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welcome back barcode


Example #1 - About a year or so ago Hz decided to have a guild event and capture champions on boats, muscly even pm'd xavier ahead of time to be sure we weren't breaking any rules and he said as long as we didn't take it too far and keep them for a long time he would not intervene. The champs were safe and sound for 4 whole days out in the middle of nowhere. Then on the day we decide to plan our festivities MB logs in and recalls to boat just to be sure they are all still there. It wasn't more than 10 or 15 minutes Bile and Enrique are on a boat sailing right to it like they know exactly where they are.

Example #2 - On a late night like 2am EST I happen to catch a harrower gate up in star room so I go and check it out of course it is barcode and as usual they have choke point completely blocked off with bagballs. Moving one out of the way at their leisure every now and then and saying GET OUT NOW GHOST YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS! Apparently this is what you guys call 'legitimate game play'? Oh but it gets better, I'm not normally one to cry to staff but in Hz sure we use our candles but we always are sure to leave open tiles so this thing kind of pisses me off so I page. Probably nobody would have even been on to answer my page but as it happens I told them i was going to page. Of course my page is answered by none other than GM Oliver who shows up and tells the barcode players "you cannot completely block off the choke point you need to move them". I can't remember which one of you was talking to him but your reply was "FUCK OFF MOVE THEM YOURSELF!", at which point Oliver says nothing, deletes a few of the bagballs, asks me if there is anything else he can help me with, then leaves. Lots of people already knew and now he has admitted it himself that Oliver was Bile.
#1 - I was Xavier's right hand. He use to cross over to Malta were we would cook Turkish Kebab, grill them sausages and talk about how we screwed the "King of Demise's" plans.

#2 - Get your facts right. It was GM bob who answered your page not Oliver. I raided quite a few of your harrowers and YES you blocked all the way through while spamming your stupid flutes..... At least we had the decency to give you a few seconds to let you out. PS it wasn't 3 seconds it was 10. That's a good amount of time in my opinion.

There's no point in crying about all this, i'm pretty sure Lukin wasn't a saint ;) - He ran his big mouth that's a starter right there.. God knows what else he did to help MB claim his title as "King of Demise" L0L


Well like I was saying earier...I've only seen 3 people cheat..where in my head I didn't have to second guess it...Paul and bile multiple times..and gnar I've seen run threw gravestones

Why am I not Mentioned?? This makes me sad :(
Update to 4 Please.

Thanks in Advance,
Yaz the Terrorist / Mommy Hunter :eek:

Jackie Moon

Well Yaz I was never much of a forum follower...so tell me ur char and I can Probaby say some negative things about you.....btw where inthe hell is cool people from barcode like blacula..japwnt...who was regal? And that bad ass scribe mage drawing a blank


Mine? No, i usually ran on Newton or Yaz .. Only those i can remember of at the moment.

Jackie Moon

Wasn't talking shit I was just trying to figure who you are...I'll be off work in like 2 hours we can meet and PvP if ud like...and I was trying to revive PvP which was dead...and talk blues into going to buccs...It didn't happen at buccs but everyone at least fought at Britt afterwards..and until I started oath back there was almost no PvP...now there is PvP almost anytime of day


Wasn't talking shit I was just trying to figure who you are...I'll be off work in like 2 hours we can meet and PvP if ud like...and I was trying to revive PvP which was dead...and talk blues into going to buccs...It didn't happen at buccs but everyone at least fought at Britt afterwards..and until I started oath back there was almost no PvP...now there is PvP almost anytime of day
Never said you were talking shit. I was pulling your chain but I still dont know who u r.

Ill be off work In 8 hours and would love to have some pvp. Was at brit gate last night for 2 hours and saw 1 red and getting chased by 8 blues. Go Monia.


Did I? Sound the Alarms WIWUWIWU, I might have lost a duel or two.. but certainly beat your ass all over brit with 4x the ping. Human Creation right? I just chased you from Britain to Yew the other day thats how shitty you are.. or else you just pop in the vendor mall