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IDEA: Duel pit is to PvP as Clans are to RP (read)

After reading this idea, would this be a valuable RP option for the UOG society?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 40.5%
  • No

    Votes: 37 44.0%
  • Maybe... a good start. Make this change:

    Votes: 13 15.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Xru'ul said:
i .... have .... to .... agree.. with icey...............

ive always worked with what i had, i didnt page osi gms and ask them for a fugnut mask

Who will this orc clan be anyway? Bloodclan will have to greif them hehe.

Ok... first of all... as stated many times... this DOES NOT need to be implemented. But... a system would make it amazing.

And... why do people consider the phrase "grief" something that other players fear? Oh no! Not grief! There are 12 of you and 1 of me... ill leave?
This was just PMed to me...

We dont put up with you using our name without permission.

Like I said, be careful what you ask for....

That was referring to the term "Undead". Sir... im sorry. Undead is a character type in the game and is not copywritten by anyone.



EvilGenius010 said:
I understand your concerns.

What I was looking for with this system was realism and stability. The main reason why there wont be a GM for the clan is because if that GM isnt on, loses his internet, works late, ect, that clan wouldnt be able to add members. This system is meant to be accessible by all, as a means for everyone to RP.

You dont NEED to join this... and you dont NEED this to RP, but it would add, in my opinion, a realistic experience.

For clarification... clicking the stone doesnt put you into the clan... it just gives you the mask. Putting it on is what allows you to being your time as a member.

One question someone had for me was what about the player whos a complete idiot... how do you take care of him? The response is stated within the Rank section of the initial post. It would take most players around 1.5-2 weeks to reach the second rank (remember... this is on that char, WEARING the mask). At that time, you are probably interested in remaining loyal and in a RPing mindset. Keep in mind, players will always disagree. But, that doesnt mean they should be kicked out of the group.

As stated before... this system is in NO way NECESSARY. But... I think it would be amazing... and it would be perfect with what UOG has to offer. And, personally, I think UOG is the only shard that could make it as good as it sounds.

Let it go Evil, it's never gonna happen.


no i agree with the whole unactive gm thing being a problem, but i like my many small clans instead of one large one as an answer. there is no reason why orcs, or any race for that matter, should be on the same side.
if they were a large community of many small clans it would void the recruitment issues, and also add politics among the rp classes own race.

Middle Man

Holy crap i couldnt take more than 6 pages of this idiocy between u and Icey. I jus stoped looking for inteligent points and went straight to reply.

I voted no on this for several reasons. Eventhough as im sure everyone knows Icey is not looking out for the orcs best intrests he made the point i was going to make anyways.

The orcs already have a very well established RP guild located at the Yew orc fort and with a guild stone. We already have orcish kind masks that insure the shardies dont attack us. We already have plent of people to kill as we are raided constantly as well as go out on raids to Brit GY and other locations. We have a system to add people to our guild that involve quests randing from simple resource gathering for ur initial joining to more elaborate and hard quests for when u actually get some sort of rank.

We do not allow anyone without proving themselves time and again within the guild to advance beyond gruntee/mojokii (ur basic squire type possition, bottom rung)
They have to prove loyaty to the clan, be knowlagable about orc tactics/language/rules and be a leader who helps train the newborns. We get oomie spies and fake orcs all the time that try to pass themselves off as one of us and infiltrate the guild to loot the houses and in general grief us. If we had this type of system in place then we would have no say in who joins or not and if they have to stay in character blah blah blah.

I could go on and on but basically if u guys wanna do something like this dont include the orcs in it and if u do do not presume to incorperate the Bloodclan orcs into this we are doing just fine without this system and incourage anyone who wants to be a real orc to visit our website and make ur own!


Wrath Child

why try to fix what is not broken? that is all i want to know.. i am apart of a rp guild GHC and we function just fine without this system that is being brought up.. we rp we do our thing we go and attempt to take on the orcs (get beaten horribly) we leave we think of ways to better our strategy (in character mind you) and go on with what we are doing as far as rp goes..
again i'll say this we do not need another system or someone trying to implement a system when all it is going to do is raise too many questions and stuff that is really in all honesty.. not needed..

here is another good point.. if you see someone who is red (murderer for the new people that dont know) then you avoid them unless of course they engage with you first and then you go from there.. you get whipped on and you count your loss and move on....

all i'm trying to say is this.. Evil your idea is great but we really dont need it and please quit trying to make this into something more difficult than it should be.. learn to adjust and work around things... trust me your life will be so much easier in the long run.. also if people who do not partake in the rp aspect of this ROLE PLAYING GAME then that is their choice.. and please dont spam at Brit Bank any more.. there is enough bank sitters there spamming their goods without you there making it worse.. already your causing people to hate the fact that there is rp going on in the shard because i hate to say it but your trying to shove it down their throats.. thats not cool man..
Hm.... Ok.

To start, I think something needs to be cleared up. This idea does NOT have to be done... I dont rely on this system to live or survive. Im not crying myself to sleep knowing this wont be put in. I knew from the beginning that it would be harder to convince the GMs to make this than getting the player support... I know a lot of the players are bored and would love this. This isnt about "Just use the available items" and such... this was an idea I had to make the experience better. It seems everyone is willing to say that, but everyone also knows that this system would be amazing. Then... why... not try... to get it made? Why settle?

On another note, this thought is alsmot exactly the same as factions before it came out. UO did not NEED factions... there were players who couldnt wait for it and players who didnt want to see it. But... factions was an improvement on the current fighting system... points, towns, items, commanding lords... it was all an improved idea.

If the 4 clans were changed to 4 clans not currently used with todays RPers, would that be better? Personally, I think it would be stupid. I think the 4 clans should be the 4 main clans... but whatever.

If you post and say "No... we already have a guild and we're doing fine without a system!" then your missing the point of all of this. Im not wondering if your current system works, im wondering if this idea could make it better.
I just think this idea would be amazing.

If its not broke, dont fix it. And... if it possible and a good idea, why not do it?

And... my little recruits by the bank are going to sit there for another couple of days. Reason being, they direct people here. I want to get everyones feel on this. Just filter them.


evil stop pushing this.

you're a L.Cpl and you have time to set up 4 multi-clienting UO accounts (note that you are only allowed 3 per account) and spam endlessly? go fight some fucking wars.
Icey said:
evil stop pushing this.

you're a L.Cpl and you have time to set up 4 multi-clienting UO accounts (note that you are only allowed 3 per account) and spam endlessly? go fight some fucking wars.

Its not about "pushing" this... did you not read my previous post?

I dont NEED this system... but I would love to see this system put into place. To me, this system is amazing, and I know that many players agree.

Bottom line... this system is an idea... a great one, ive been told. And... if it was possible to create, it would add an important element to UOG... something thats missing.

Now, Icey, I would like to comment on your post.

First of all, its LCpl, as in Lance Corporal. Not L.Cpl. There is no ".". I also find it suprising that you said "go fight a war", because I feel the exact same way. I requested to go to Iraq 4 times in the last 3 weeks, and they refuse to let me go. Why? Because my intelligence evaluation scores are too high. They want me to stay here and become a leader for the Marines who are stationed here. To put you at ease about it, I should be over there in 9-12 months.

Secondly, think about what your saying. I have time to set up 4 accounts (5 actually, total. 3 of them being mine, and 2 of them being my friends. Considering 2 arent mine, there is no rule stating you cannot RUN 4+ accounts). How long does it honestly take to set-up an account? It took me 10 minutes.

I spam because I was also looking for something to save me from the boredom that UO has become... and I finally found something. I want to know what others think about it, and ive been told by most that it would be a great idea.

Dont like it? You gave your opinion... thank you. So did another 65% of the viewers of this post who think something like this would be great.

Have a great day.
Ok... update.

The 42% of those who voted against this idea are right... im sorry to the other 58%, but this shard doesnt give a shit what you want. They wont make it, either because it would be too difficult or because they wouldnt want to spend that much time on those that donate weekly to support the shard.

So... on that note, im starting my own Demonic Guild. This guilds rules are strict and are very serious. If you would like to join, I suggest you choose a name similar to the Daemons in the game, choose the bottom left (dark) skin tone, grab a darkest blue goatee and start gaining fencing.

Ill be back on tonight around 5:00 for more information. Thank you.
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