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IhurtFatKid Hz


250-300 "stable", freezes and skips steps, and still pvp-able. stop whining fagets and start pressing keys earlier xD


Even if what you say is true, I fail to see what's so bad about it. Finally there's something that can lower the importance of ping.
I would argue the exact opposite... with steam, everyone casts so fast and can string together flawless combos easier, making it harder to stay alive if you have poor ping.

Jackie Moon

I make sure, my kids can have the cool toys that his friends have, I make sure they will have a good life and I bust my ass off to do it. Feels pretty good knowing you can take your family on vacation trips when ever you want too, makes them happy and love me even more. Also means more blow jobs.
Sounds like you work at subway, or somewhere that is in no need of education.


Sounds like you work at subway, or somewhere that is in no need of education.
Subway has good subs, just because you don't have a good job doesn't mean you have to try to bring down others. Damn, I wish I worked at subway, I would get all the free subs I wanted and even get more time to play uo.


20$ an hour with full benefits says otherwise. While you an MB stay at home having a UO career.

Do you like wearing that gay uniform, busting your back carrying boxes and driving a crappy van with no air conditioner all day? Is this what you want to do for the rest of your life? Tell me, how many times have you been attacked by dogs so far?

I feel kinda bad for you, do you sometimes wonder what things you could have done differently when you were younger in order to avoid such a sad life?

Me on the other hand... I get paid to do what I love, I play UO 10-14 hours a day. I have a guild full of friends. I am the leader of the most sucessful guild in 10+ years of UOGamers.

I have dozens of enemies that everyday think about me and talk about me and my guild. Truth is, I am a legend in this shard and you're yet another "guild leader" who failed to make a dent. In fact, 2015 fizzled out faster than most guilds. No wonder you are so bitter about it and keep trying to act like you came out ahead IRL.


Do you like wearing that gay uniform, busting your back carrying boxes and driving a crappy van with no air conditioner all day? Is this what you want to do for the rest of your life? Tell me, how many times have you been attacked by dogs so far?

I feel kinda bad for you, do you sometimes wonder what things you could have done differently when you were younger in order to avoid such a sad life?

Me on the other hand... I get paid to do what I love, I play UO 10-14 hours a day. I have a guild full of friends. I am the leader of the most sucessful guild in 10+ years of UOGamers.

I have dozens of enemies that everyday think about me and talk about me and my guild. Truth is, I am a legend in this shard and you're yet another "guild leader" who failed to make a dent. In fact, 2015 fizzled out faster than most guilds. No wonder you are so bitter about it and keep trying to act like you came out ahead IRL.
I see a sad poor excuse for a father. Maybe those 10-14 hours of UO time should go towards your kids since their is only 24 hrs in a day. You sir are a complete fucking douche bag. You obviously think about me, thinking of this big paragraph you had going towards me. I'm not the one you should feel bad about, it should be yourself. You're halrious man, I can't stop laughing of how big of a complete fucking moron you're. You think I give a fuck about this game? That's where you are truly fucking pathetic. Is this game the only fucking thing you have? I'd rather be spending my time with my family then be on this game 10-14 hours a day you weak fuck.


Slugworth can have a job with a gay uniform and lots of annoying shits.
But it s a fucking JOB. Every man needs his JOB.
He is not fucking leeching the governament. Better, he is not leeching peoples that pay taxes.
I m not here to defend or criticize any of you guys. I dont care with your life style.
But it s fucking stupid forum gank a guy that wakes up early to provide his family home and food. You guys should be happy to find a woman that enjoys that no lifestyle. LOL

I will just stop now.. cuz those pages made me rage.

Fuck this.


Ps: he doesnt work too.

Dic Schwab

Seeing as most of you have been playing here as long as me, I don't understand the forum shit talking anymore.

I live in my own house, because my parents were rich and I inherited their money. I have nothing to do but play all day or go to school, and I have plenty of money that I didn't even have to earn, AND I have an awesome collection of screenshots.

I win.
So Jealous Kolby...


You're halrious man, I can't stop laughing of how big of a complete fucking moron you're. You think I give a fuck about this game? That's where you are truly fucking pathetic. Is this game the only fucking thing you have? I'd rather be spending my time with my family then be on this game 10-14 hours a day you weak fuck.

For someone who supposedly "can't stop laughing" you seem pretty angry reef, your statement is just peppered with insults lol... :lol:
On another note, didn't we already touch on the topic that MB does in fact spend time with his family? I believe so. He spends a lot of time with them actually, more than you do yours I'm positive of that. Actually when MB's in channel you can hear them in the background most times.. Usually laughing and having a great time, seems like a very happy household to me...

Here's a thought, maybe if you weren't such a shitty guild leader (always bailing and running away when your people die) you might have enough success to one day obtain MB's level where people would pay you for your services... Then you could spend all the time you want with your family.... If you weren't so focused on insulting and tearing him down.... Your just coming across sad and bitter in my opinion.... :mad:
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