
#3. State lose is stupid. People like hybrid cause you can fight all the time. I personaly learned how to pk by trying to kill random people as a newbie, I was red and died a lot, I think if there was stat lose, I wouldnt have enjoyed hybrid. Takes enough personal time but for something like statlose? taking hours of macroing(this is not fun or what uogamers is about) wait a week? are you joking this is a game. Lets have fun and play. Stat lose is retarded, I love hybrid cuase I can die and come back out fighting 5 minutes later, having more fun and adding to the people out in the field. More the better and funner.

pking isnt the only form of pvp, although it is the easiest


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Kick a certain person until they are ready to play uo fair with the rest of the community.
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