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About pvp!


Re: About pvp!

even in sw doesnt have pvp anymore :)

the sw is like everytime already, just blues in guards zone.
Re: About pvp!

Haven't you people been listening to me tell you this over the last few months.

Demise, along with Ultima Online is circling the drain. Notice how demise used to be fun, and now sucks harder than it ever has. People used to show up for tournaments and shit, they used to PvP, they used to do shit.

Now its 9235294682 blues in the guardzone, and if there is a red, its a dead one in Killa DJ's house.
Re: About pvp!

Eskeshehir;393649 said:
Haven't you people been listening to me tell you this over the last few months.

Demise, along with Ultima Online is circling the drain. Notice how demise used to be fun, and now sucks harder than it ever has. People used to show up for tournaments and shit, they used to PvP, they used to do shit.

Now its 9235294682 blues in the guardzone, and if there is a red, its a dead one in Killa DJ's house.

Disagree, me and bile keep the red pvp alive the other night we had 8 archers on us at sw's and they couldnt kill us i found it halirous we killed 2 of them then the rest ran off.


Re: About pvp!

Chamilli0nAir3;395005 said:
Disagree, me and bile keep the red pvp alive the other night we had 8 archers on us at sw's and they couldnt kill us i found it halirous we killed 2 of them then the rest ran off.



Re: About pvp!

Today I've been enjoyed server war at fel brit. Though I am blue, I could kill some other blues.
And now I found that more opponents = more fun :D

Bring your blue to fel brit and attack other blues in server war time.
It's easy since they don't think we may attack them :p


Re: About pvp!

I was killed many times.
Now i want to know where the nearest red healer is :)

and it was true. because i was grey then, both all blues and reds were my opponents, lol. that was quite fun.
Re: About pvp!

Rops;401377 said:
I was killed many times.
Now i want to know where the nearest red healer is :)
there is usually one strait south near the road, or in moonglow, right by the gates, just a couple screens south as well.


Re: About pvp!


I posted about how you can fix it before, but did anyone listen?

Possible solutions
1) Reds stop going to brit gate
2) Everyone faction/war
3) No reds

Moaning about how inactive everyone is (i highly doubt that 99% of any guild is inactive) and the number of blues at brit gate (when to kill you is the reason they are there) is not going to change anything.

Either remain a murderer and go to brit gate expecting to get ganked, or dont and force the blues to do something else. I find it highly unlikely that the blues would keep going there if they didnt see a red for a month.

Then again, maybe the concept is hard one to grasp...


Re: About pvp!

LadySiren;401595 said:

I posted about how you can fix it before, but did anyone listen?

Possible solutions
1) Reds stop going to brit gate
2) Everyone faction/war
3) No reds

1) that would just mean fel would be totally empty apart from despise/chaos
2) factions only work in fel and no one accepts a declaration of war
3) ??? explain how this would help....

The REAL solution (imho) is to bring the loot up to par with the retail servers and make it worth hunting in fel (perhaps add the arties that drop in the anti-valor dungeons). When you factor risk vs. reward its just not worth it. It took the better part of a year for me to build a good suit for my mage and learn the ropes. Of course before that I used to pvp naked with a stealther (I was good too, for a nudist).


Re: About pvp!

Facko;401864 said:
1) that would just mean fel would be totally empty apart from despise/chaos
Blues will have no option but to leave the guardzone and/or join factions so they can at least fight each other
2) factions only work in fel and no one accepts a declaration of war
Point being?
3) ??? explain how this would help....
See point 1

The REAL solution (imho) is to bring the loot up to par with the retail servers and make it worth hunting in fel (perhaps add the arties that drop in the anti-valor dungeons).
There is no loot bump in fel. Virtue items also spawn in tram.

When you factor risk vs. reward its just not worth it.
Its the same as OSI.


Re: About pvp!

Hello there. Me and a friend (also guild leader of BCT (pretty much unheard of.)) recently started going to Felucca. (wohoo, we reached our 67th day here) I am not a pvper, I do not even know how to, but UO makes me want to learn. Apart of all the "usually used; sucky; repetitive; and much" techniques, combos and such, I find the UO pvp to be a much more complex mechanism than just killing other players. Ganking is only an option where the quality:quantity rate is near 1:1 (meaning, weaker characters having a bit more reinforcements against the good pvpers; also, if both parties are around equal in strength of characters, a balanced quantity would be a great fight to participate in / view). My first experiences in Felucca were:
1. I got killed. Yes, I admit I have no skills, I have no good items for pvp, I have no set neither memorized hotkeys to use (except for the chivalry spells). I am, in fact, glad that I took death so well.
2. I got ressed and killed right after that. I believe this is called res-kill. Do not take this as a complaint, but, this is one of the lowest things you can do. Desperate for money? Is 3000 gold worth the fact that you may have turned one more player away from the pvp community? I would love to participate in fights, learn how-to, and take sides in guild wars or such. But I will not go there to just lose my money for no purpose. Please, have some honor.
3. I once turned grey. Well... Needless to say, as it was already mentioned by Sir Reinard (come to the Crab more often, mister ^^), you become everyone's prey. I did not die then, ran and hid until I became blue again. After that, a guy kept hitting me. He became grey. Noone interfered in it, and he was stronger than I was. Other people just came and watched, and kept healing me while we fought. He almost died, but I learned a little bit about melee fighting against a melee player. They helped me not to die. I appreciate stuff like that. They didnt kill the grey guy, but let me handle it, with the healing help of course. Way to go!
4. Went in between 5 red guys on our own (the 2 of us) and said "we do not wish to fight". And it worked. We started hanging around, talking to the reds. Pvp is not dead while there are still people like that. Good work again.
5. Received monetary and item help from RED players. I dont know what to say. Saying that a whole community is gay or even retarded, judging by the actions of a few people, even letting your opinion be broken through the prism of your own prejudices... Well, it's wrong. people =/= people. We are the same mostly (I dare not say 'only') by our biological selves. Everyone is different in his head. There is no such thing as "a group of retards". They are retards only to you.. or me maybe, it doesn't matter. My point is, that WE think someone is a retard. Because he is different by his actions or words. But he is justified by other people. If only we could see through other people's eyes.. Anyway.
What I wanted to say here (sorry for the long read, you can take it as another post not worth reading), is that pvp is not dead. There are always people wanting to learn. Like me, for example. Me and my friend, we are roleplayers. We will become red in order to advance in our character development, roleplaying purpose. I find it a good time to learn more about pvp, even if people in Felucca don't roleplay there. It could happen. As DarkSaionji says - we both have the dream in us. Thank you if you read this, it means a lot to me.

Personal greetings to ParagonDancer - a great player and a great pvp-er. Cheers.

Re: About pvp!

MrSunday;402056 said:
Personal greetings to ParagonDancer - a great player and a great pvp-er. Cheers.--Sunday.

Thanks! :)

I thought I recognized your name. Were you the one Impact & I gave that stuff to in Buc's Den?