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Vesper Armor and Weapons Vendors

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They will not buy I have been sitting at them for about 3 hours now and they have not bought anything from me. Nobody else has came to sell either. Is there a reason why they would not buy I thought they restock 2500 gold every 1:30 hours.


you got ninja sold. or our assumed timer (1.5 hours for gold restock is incorrect.

Check to see if the blacksmith or armor, weaponsmith has any player sold items. I used to think serpents hold guys were broken but been able to sell to some of them recently. shh keep it a secret.


Some town npc don't buy. Ask GM the reason behind.
Try Jhelom, britain, cove, etc.

Which ones don't buy? ... Only one that I'ven't been able to sell to is serpents hold Blacksmith... but that could just be timing.... I used to sell in Moonglow but that place never buys now (at least when I check it)... same with Skara... used to sell there all the time.


An armorer will only buy armor
A weaponsmith will only buy weapons.
A blacksmith will buy both.
A tanner will buy leather armor.
I like to hit all the tanners and sell whatever leather I can, then hit each shop selling first to the armorer or weaponsmith, if there is one present. Jhelom has quite a few shops if I remember right.


skara only weapon

No they all buy (blacksmith, armor, weapon). I used to collect bod there and sold stuff there all the time. although I haven't been able to sell anything in Skara recently.

Yeah like Countessa and others have mentioned... Blacksmith will buy arms/armor ... armorer only armor, weaponsmith.. weapon... bowyer bows/xbows... leather/tanner: leather armor
So I hit the leather/tanner and sell all my leather armor, hit the bowyer and sell my bow/xbows and hit the armor/weaponsmith and finally try to sell leftover to blacksmith.


at least 6 weapon/armor shops in jhelom (8 weaponsmiths 8 armorer 5 blacksmith) I can't remember exactly.
Probably, but i only sell weapon (metal, wooden, bow) in skara.


to be honest, there are no need for the full list of weaponsmith, armorer, blacksmith etc. If some of them are out of cash, just try selling at other time. If one is out of cash, other will be too. :p


You don't understand I sat there for 4 hours and was unable to sell to them the entire time. That is not working as intended. Skara, Vesper, East Brit Armorers, serpents hold armorers. They need to be checked to see if they are bugged. Cause I have been unable to sell any of these. And i Have waited the entire time allotted for them to reset easily.


Looks like you're right. I did some checking using the bow vendors in Vesper and Yew and they would restock after 1.5 hours but with 0 gold. basically I bought the arrows at which point they were willing to buy back arrows and checked it few hours later and they were restocked (arrows) but wouldn't buy arrows for 1 gp, which tells me they had 0 gp. I do find this strange since I used to sell to Yew bow vendors... just haven't used them in awhile.

I thought it might be faction related but I also checked Minoc leather vendor and it restocked items and restocked gold although for some reason the timing was different. Basically it restocked the items (removed all players sold items etc..) but without any gold. then about 20-30minutes later when I checked it again it had gold.


I've also noticed that any time I checked a couple different vendors in different towns they were never buying. Been like this for a while. It takes a fair amount of profit out of my bunny farming. Only keeping vanq and invul pieces, I was able to add some coin by selling off the rest in small batches. Now I just scrap them outright. I guess newb trash pickers benefit from this some...


This should be looked at, and I reccomend deleting npc's and resetting with new ones. You have many many vendors that are not working as intended across the game. I wont accept that I should try other vendors because I know for a fact from the information given by gm's on how vendors work that they are not working. Please /Delete or reset these vendors and replace with new working ones. It would take a GM 25 minutes to do this easily as I can go to every weapon/armor vendor in game in half that time.
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