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Dye Tubs


Well, I do think theres probably cooler things they could have done with their time... especially since once the novelty wears off I doubt many will actually visit the place... but I dont really disagree with the idea of locking the colors. It took a decent amount of time and planning to do that, and you know had they not been locked by the time most people even realized that such a place existed it would have long been destroyed.

I dont think its ruining anything if its just every shade of normally obtainable dye colors laid out for you to see, but for arguments sake Id say its probably at least arguable that the time staff spent locking it down could have been spent doing something more people would have enjoyed, but whose to say really? if they just went and locked down / decorated some other location it would still likely suffer from no one caring and going there after a few days / weeks , had they run an impromptu event those that happened to be on and felt like attending would have had fun for a brief moment but then what?

Im just disappointed that it wasnt some super secret html editing to get weird colors or something as thats what my wishful thinking had initially interpreted your posts to be about


Like I said, I'm not foaming at the mouth angry about it, I just think it's a little over the top ridiculous that a staff member would go through and lock each and every dye tub so they were safe and secure from the public.

Wouldn't it be just as ridiculous and take the same amount of time for a player to go through and redye them all new colors as it would for staff to lock them? But you showed up with plan in hand only to find them locked... i'm assuming that what the major issue is anyways. :cool:

and since i always seem to show up too late.... ibll


My point is, since you obviously aren't picking up on it.....why should you be concerned with the way staff members choose to spend their time? It's not like locking down 255 dye tubs takes long, nor is it the game breaking equivalent of adding a 1200 charge Val hammer to the game. I think it's pretty badass that our staff takes such an interest in random player activities. At any rate. Fin.


I think it's pretty badass that our staff takes such an interest in random player activities.
Sweet, since I love bag art so much I'll ago ahead and fill my castle up with enough bag art to max it out so the staff can swoop in and freeze all the items so others can come in, open the bags, and view my lovely work without the risk of them messing up my precious time of making bag art! No no no, wait how about since I love dueling so much and I got a house at Chaos Shrine, they can come in and place a walnut tree to fuck up placement for years to come?​

I agree, its nice they do cool stuff, but it should be logical when it does happen.​
They should totally do it with Misa, her vendors are funny.​


No, this could have been posted by... I don't know, Naji or something, and I would have said the same thing.

Like I said, I'm not foaming at the mouth angry about it, I just think it's a little over the top ridiculous that a staff member would go through and lock each and every dye tub so they were safe and secure from the public.



Sweet, since I love bag art so much I'll ago ahead and fill my castle up with enough bag art to max it out so the staff can swoop in and freeze all the items so others can come in, open the bags, and view my lovely work without the risk of them messing up my precious time of making bag art! No no no, wait how about since I love dueling so much and I got a house at Chaos Shrine, they can come in and place a walnut tree to fuck up placement for years to come?​

I agree, its nice they do cool stuff, but it should be logical when it does happen.​
They should totally do it with Misa, her vendors are funny.​

I know this wasnt the point or anything, but if you just lock down and not secure a container you can make permanent un-grief-able bagart sans staff interaction!


If you just lock down and not secure a container you can make permanent un-grief-able bagart sans staff interaction!

Strange, I tried doing that with bags of armor so people could find something they needed, never worked. *browses updates*


If you "I wish to lock this down" an empty backpack anything placed inside will automatically also lock down, anything inside of it when the command is placed will also automatically be locked down inside the container.

Been like that as long as I can remember, just make sure you are locking it down and not securing it.


I know this wasnt the point or anything, but if you just lock down and not secure a container you can make permanent un-grief-able bagart sans staff interaction!
Funny go try to lock down a container, put your house to public, get a second char that has no access and try to open the box , of wait you get the item is secured.... and ntk likes your post ......


Staff didn't have to go through locking one tub at a time. They can do it in a few seconds by applying it to all tubs within a certain area.


Well now I think its considered a staff sponsored player run town as per the thread in announcements and feel like banning someone would go against the spirit of what they were trying to accomplish with that :rolleyes:

Aegian Rayth

What if I post up in this magical rainbow-infested town and murder all who approach the sacred tubs?

I'll role play, at least. I'll shout things at the victims like:

"You'll never use these colors, ya foul mouth-breather, you!"

"I'm the fashion police, and you are under arrest, ya bedraggled heap o' primary colors, you!"

"These tubs ain't for the likes o' you, tubbs!"
What if I post up in this magical rainbow-infested town and murder all who approach the sacred tubs?
Only on the condition that we get to see posted videos of this. If you aren't up to the task of editing and combining the highlights, I'm positive there's someone here who'd be glad to help with that. Pont, perhaps? You could be a celebrity like him!