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Are auto spells/items in PVP legal now?


Some people here are hypocrites, they complain about the automation of uo, yet they use the same or similar scripts, or buy low cost items that wouldn't be available to them if not for those scripts.

Scripts for uo have existed for a very long time, the only difference now days is that they got easier to use and more available to everybody which for me is a positive thing.

Consider the game in question, it's interface wasn't built for our current time, in that time period maybe doing tedious and boring tasks was still a novelty and maybe Carpal tunnel syndrome still hadn't been discovered but nowdays, in my opinion if it wasn't for the scripts and macros, nobody would have the patience to do heartwood for example.
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in that time period maybe doing tedious and boring tasks was still a novelty and maybe Carpal tunnel syndrome still hadn't been discovered but now days, in my opinion if it wasn't for the scripts and macros, nobody would have the patience to do heartwood for example.
And there you have it. Quest like HW, valorite hammers, were the ultimate bait. They were made to catch macroer and ban them while helping the ones who slowly raised their skills that way. It was made tedious for this exact reason... Because only big scripter would do them and they would get caught.

Also, using macro to help in tedious task is good... But it is not helping a tedious task YOU would do. If you are cooking, showering, at work or sleeping while it macro.

I can tell you that when people macroed enough and cant enough players get good gear... Game gonna turn very bad and everyone will quit.

Your argument about buying low is so bad... Cause some ppl have items they could sell that they cannot now because of dungeon botters that devalue the loot. They would have more gold.. not mind to pay more... Now they have less money... Stuck to buy from them.


I doubt the original developers of uo created hw, bods etc to catch macroers, just sounds silly.
Their goal was to probably have the players devote more time to the game by offering some nice high end items, a carrot and stick kind of thing, a very basic and primitive one.

Doing things afk is a different issue, in my opinion it has more to do with rules enforcement than with automated scripts.

I don't see how macroing makes it hard for new players? In my opinion it makes it easier, I will give you a few examples:
- Pvp/pvm bows never been so easy to get
- Useful artifacts such as chaos shield, wizard hat, clainin's spellbook also got cheaper due to the low cost of wood
- Mage and dexxer jewels got cheaper ( maybe also to ecrus now been available, and other new artifacts such as scrapper's)
- Cheap Runic armor... (You can forget about it if it wasn't for scripting)

Regarding your argument about selling dungeon loot, even if there wasn't any macroing going on, this is an old shard, over time items lose it's value, gold devalues as well, something that a lot of online games suffer.
But then again this is like the real world, you have to adapt, if you can't sell whatever you want to sell, then do something else....
I think new players nowdays have it easy, u can sell reset bods for 4k per, you can buy cheap artifacts. When I started, u didn't have scrappers, or museum collection artifacts, or bow runics, even the most basic fc/fcr jewels were expensive, an rbc was worth like 20kk...
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Bad Mutha

The argument that this economy system is tough for newplayers is completely irrelevant.

You can get a decent suit for a starting necro mage with 5 to 10kk. As long as someone helps you with a lrc suit and a scrapper you can easily farm when you start here, until you can build some stuff for other goldfarmers or shit you could even run the HW script for a few time and sell your kits.

What I mean is that there are tons of way to make wealth here, and all of them are easy. If you're not a lazy ass you can get a tactic mage suit (which is one of the more expensive one when you want "perfect" stats) in a few months.


I doubt the original developers of uo created hw, bods etc to catch macroers, just sounds silly.
Then you never did a smith bod of your life.

You can refer yourself to indika bod thread and see how silly the drop rate of valorite hammer bod is.
then you can do the maths of how silly time consuming it is to get that for a non macroer.

Once you come back with 'Yeah, 1 valorite hammer every 4 years.'
You will say... I guess that was the idea...

p.s.: I also said that hw was a good way for people to train fletching. As the gain there is much slower then demise. Here, ppl just train with a trashcan next to them and burn 1/10 of the wood needed on osi, But people who would want to macro it later.. Would easily be spoted, banned, house would not IDOC.

Owned by OSI house are ones from banned player. they do not let it idoc to screw the economy they were banned for. Just make a temp account on osi... You will see plenty of them.
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I doubt the original developers of uo created hw, bods etc to catch macroers, just sounds silly.
Their goal was to probably have the players devote more time to the game by offering some nice high end items, a carrot and stick kind of thing, a very basic and primitive one..
Once you done a smith book or 20 and still got 0 valorite deeds...
Once you done 1000 HW quest to get 1 hw kit..
Once you try the 2 above manualy.

Then you can revisit that argument.. Untill then. What you just said is quite useless.
Those other items you mention lost value because of kit farming.
UO used to have those close to impossible to get items because it gave a goal to try, made diversity and made the gap much closer then you seem to theory craft because no one could really have that perfect suit.

New player have it easy ? Try pitting that rbc vs a raid at champ. His gloves will be worth more then that new player account.
All cause of that 'easy' low price, now quite useless items due to runic macroing.
Fun is subjective matter. You cant measure it and you cant make ppl have fun the same way you do.

I have fun in scripting stuff and this is the only reason why I come still back to a very old game. If you care about APM and responses you wouldn't be playing a game where 80 ping difference defines your chances of winning against a skilled opponent ( unless you have fun in fighting handicapped all the time and pull out some lucky wins here and there). That is why there are games out there recognized for promoting that kind of competitive gameplay. And all of the really competitive gamers are out there - not here.

Ppl still come back and play regardless of all the bots, scripts and ping issues so they still have fun. There are still big fights almost every night, there are still ppl having fun around building houses, killing bosses and gathering pixels. That's what it is - sandbox. Happily - a one that does not forbid automation for a lot of things. If that ever disappears it will be the moment I stop coming back.
Youre naive if you think ping doesnt matter in just about ever game with some kind of pvp. CS, LEAGUE, UO ETC all ping matters greatly. Maybe even less for UO than the others.


Lol hz thinks they have shit talking rights now. If only the rest of the shard knew what kind of shit MB does. He actually took the time to create a macro with everyone's serial number on it which equates to around 3700 lines of script. So disabled target sharing in uosteam did nothing. He hits a hotkey which says a name in guild chat while the rest of his guild hits another hotkey and perfectly sync dumps on a target without saying a word in mumble. Good job. That's not fuckin pvp. Just goes to show what a sore loser you are.
If you think afk farming hw doesnt affect pvp you are retarded. 9/10 weapon skill is archery because of the retarded amount of sick balanced bows flooding the server. You cant even sell a good bow anymore unless its a slayer or balanced really.

A good balanced bow was a rarity on osi. Here it's the standard.

As for HZ, I think we can all agree the ones using those scripts are not pvping and are hurting the game. I think we can also agree that staff is extremely incompetent at times when it comes to enforcing rules so it wouldnt matter anyway.

Bumped into a long time vet of the server who said hes considering quitting because of this shit.

Wish hz wouldnt be such pussies. When I first got here I thought they eere the shit. Good, organized, play reds mostly etc then I noticed their bullshit through mb videos and realized they are bigger cowards then loop.


He hits a hotkey which says a name in guild chat while the rest of his guild hits another hotkey and perfectly sync dumps on a target without saying a word in mumble. Good job. That's not fuckin pvp. Just goes to show what a sore loser you are.
perfect possible if u put in script some - if in journal bla bla bla.

for example
hit key
[Guildchat]: Target X
rest hit keys with macro load explo - take target from guild chat

soultion - take from steam option to report things to journal, or taking from it. That will cut some scripts away :)
As for HZ, I think we can all agree the ones using those scripts are not pvping and are hurting the game. I think we can also agree that staff is extremely incompetent at times when it comes to enforcing rules so it wouldnt matter anyway.

I completely disagree. So you are wrong .Its not all :)
OK staff is not as active in terms of enforcing rules as they could be. But I do not believe this is by chance. Seeing how many ppl farm afk HW quests probably it makes sense for them to keep ppl going.
So script pvp is good for the server?

Having rail bots checking spawns is good for the server?

Staff does a solid job finding and punishing afk farmers?
OK staff is not as active in terms of enforcing rules as they could be. But I do not believe this is by chance. Seeing how many ppl farm afk HW quests probably it makes sense for them to keep ppl going.
So then you do agree lol. At said "at times" too giving them some credit. But when ive had the same page in queue for 3 days abouta bugged character, no response from emails, pms, or threads directly asking for their help, I begin to doubt staff involvement if they cant even do thenlittle things.
OK staff is not as active in terms of enforcing rules as they could be. But I do not believe this is by chance. Seeing how many ppl farm afk HW quests probably it makes sense for them to keep ppl going.
I take it you mean they dont want to drive away their playerbase. I get that. Before uof servers used to just warn or suspend before the ban hammer. You can find middle ground. Throw those characters in jail and force them to make new ones. If caught again, delete account, but dont ban. If caught again, ban ip.
As long as I have played UO there has always been automation in pvp. That is the reason why I play it. Yaz once said - you are as good as your macros are and I completely agree with him.

With UOS this thing is just becoming more and more complicated because simple macros have turned into complex scripts that perform something very specific. But everybody has the same ground to use it and everybody is using it. Hz does, Loop does, VD and V does, even PVM ppl do it. So scripting is just another arsenal in guilds and ppls weaponry. Add gear and leading skills and you have a great pvp environment where everybody constantly adapts in any of those three directions. If you dont like that well than you simply dont play it. That doesn't mean other people dont have fun doing so.

I agree a lot of people probably gave up playing this game because of that but still there are others that do it just because of that. So yeah if you except to play on even grounds with plain UO hotkeys or simple razor macros just like in the old days you are gonna feel handicapped in situations where other ppl use 400 lines of code to do stuff. However even if there is this situation , still there are many many ppl out there that use just couple of keys to play the game and are pretty damn good and wreck and own. So it is really up to ones choice how he plays and what he does.


Having rail bots checking spawns is good for the server?
that kills all. no sense to go on the LL to do island champ solo or smth. cause the script going 24/7 will find u and u will eventually got raid. Ahhh and they will take the champ on boat - thats idiotic to...cause in case u wanted to raid it back.
Before it was just ghosts on seals. Now you have at least 3 guilds constantly checking spawns anyways. And still there are slots where you will actually not get raided. I wouldn't place my bets on that though.

I think that fights at spawns is what is keeping the pvp community alive still. If everybody kills spawns without getting raided and having to defend or fight for it it will be pretty damn stupid and boring. And if you really need the scrolls actually buying them is much more easy than getting them from spawning.