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Good Bye Asmodai/Mickey monday

God you guys officially made my morning... First of all im not from jersey i live in New York... Second, I look better than any body on this shard.. end of story... While uo is all of your lives i play it on my free time, and have the social skills to enjoy my irl life.. You all are just mad because im not 300 pounds n pimples go from my face cheeks to my ass hole lips like all of you.. Im better at life then you all and im better at uo than you all... You all play to escape your miserable lives, while i play to try to make all of you kids finally want to commit irl... Too all of you.. Fuck You n have a nice day.

haha = )


Hey thunder why dont the gms let people duel for a purpose anymore.. Back in the day they use to let 2 people fight and losers accounts deleted..


God you guys officially made my morning... First of all im not from jersey i live in New York... Second, I look better than any body on this shard.. end of story... While uo is all of your lives i play it on my free time, and have the social skills to enjoy my irl life.. You all are just mad because im not 300 pounds n pimples go from my face cheeks to my ass hole lips like all of you.. Im better at life then you all and im better at uo than you all... You all play to escape your miserable lives, while i play to try to make all of you kids finally want to commit irl... Too all of you.. Fuck You n have a nice day.

You know, I very rarely saunter in this neck of the woods, but reading your reply certainly peeked my interest in a sympathetic way. The sarcasm here is contorted with contradiction. Good one, you have devolved..


Online Arguing 101:

- Claim that you're the best in game and everyone else suck.
- Defend your claim.
- Start losing credibility.
- Claim that you're the best IRL and everyone else are fat nerds.
- Think you got the last laugh.
- Everyone else laughs at you.


If being the best irl means you come here and act tough because you won a duel, act like you have a social life and pluck your eyebrows more then most women then yes you take the trophy my friend


=) i actually dont do my eye brows.. So thanks.. Another morning starting right.
If being the best irl means you come here and act tough because you won a duel, act like you have a social life and pluck your eyebrows more then most women then yes you take the trophy my friend


And I find it funny all the people that never post things suddenly grew balls tryna insult me. Theres nothing for me to defend, i love my life, i love uo, and i do think im better in both.. More like i know im better.. Yes i have perfect bone structure and amazing eye brows.. I love shit talking on here when im at work cuz unfortunately i cant play uo at work. So id rather hype u all up.. Enjoy your day :}


U cant know you are better without knowing everyone's lives and making such a retarded statement just makes you look about as smart as a 10 year old. One own life and its worth is relative to the person. I could live your life end up depressed well you clearly were raised up with your folks telling you how special you are. Reality is your life is no better or worse than anyone elses you just aren't smart enough to realize that yet.

No one really cares and honestly no one is hyped up we feel in a strange way sorry for you and some people just comment because they like seeing a train crash into a wall.


well i cant log in game atm since im not at home and even if i was at home the answer would be no. you can post pics here and announce it in irc if you want.


And I find it funny all the people that never post things suddenly grew balls tryna insult me. Theres nothing for me to defend, i love my life, i love uo, and i do think im better in both.. More like i know im better.. Yes i have perfect bone structure and amazing eye brows.. I love shit talking on here when im at work cuz unfortunately i cant play uo at work. So id rather hype u all up.. Enjoy your day :}

Ohhhhh the modesty. Makes you wanna puke up your appendix..