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Hybrid hunt

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so I was in this shady little tavern in t2a and I overheard some murmurs worth overhearing

can't tell you all the details but Ocllo will be a dangerous place to be tonight

potentially valuable, but definitely dangerous


when will the auctioning date be anounced? my birthday is the 15th,not sure if i will be in state that weekend...also,have you decided how you are going to do the auction? will it be in game?..i'm hoping there is a way we can prevent false bidding..sorry for all the questions just trying to make sure i am arround for this


How would there be false bidding? Each account can bid. Can't combine points. Can't see any other way to bid but in game. I'd guess a blind auction would be the only real way to do it as everyone won't be on at once for a live auction.. Just guessing


well if its on forums or somehow done where tessa cant see their points im sure we will get idiots who will bid on stuff just to be idiots without having the proper amount of points..that's what worries me,i don't think blind bidding would work either..it would take so much longer considering the amount of items there are,we'd have to do it then figure out remaining points for the next items which means you'd have to know if you one or not once the auction ends and that to me seems like it would be alot of work for tessa to do..it should eb interesting to see how she does it

White Lotus

mayb there will be a vendor in game with the items and each time a bid is made the persons points will be removed from their point account and placed onto the item on the vendor....then if they get outbid their points automatically return to them


well the party at Ocllo was interesting last night. Boy I really have a bad taste in my mouth about those "Holy" members, They had their blues and reds there trying to run the show. They were running it until .. the Spawn. I was hidden right in the middle of the spawn ball (using hiding skill) in front of the Mage shop! haha those Holy heros ran in and got creamed. Fun stuff. I love those spawn attacks. I would hope we have more on this shard even after this event is over.


afternoon forum code - random565gdg5f- expired

the hidden monster code was found sometime through the night. It was on an orc bomber hanging around an orc camp



How many can you find?


Im sorry if this has already been clairified. Someone once told me there isn't a stupid question.
Will my wife and I be able to both Bid on items? Will you be aloud to bid with 4 accounts or 1 account per ip? If only 1 per ip will exceptions be made for people with housholds of mutiple players?


Im sorry if this has already been clairified. Someone once told me there isn't a stupid question.
Will my wife and I be able to both Bid on items? Will you be aloud to bid with 4 accounts or 1 account per ip? If only 1 per ip will exceptions be made for people with housholds of mutiple players?

Each household/person/IP is only allowed 4 accounts. If you and your wife live together and have more than four accounts, you are breaking the rules and could be subject to account deletion until you are within allowed limits. The rules are pretty clear about this.

All Legal accounts will be able to bid.


Each household/person/IP is only allowed 4 accounts. If you and your wife live together and have more than four accounts, you are breaking the rules and could be subject to account deletion until you are within allowed limits. The rules are pretty clear about this.

All Legal accounts will be able to bid.
Well there are accounts that have been exempted from the 4 account rule by Ryan/Mark in the past in very specific verified situations(ie. old accounts being unbanned, college dorms buildings that share an ip, etc,. etc), what of them? are they allowed to use all of there accounts?


Each household/person/IP is only allowed 4 accounts. If you and your wife live together and have more than four accounts, you are breaking the rules and could be subject to account deletion until you are within allowed limits. The rules are pretty clear about this.

All Legal accounts will be able to bid.

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