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Who is the best pvper in Hybrid history.....

You can only be as best as your competition, IMO. That's what I don't think the players of the past 2-3 years have understood.

07-09 had such a good mix of good/great players and a better understanding of the tips/tricks in alchy then of the past. I give that era the nod IMO.

and mickey; its easy being a big fish in a really small pond. :<

Pat McGroin

You can only be as best as your competition, IMO. That's what I don't think the players of the past 2-3 years have understood.

07-09 had such a good mix of good/great players and a better understanding of the tips/tricks in alchy then of the past. I give that era the nod IMO.

and mickey; its easy being a big fish in a really small pond. :<

Agreed 100%. But I also played with the best on IPY and other large servers. Hybrid wasn't the only server that had active pvp.
You can only be as best as your competition, IMO. That's what I don't think the players of the past 2-3 years have understood.

07-09 had such a good mix of good/great players and a better understanding of the tips/tricks in alchy then of the past. I give that era the nod IMO.

and mickey; its easy being a big fish in a really small pond. :<

you're implying that mickey is the best(right now) which is far from true
The four best players still active are my core 4. We will be willing to prove that any time. And "mickey can't solo" I am leagues above you bud which is why you're such a dick rider.

you are correct i love riding dicks but i dont know that has to to do with pvp and no you're not sorry bud
Care to put 5mil up and prove that theory?

id love to put 5 mil on me riding dicks and i never said i was the best either so i don't know how you beating someone who isn't the best makes you the best... If i had to say who the best team was it would probably be the guild Pro they are a solid team that would always fight fair and most of the time win. So if you want to prove you're the best beat them.


id love to put 5 mil on me riding dicks and i never said i was the best either so i don't know how you beating someone who isn't the best makes you the best... If i had to say who the best team was it would probably be the guild Pro they are a solid team that would always fight fair and most of the time win. So if you want to prove you're the best beat them.

Well , it's a bit funny because i still have my char in the new pro from 2 years ago and a member of our guild is from the original pro guild.
So let's do this lets fight against ourself and then after we share the gold between us ? ...................... ??? (wtf?) ??? .....................


Pat McGroin

id love to put 5 mil on me riding dicks and i never said i was the best either so i don't know how you beating someone who isn't the best makes you the best... If i had to say who the best team was it would probably be the guild Pro they are a solid team that would always fight fair and most of the time win. So if you want to prove you're the best beat them.

Well when you fucking blow at pvp then you really shouldn't be putting in your two sense about it. I said I would prove to you that I am leagues above you because you just said that I was not. So what's your excuse now?


You all dont even fucking understand.. Too compare the new bullshit people to back then is a fucking sin. Ryan should ban you all for being so fucking stupid... The talent back then you wouldnt even know what to do.. Oh i know shit the bed and pound your recall keys..


You all dont even fucking understand.. Too compare the new bullshit people to back then is a fucking sin. Ryan should ban you all for being so fucking stupid... The talent back then you wouldnt even know what to do.. Oh i know shit the bed and pound your recall keys..

Some of these ''old school player'' were clearly not on the same page of today (i've dueled some ''old school'' players like a clone and some other so i'm talking from my own experiences.)

People sometime seem to give too much credit to really old players who never adapted to the current gamestyle.

White Lotus

I agree 100% with shini i been playing for almost 7 years now(on hybrid) and made holy almost 5 years ago...and my group won gone against 95% of the groups listed(or at least whichever we have done battle with).....we have lost to them as well(no one wins every single fight) but you can tell who isn't a pvper when they list names and say some of these new guys would never be able to compete....i already know that is bullshit because we already have competed and won several times

Pat McGroin

You all dont even fucking understand.. Too compare the new bullshit people to back then is a fucking sin. Ryan should ban you all for being so fucking stupid... The talent back then you wouldnt even know what to do.. Oh i know shit the bed and pound your recall keys..

Here's what's wrong with your logic. You couldn't hang with the new school kids but you expect people to believe you were good back in the day? Literally everyone who has played this game new and old thinks you're terrible so stop being a dick rider.


You do realize your a no namer right?? Iv played with the best iv been in the best guild to ever play.. Iv kept up and adapted to new school pvp . You are bad.. And i have played this game 8 or more years and never have heard of you... BUT it seems you have heard of me so i must of done something right eh?

Here's what's wrong with your logic. You couldn't hang with the new school kids but you expect people to believe you were good back in the day? Literally everyone who has played this game new and old thinks you're terrible so stop being a dick rider.


Some of these ''old school player'' were clearly not on the same page of today (i've dueled some ''old school'' players like a clone and some other so i'm talking from my own experiences.)

People sometime seem to give too much credit to really old players who never adapted to the current gamestyle.

okay guys..... when has this shard changed to the point that anyone had to adapt? i quit back in 2006 and the only thing that has changed...
every one has stun/alchy in the field or dexter/alchy i would say 80% atleast. Tamers back then were just as rampant nothing different there...

what do u you mean by adapt follow every one else and run alchy? we all know alchy is a little overpowered and i dont care if anyone talks shit. the reason they will never change alchy is because it was left unchecked too long. Change would cause mayhem. i would go back and quote mickey but when i said any skilled pvper could kill some one with stun,lightwand, and mage he was like LET ME SEE U DO THAT. lol that shit happened on the daily back then. they didnt need to mass wand sync like this new school.

I agree 100% with shini i been playing for almost 7 years now(on hybrid) and made holy almost 5 years ago...and my group won gone against 95% of the groups listed(or at least whichever we have done battle with).....we have lost to them as well(no one wins every single fight) but you can tell who isn't a pvper when they list names and say some of these new guys would never be able to compete....i already know that is bullshit because we already have competed and won several times

almost 5 years?
so ur saying a little after after 08 because 08-13 is 5 years, and you said ALMOST 5 years ago. Bro sorry to tell u but hyrbid went down hill late 06. u made ur guild past its prime! by a few years..... Maybe u did beat some but ask yourself how many Founding members were still active. not many prob.

old school cheats? Lmfao guys come the fuck on krrios client playuo sallos whatever u wana call it is still being used. lmfao thats just the easy way to discredit people that are said to be better easy way out.

regardless of what anyone says new school never will understand what people mean by old school fuckin talent. and if needed i can explain.

You all dont even fucking understand.. Too compare the new bullshit people to back then is a fucking sin. Ryan should ban you all for being so fucking stupid... The talent back then you wouldnt even know what to do.. Oh i know shit the bed and pound your recall keys..