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welcome back barcode


I'd like to see your facts.

Obviously the only way to see a hidden gm is to be on a gm (or better) char yourself. The anecdotal/coincidental evidence was enough that if there was any way to grant a player the power to see a hidden staff member xavier was willing to do it for muscly. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to do. I could write an entire book of these situations there are so many but here are 2 off the top of my head.

Example #1 - About a year or so ago Hz decided to have a guild event and capture champions on boats, muscly even pm'd xavier ahead of time to be sure we weren't breaking any rules and he said as long as we didn't take it too far and keep them for a long time he would not intervene. The champs were safe and sound for 4 whole days out in the middle of nowhere. Then on the day we decide to plan our festivities MB logs in and recalls to boat just to be sure they are all still there. It wasn't more than 10 or 15 minutes Bile and Enrique are on a boat sailing right to it like they know exactly where they are.

Example #2 - On a late night like 2am EST I happen to catch a harrower gate up in star room so I go and check it out of course it is barcode and as usual they have choke point completely blocked off with bagballs. Moving one out of the way at their leisure every now and then and saying GET OUT NOW GHOST YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS! Apparently this is what you guys call 'legitimate game play'? Oh but it gets better, I'm not normally one to cry to staff but in Hz sure we use our candles but we always are sure to leave open tiles so this thing kind of pisses me off so I page. Probably nobody would have even been on to answer my page but as it happens I told them i was going to page. Of course my page is answered by none other than GM Oliver who shows up and tells the barcode players "you cannot completely block off the choke point you need to move them". I can't remember which one of you was talking to him but your reply was "FUCK OFF MOVE THEM YOURSELF!", at which point Oliver says nothing, deletes a few of the bagballs, asks me if there is anything else he can help me with, then leaves. Lots of people already knew and now he has admitted it himself that Oliver was Bile.

So there is just a few examples of 'legitimate gameplay' from barcode guild. I could go on and on with many more examples like this but the thing of it is.... We dont need any proof to know you guys are bunch of sheisty douche bags. And it was pretty obvious how important winning is to you guys after you lost your first harrower to hz. Willing to do whatever it takes by any means possible?? Obviously


Example #1 - Dipshit

Example #2 - On a late night like 2am EST I happen to catch a harrower gate up in star room so I go and check it out of course it is barcode and as usual they have choke point completely blocked off with bagballs. Moving one out of the way at their leisure every now and then and saying GET OUT NOW GHOST YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS! Apparently this is what you guys call 'legitimate game play'? Oh but it gets better, I'm not normally one to cry to staff but in Hz sure we use our candles but we always are sure to leave open tiles so thing thing kind of pisses me off so I page. Probably nobody would have even been on to answer my page but as it happens I told them i was going to page. Of course my page is answered by none other than GM Oliver who shows up and tells the barcode players "you cannot completely block off the choke point you need to move them". I can't remember which one of you was talking to him but your reply was "FUCK OFF MOVE THEM YOURSELF!", at which point Oliver says nothing, deletes a few of the bagballs, asks me if there is anything else he can help me with, then leaves. Lots of people already knew and now he has admitted it himself that Oliver was Bile.

More dipshitery

You are mistaken - GM Bob was the actual staff member to respond to that scene and he can indeed attest that he jailed my player character for I refused his demands that we (the guild) move the bagballs. I was definitely not going to comply with his demands on the grounds that I didn't place a single bagball at the entrance of the dungeon. You have your facts outrageously mixed together.

The mere fact that I'm no longer a staff member is due to your guilds lack of morality in regards to honoring the Staff's code of conduct. I was a staff member for over two years and remained so til your guild leaked such information.

el pepino

Does anyone even know who Mytilus is in game??? Although I've talked down to him for years on forums... I can't actually think of who his characters are..... lol :cool:

Blesh Terra

Does anyone even know who Mytilus is in game??? Although I've talked down to him for years on forums... I can't actually think of who his characters are..... lol :cool:

I've only seen him in this form


Blesh Terra

Here's a little something to keep you entertained while we wait for him to pick up all those jimmies that got rustled out of him.



I find it ironic that we are douche bags just because of some bag balls but whats really ironic is about a week or two ago you guys [hz] were doing a harrower and one of my guildys was trapped by your bagballs and asked you to move them and you didnt until after he paged.

So sounds like a buncha hypocritical bullshit to me. Every fel guild is guilty of unfair game play at one point or another.

The good news is barcode has no staff members now so you won't have that as your excuse any longer cannot wait to see what they excuses will be now.


Obviously the only way to see a hidden gm is to be on a gm (or better) char yourself. The anecdotal/coincidental evidence was enough that if there was any way to grant a player the power to see a hidden staff member xavier was willing to do it for muscly. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to do. I could write an entire book of these situations there are so many but here are 2 off the top of my head.

Example #1 - About a year or so ago Hz decided to have a guild event and capture champions on boats, muscly even pm'd xavier ahead of time to be sure we weren't breaking any rules and he said as long as we didn't take it too far and keep them for a long time he would not intervene. The champs were safe and sound for 4 whole days out in the middle of nowhere. Then on the day we decide to plan our festivities MB logs in and recalls to boat just to be sure they are all still there. It wasn't more than 10 or 15 minutes Bile and Enrique are on a boat sailing right to it like they know exactly where they are.

Example #2 - On a late night like 2am EST I happen to catch a harrower gate up in star room so I go and check it out of course it is barcode and as usual they have choke point completely blocked off with bagballs. Moving one out of the way at their leisure every now and then and saying GET OUT NOW GHOST YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS! Apparently this is what you guys call 'legitimate game play'? Oh but it gets better, I'm not normally one to cry to staff but in Hz sure we use our candles but we always are sure to leave open tiles so this thing kind of pisses me off so I page. Probably nobody would have even been on to answer my page but as it happens I told them i was going to page. Of course my page is answered by none other than GM Oliver who shows up and tells the barcode players "you cannot completely block off the choke point you need to move them". I can't remember which one of you was talking to him but your reply was "FUCK OFF MOVE THEM YOURSELF!", at which point Oliver says nothing, deletes a few of the bagballs, asks me if there is anything else he can help me with, then leaves. Lots of people already knew and now he has admitted it himself that Oliver was Bile.

So there is just a few examples of 'legitimate gameplay' from barcode guild. I could go on and on with many more examples like this but the thing of it is.... We dont need any proof to know you guys are bunch of sheisty douche bags. And it was pretty obvious how important winning is to you guys after you lost your first harrower to hz. Willing to do whatever it takes by any means possible?? Obviously

Example #1 so you have no actual fact that Bile and Enrique were not sailing for the past 2 days looking for those Boss since they were at sea for 4 days?

Example#2 As Bile stated it was Bob , he told us to move the bags Bile replied to go Fuck himself since he did not put them there since it was I and someone else that did and I just ignored his demand and Bile got jailed while the bags remained there till we felt like removing them.

It was not a matter of loosing the harrower it was a matter that we wanted to piss people off and we got the scrolls and got people pissed off and got them talking that it was all a big conspiracy.