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Veteran Reward Update


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Or even deleting all.. Current dye tubs. Robes/cloaks/ and statues. make it 1 year for a reward.not a month. And make things worth a shit again.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

WaRgAzM;1679656 said:
Or even deleting all.. Current dye tubs. Robes/cloaks/ and statues. make it 1 year for a reward.not a month. And make things worth a shit again.

I would like to see that happen but I think folks who have been around should get a certain number of items to pick from. I mean people would be pissed if we took away all their dye tubs.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

maybe. But it would also make colored leather and runebooks and fairly popular business too.
Re: Veteran Reward Update

Suil Ban;1679646 said:
Base it on character playtime rather than account age, similar to the system DFI has implemented.

that wouldnt work here look at how many ppl are loged in 24/7


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Suil Ban;1679646 said:
Base it on character playtime rather than account age, similar to the system DFI has implemented.

Then he would have to change the name from Vet Rewards to Bank-Sitting Rewards :)


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Formater;1679650 said:
Really I think the only way to fix the system is to make the rewards only usuable by the account or by the char that claimed it. Anyone else uses it and it deletes itself. Then adding additional items to the existing system would not be as difficult. Only exception really would be dye tubs and they would just require your account be the correct age before letting you use them and some of those need fixed. I think anyone can use a black dye tub reguardless of age.

Interesting idea. Is there code support for char-specific stuff? I know there's the account age check for ethys. Maybe it's still early and I need another cup-o-java to get my brain rolling...

Also, how do you stop miscreants scamming other folks by selling a reward that the others char can't use? There would have to be code for items that says they can't go into a trade window (even when in a container) or something.

And you're right. Some rewards should still be sellable/usable by all. Perhaps the key to those is to limit "one to five" per account depending on the leetness of the reward, then the option to get that reward is gone forever. My next door neighbor just covered his house with gorilla statues. I asked him "why", and he said, "because I could." :)


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Suil Ban;1679675 said:
Surely you've found more reasons to log in than to banksit...

I personally don't do it, but I know folks who keep a char logged in around the clock so as not to miss a hand out. I honestly don't see how playtime can be incorporated into Vet Rewards. Just my $0.02.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Suil Ban;1679679 said:
If someone's been banksitting, then they've been playing the game. Mark wanted solutions to prevent farming veteran rewards on dummy accounts, not to prevent people with a tendency to AFK from getting rewards.

If the problem is ancient farmed accounts, then I guess you're right that some sort of banksittingtime has to be used to delineate active from less-used accounts. For example, he might use an activity threshold to mark some older accounts as ineligible for vet rewards because they are mostly-unused. The risk is penalizing some valid accounts.

An since you know-it-all, what items are char-specific? I'm not talking about GM-specific, or age-specific, or faction specific, or unicorns for females. I'm talking abount account or character (e.g. Generic Player) specific. I'm drawing a blank on this. I guess I could fire up my RunUO 1.0 and look and see if there's a field under items that locks it to a char's name. But you sound like you know.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

I think that if the new rewards could only be claimed once per account and had ages like 48+ months etc, it wouldnt be a problem at all.

The problem is people (myself included) have been playing for a 4+ years on 4 accounts and have hundreds of unclaimed vet rewards... offer me a Rose of Trinsic without a limitation and Ill have 200 in my house flooding the market.

I think resetting everyone's vet rewards back to zero and implementing a new method of determining how many rewards you get (maybe 1 for every month up to 3 so people can ride ethies then one every six months following?) would be the perfect solution.

Scale the rewards earned based on account age:

Months 1-3 = 1 reward each month
3-6 = 1 reward
6-12 = 1 reward
12-18 = 1 reward
18-24 = 1 reward
24-36 = 1 reward
36-48 = 1 reward

Have the high end 4-5 year rewards be one claim only to eliminate farming.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Snax;1679794 said:
... offer me a Rose of Trinsic without a limitation and Ill have 200 in my house flooding the market.

Have the high end 4-5 year rewards be one claim only to eliminate farming.

Yeah...that was the idea with R.O.T., an uber award for an elder account with the limitation of one per account and one time only.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

maybe hold more raffles with the lowest level vet reward usable for 1 entry? maybe 10 entries?


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Mamboparadise;1680010 said:
How about a blessed key-chain for a reward? :>
Nothing too fancy but pretty useful I think.

I wish they would make that a donation item. I am sick of opening containers to get keys. It's not like your really loosing anything if you die and loose a key anyway so who cares if they are blessed.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

I would like to see housing storage deeds. Only useable once per house by an account that is old enough, and if the house drops or is traded, it's gone. Maybe have it increase storage by 25-50%. Would limit the benefit to at least those players that log in enough to refresh their houses.

quid pro quo

Re: Veteran Reward Update

Mara;1680096 said:
I would like to see housing storage deeds. Only useable once per house by an account that is old enough, and if the house drops or is traded, it's gone. Maybe have it increase storage by 25-50%. Would limit the benefit to at least those players that log in enough to refresh their houses.

Wouldn't really need a deed for that, it could be linked to account age.


Re: Veteran Reward Update

Mara;1680096 said:
I would like to see housing storage deeds. Only useable once per house by an account that is old enough, and if the house drops or is traded, it's gone. Maybe have it increase storage by 25-50%. Would limit the benefit to at least those players that log in enough to refresh their houses.

Another cool idea! But I don't know if the % thing could be easily implemented. Perhaps staff could make a deed for a special storage chest as a reward (another 125 items) for a house...I don't know. I do like your idea.