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Are auto spells/items in PVP legal now?

I understand, and I get that it is really tough to draw the line on whats too much automation. Maybe I crossed the line calling you guys cheaters too, since everyone can legally use these apparently. In one of mb's videos, he is going through a corpse looting looking at differnt items while his character is doing all sorts of crazy shit. I mean i can loot and heal myself too, but this was clearly different. Whatever, guess I'll just have to adapt and get better.


I understand, and I get that it is really tough to draw the line on whats too much automation. Maybe I crossed the line calling you guys cheaters too, since everyone can legally use these apparently. In one of mb's videos, he is going through a corpse looting looking at differnt items while his character is doing all sorts of crazy shit. I mean i can loot and heal myself too, but this was clearly different. Whatever, guess I'll just have to adapt and get better.
This is why any good pvper that played here is gone..

Bad Mutha

I understand, and I get that it is really tough to draw the line on whats too much automation. Maybe I crossed the line calling you guys cheaters too, since everyone can legally use these apparently. In one of mb's videos, he is going through a corpse looting looking at differnt items while his character is doing all sorts of crazy shit. I mean i can loot and heal myself too, but this was clearly different. Whatever, guess I'll just have to adapt and get better.

Link to the specified time/video please?


Link to the specified time/video please?
If you go to mb channel. Just watch some coon fight. Unless it's a 18+ rated butt rape, Im pretty sure you will se what he's talking about.
Basicly, grid looting while most likely using keys to aquire proper targets and spells. Truth is, with friend list.. You can just press 1 key and it will get closest enemy, start doing 'x' combo Also pretty sure if you put arround a 'while not journal concentration' for the spells. You can make a fizzle check to replay, etc...

Let's be honest... The only thing uosteam seem to not be able to do that easyuo does. It's auto loging and creating a menu. Im even pretty sure you could in someway make a champion spawn skull counter with 'counttype'.
If count = enough
/party CHAMP IS UP!

Let's face it. It's all attended. Like his 20 bod book he's planning to turn in while watching the screen. 1 bod = 7-8 seconds
500 bods * 20 books * 7 seconds = 70000 seconds
70000 / 60 /60 = 19.44 hours of attending. Redbull and wake up pills compagnies must be rich over tailoring bods.

Then somehow... I dont like macro that much and wonder if hw people should even feel guilty with their low kit production...
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I hate to sound like that guy that makes excuses for losing and just hates on the successful guild when there is probably a lot of other people playing this way too. My argument is that they probably dont need to.

Bad Mutha

If you go to mb channel. Just watch some coon fight. Unless it's a 18+ rated butt rape, Im pretty sure you will se what he's talking about.
Basicly, grid looting while most likely using keys to aquire proper targets and spells. Truth is, with friend list.. You can just press 1 key and it will get closest enemy, start doing 'x' combo Also pretty sure if you put arround a 'while not journal concentration' for the spells. You can make a fizzle check to replay, etc...

I'm sorry but its not hard to loot someone up while healing friends or dumping on another target, you don't need a script to do that.


I'm sorry but its not hard to loot someone up while healing friends or dumping on another target, you don't need a script to do that.
Lol, dont think anyone claimed it to be hard. I think the whole thing is that some people are complaining about is how it'S totaly automated. From aquiring the target. To casting, to basicly anything aside moving the character. Tbh, I must admit. It does sound kinda boring to say 'If we have same gear. WE use same macro. Latency win'


I'm sorry but its not hard to loot someone up while healing friends or dumping on another target, you don't need a script to do that.
Im not sure if you played anything like real time strategy, battle arena or first person shooters. But, in the first 2, we talk about APM Action Per Minutes which show efficiency of human top capacity in doing a maximum of things per minutes and gaining high efficiency even with poor tactics by issuing a lot more commands then the enemy and in First Person shooter they talk about reaction time. A macro that do things for you cheat apm and a macro that aquire target easily and target it for you efficiently cheat reaction time. So basicly, the machine is playing as you press a key and watch the movie while being the taxi driver of the bot. Give the same gear and macro to everyone.. Tell them when to press... You have everyone being a 'pro gamer' or maybe a 'pro botter' in this case.

Macro are suposed to be there to help with the game. Not play it for you. Cause challenge is why people play games, if games were meant to be played with robots. We would call it work. As for me.. Im not on duty when I play.


If you go to mb channel. Just watch some coon fight. Unless it's a 18+ rated butt rape, Im pretty sure you will se what he's talking about.
Basicly, grid looting while most likely using keys to aquire proper targets and spells. Truth is, with friend list.. You can just press 1 key and it will get closest enemy, start doing 'x' combo Also pretty sure if you put arround a 'while not journal concentration' for the spells. You can make a fizzle check to replay, etc...

Let's be honest... The only thing uosteam seem to not be able to do that easyuo does. It's auto loging and creating a menu. Im even pretty sure you could in someway make a champion spawn skull counter with 'counttype'.
If count = enough
/party CHAMP IS UP!

Let's face it. It's all attended. Like his 20 bod book he's planning to turn in while watching the screen. 1 bod = 7-8 seconds
500 bods * 20 books * 7 seconds = 70000 seconds
70000 / 60 /60 = 19.44 hours of attending. Redbull and wake up pills compagnies must be rich over tailoring bods.

Then somehow... I dont like macro that much and wonder if hw people should even feel guilty with their low kit production...
UOSteam goes to work for me. I sit around watching "Say yes to the Dress" and Steam brings me a paycheck.
You are clicking spell icons and clicking a health bar to target each spell?
Thats a dumb argument and you know it. Theres a difference between a macro and script. Macros were built in the game when it came out. How automated do you want to go? As far as steam lets you? Okay, but that asterix will always be there.


Thats a dumb argument and you know it. Theres a difference between a macro and script. Macros were built in the game when it came out. How automated do you want to go? As far as steam lets you? Okay, but that asterix will always be there.
I'm asking for clarification on his argument:

while most likely using keys to aquire proper targets and spells.
a macro that aquire target easily and target it for you efficiently cheat reaction time. So basicly, the machine is playing as you press a key


I'm asking for clarification on his argument:
He ain't lying though. You can automate the entire game through Steam. I do that now. Zulu taught me a ton and gave me some scripts. You gave me a few too MB.

I put it off a lot longer than most people did but it's just common sense. If you can't beat them.......


I'm more fascinated by going to Heartwood and seeing 30 people doing the exact same thing.

Edit: You know it's a good script when they auto pickup block-boxes on the ground.
Maybe fascinating, yet they dont even get much out of it.

Phase 1. a) Cut or b) buy some wood

Phase 2. a) Burn wood in hope of kits 1/1000 quest (90k+ wood)
Phase 3. a) get a kit. For time spent. Maybe get a return value of 5-7 gold per wood.

Phase 2. b) Burn 90+ wood (180k gold)
Phase 3. b) Get kit that barely sell at 650k-750k on vendors

For time spent.. Those guys would make more money afk gathering, selling normal wood and dumping special one into vesper collection.

Now, using macroes to do

20k bods*

Farming monsters to no end (300k-500k per hours + loot)

Or ensuring win at champ... (gold, scrolls arties)

*The way I see it. The best way to 'play demise' now.. Would be to create 28 elves, not playfor 3 months and gather bods with a script.

28 char * 24 hours = 672
Let's assume with adjustement, world save.. Person lose 4 of each
668 smith and 668 tailor a day

Run this 3 months
668*30*2 + 668*30= 60120

60120 tailor
60120 smith
Thats 120240 bods

I let you do that math on the money you can possible make just selling those and how much you can make actualy playing the game.

If you sold your first 5k smith.

You can buy all your houses, and start filling tailor deeds to no ends.
I put it off a lot longer than most people did but it's just common sense. If you can't beat them.......

I know what you mean.. Sadly, I cant even say you are wrong. But then again.... Isnt that the whole issue about it ?
We have to deal with enough of this in real life. Do we really need to put that much into macroing for something we would actualy like to play instead ?

For those that can understand what I mean by this:
Im quite sure that Bartholomew is actualy having more fun then most on demise.
(If you dont understand. Make sure to check his shop in vendor mall and it will self explain)
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Fun is subjective matter. You cant measure it and you cant make ppl have fun the same way you do.

I have fun in scripting stuff and this is the only reason why I come still back to a very old game. If you care about APM and responses you wouldn't be playing a game where 80 ping difference defines your chances of winning against a skilled opponent ( unless you have fun in fighting handicapped all the time and pull out some lucky wins here and there). That is why there are games out there recognized for promoting that kind of competitive gameplay. And all of the really competitive gamers are out there - not here.

Ppl still come back and play regardless of all the bots, scripts and ping issues so they still have fun. There are still big fights almost every night, there are still ppl having fun around building houses, killing bosses and gathering pixels. That's what it is - sandbox. Happily - a one that does not forbid automation for a lot of things. If that ever disappears it will be the moment I stop coming back.