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30 July 2014 - Shard News Update

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I love archery, but the only way to make it viable is to have alchemy with it. Realistically, if they have wrestling your odds aren't good that you can hit them and you have to stand still doing it. To do great amount of damage you could use a heavy x-bow which is slow on firing. So you are in the field and you stop fire and depending on your ping they could already be off screen of you and you have to spam pots to do guaranteed damage. I would be an advocate of firing while running with archery and pots being toned down, myself.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
I love archery, but the only way to make it viable is to have alchemy with it. Realistically, if they have wrestling your odds aren't good that you can hit them and you have to stand still doing it. To do great amount of damage you could use a heavy x-bow which is slow on firing. So you are in the field and you stop fire and depending on your ping they could already be off screen of you and you have to spam pots to do guaranteed damage. I would be an advocate of firing while running with archery and pots being toned down, myself.

I love archery, but the only way to make it viable is to have alchemy with it. Realistically, if they have wrestling your odds aren't good that you can hit them and you have to stand still doing it. To do great amount of damage you could use a heavy x-bow which is slow on firing. So you are in the field and you stop fire and depending on your ping they could already be off screen of you and you have to spam pots to do guaranteed damage. I would be an advocate of firing while running with archery and pots being toned down, myself.

That's silly dude.

Can you picture 4-10 people running around with bows constantly firing?

And why would you prefer this over instant swing Ryan?

If you are so against instant swing just tell me to fuck off instead of me sitting here thinking we have a chance of getting it implemented.

* Edit- I really don't see how you would "Like" people to be able to run around and shoot bows. But dread the thought of shaving 3 seconds off a tank mages spell casting.

It's absurd.

Simon doesn't even PvP.

Everything I say comes from a 1v1 AND group fight perspective.


I love archery, but the only way to make it viable is to have alchemy with it. Realistically, if they have wrestling your odds aren't good that you can hit them and you have to stand still doing it. To do great amount of damage you could use a heavy x-bow which is slow on firing. So you are in the field and you stop fire and depending on your ping they could already be off screen of you and you have to spam pots to do guaranteed damage. I would be an advocate of firing while running with archery and pots being toned down, myself.

With all that said I fear one thing about that idea, that sounds all nice and good for mages but wait till dexxer archer groups run around with firing well on the run. You will soon find out you should of just fixed both, instead of swapping them. Nice idea though it sounds nice, its pretty, but pretty flawed as well.

The delay needs to be lowered, the pause that you must stop for is what I am talking about. Start by lowering that on archery slowly over time and see how the slow change effects its usefulness. I dont think it needs to be lowered much so don't over do it. These changes don't need to be dramatic.

In another thread I said Alchy damage needs to be reduced by around 40% and some were so shocked by that number 40%. I meant 40% of the bonus damage. Instead of 10 you get 6 points bonus for GM Alchy. I don't think nerfing any class is good but a damage drop of 4 damage may be enough to put it in line with some other templates. Right now its not even close.

Insta hit, doesn't need to effect archery if that could be made done. We aren't hoping to play Archery Mages we want to play our Hally Mages that we grew up playing. We want new players allow old UO players to play what they want. Cause right now I can't get friends to play a shard that primary damage dealer is a trade skill. This is a big issue in getting people to come here honestly. With t2a you risked a lot by reopening it but with allowing the insta hit timer maybe not to be removed but reduced you may just gain a lot and risk nothing in the process. Seems silly to take such a big risk as reopening t2a but not see the light in what we say.
When stun tamers were a thing, it got nerfed so hard it's impossible to make a viabale template again.

When bola tamers got nerfed, bola's now have a rethrow timer AND mares castable spell pool went from Ebolt, Fire Ball, Explosion, Flame Strike


fucking everything. A mare when told to kill something will literally bless itself, feeblemind the target,paralyze, and poison it. in that order.

We don't need running archers. Because I swear to god that's all people will do. Run with a group of 5-10 people and stay on the edge of the screen.

With instant swing, your not nerfing anything. Stun alchies will still be able to throw potions and stun. Bola tamers will still noob it up.

And with the addition of instant swing you could even pull some of the old gamers from demise or w/e that other server is.

And gimpcent himself would play a mage, and bring in old players and attract new ones.

I just cannot see any downside to instant swing.


Adding in instant swing to bows isn't that huge of a deal. Sure, the drops MIGHT go to expo/ebolt bow shot.

That is assuming your willing to give up stun in a group fight. And the target stays on screen.

But even that would take more skill then: "See that dude in yellow? Stun him and lighting wand his ass"


I think ur the only one who actually understands it lol

your right tho I remember that template existing and being awesome. they called it hybrid ironically enuff
All im saying is that over the past 10 years, many many players have played/loved the alchy stun template. It is very fun to learn, hard as well, but you reap what you sow with it.

Why ruin what's been so successful on this server? Other servers are no where near as competitive pvp wise as this, and you guys are wanting to restructure the server for what? So people can run around right clicking things?

Short of omitting mages entirely, people will still run around on skype syncing down dexxers. Make any changes you want, that will never stop. All this insta hit/alchy nerf will do is affect the solo mage players. It will only positively affect the solo dexxers up until they run into a group. And then it will be just like now, where they will die.

Be honest, dexxing is the dumbest, slowest excuse for pvp and I'd even argue that it's primarily a pvm template.
You guys seem to be misunderstanding the concept of what you remember from the good ol' days, when players didn't have voice communications and many didn't have an idea about pvp.

The average player on this shard would go hard against the best of OSI.


You guys seem to be misunderstanding the concept of what you remember from the good ol' days, when players didn't have voice communications and many didn't have an idea about pvp.

The average player on this shard would go hard against the best of OSI.

Hmm we had vent.... And forget its name but a program similar to uoassist nearly right after release. Easyuo was used in full effect shortly after release in beta form.

No one is saying Nerf alchy into the ground or ruin any class. Alchy templates will always have a top tier place but you won't even come to terms that its overpowered as is. So until we get that far with you, your just lying to yourself.
Instant swing isn't a nerf to anything. It won't "ruin" the stun alchy, the fotd(ecade).

There is nothing to fear.

Bad dexxers will still die. Good groups will still win.
you won't even come to terms that its overpowered as is. So until we get that far with you, your just lying to yourself.

What are you comparing it to? The people who hate alchy are those that either A) can't do it; or B) play Dexxers. With the latter, we've already established that dexxers suck, and Ryan has stated that Instahit has no place on hybrid. So what is the issue? You two have to stop punching a dead horse. :<

Still love you two though.
Instant swing isn't a nerf to anything. It won't "ruin" the stun alchy, the fotd(ecade).

There is nothing to fear.

Bad dexxers will still die. Good groups will still win.
Like you said, good groups will still win, and good mages will still win. Also; mages with anatomy can still hit with weapons for a decent amount, and I bet if insta hit is added that players, including myself, will start to run with a vanq/supreme weapon for a quick 20-30 damage hit. Without even having the skill. The chances of hitting obviously wont be as high, but will still be a new valuable tool in an alchy stuns arsenal and that would make them op. Especially with the benefit of being able to hit special blows.

We can already use bandages 1/5 of the time to heal for 40. Many players don't know this.

It's just a pretty bad idea with this server; sorry.
Like you said, good groups will still win, and good mages will still win. Also; mages with anatomy can still hit with weapons for a decent amount, and I bet if insta hit is added that players, including myself, will start to run with a vanq/supreme weapon for a quick 20-30 damage hit. Without even having the skill. The chances of hitting obviously wont be as high, but will still be a new valuable tool in an alchy stuns arsenal and that would make them op. Especially with the benefit of being able to hit special blows.

We can already use bandages 1/5 of the time to heal for 40. Many players don't know this.

It's just a pretty bad idea with this server; sorry.

And when your opponent makes a hit check (your weapon skill[which you have 0 of] vs their wrestling) And you get D-Stunned, pot ebolted you will never do it again lol.

Anatomy doesn't add much damage at all.

It's adds chance for a special hit AND healing modifier, and when combined with eval it adds defensive wrestling checks.

I know too much about the game mechanics. It's sad.
Honestly, I wouldn't even use it for the damage. Mainly for the special hits. Because hitting a conc blow in an alchy fight is really just stupid OP.

The extra damage would just be a bonus.

either way; that strategy becomes very viable.
I simply don't believe that adding in just instahit/swing is going to make dexxers more viable. You'll have to do a lot more with skill bonuses. And I'm not sure, but was special hits even in the game during instahit/swing? Just seems off. Either way; you'll have to do a lot more changes to the foundations of hybrid pvp, thats been around for 11 years, to get any type of dexxer balanced with alchy stuns. And it's simply not worth it to piss off all the competitive players of past and present. Many would quit and never come back.


Keep in mind - QE is the injection of liquidity not the removal :)

I was refering to the near future.

Taking out 1/2 the liquid money is good but leaving 100% of the assets should complicate things. A gold faucet maybe neededin the near future to stabilize. 600k cbdis worth 300k. All items sold for 100m are now worth 50m.

Though I dont mind, I made a nice lick right before the sink. Time to post up like Warren buffet and ride out the storm.
I simply don't believe that adding in just instahit/swing is going to make dexxers more viable. You'll have to do a lot more with skill bonuses. And I'm not sure, but was special hits even in the game during instahit/swing? Just seems off. Either way; you'll have to do a lot more changes to the foundations of hybrid pvp, thats been around for 11 years, to get any type of dexxer balanced with alchy stuns. And it's simply not worth it to piss off all the competitive players of past and present. Many would quit and never come back.

This isn't a buff to dexxers.

It's another template for mages.

A good mage is always going to beat a good dexxer.

What are you comparing it to? The people who hate alchy are those that either A) can't do it; or B) play Dexxers. With the latter, we've already established that dexxers suck, and Ryan has stated that Instahit has no place on hybrid. So what is the issue? You two have to stop punching a dead horse. :<

Still love you two though.

Ryan said he does't like the idea.

He would have told me to fuck off and a simple "No." If it was completely out of question.

And regarding those who hate alchy are bad at it, I hate when people toot their own horns, and I RARELY do this but, I'm actually REALLY good at alchy. Even after not playing for the duration of sallos being down, i came back and could still hold my own against anyone.

And when I'm in a group, I'm the first to log on a Stun/Bola or Stun/Nox.

I just fucking hate alchy. It's not a cheap trick, pots can be difficult to land, maintain LoS...ect.

But holy crap it's just so boring.

*edit: lu2


I simply don't believe that adding in just instahit/swing is going to make dexxers more viable. You'll have to do a lot more with skill bonuses. And I'm not sure, but was special hits even in the game during instahit/swing? Just seems off. Either way; you'll have to do a lot more changes to the foundations of hybrid pvp, thats been around for 11 years, to get any type of dexxer balanced with alchy stuns. And it's simply not worth it to piss off all the competitive players of past and present. Many would quit and never come back.

Insta hit has nothing to do with making dexxers more viable, not a single thing about dexxers at all. Have you played a hybrid template before?
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