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ImaNewbie said:
hey girl! how did u get them gif's and make that? ps.s can u tell me my aim is susanpwnsyou


Sorry, but i fell off my chair screamiing with laughter and i think i might need a new headset and mic now

Let me explain

"Hey girl! How did u get them gifs and make that?"

"ps.s can u tell me"

Usually I have plenty to type, but right now I'm at a loss for words.

An.Old.Lady is a guy, according to him and his guild. Some people would argue that, though.

Only fact I can give you is that An.Old.Lady is indeed one and the same as Nick Olivieri. A valiant effort at an infamous "persona-switch" in an online game, but the walls of secrets grew to high, even for him, and came tumbling down upon him.

That and the fuck-stick cried about his beetle dying, just like Nick Olivieri.


An Old Lady

PhireHawk said:
Usually I have plenty to type, but right now I'm at a loss for words.

An.Old.Lady is a guy, according to him and his guild. Some people would argue that, though.

Only fact I can give you is that An.Old.Lady is indeed one and the same as Nick Olivieri. A valiant effort at an infamous "persona-switch" in an online game, but the walls of secrets grew to high, even for him, and came tumbling down upon him.

That and the fuck-stick cried about his beetle dying, just like Nick Olivieri.


Your a very angry man, i pity you.


Coming from a has-been that never-was, this is saying alot. You, sir, are the epitome of the word lame, and can go ahead and polish my cock as soon as possible.

Made me luagh thx phire LOL....


UO Gamers should record all these messages nowadays and bundle them together in one big book.. That is gonna be a bestseller.
When I was active on gamers I was well known. I could give a fuck less bout being well known on a shard sense I left NORMAL UO(pre aos). Nice try Phire, im sure your still aweful at pvp.
DiamondsNGuns said:
im sure your still aweful at pvp.

One thing I pride myself on in real life is how well I can conduct player versus player combat in an online game. This is one of the things I can put on job resumes, and on applications for loans, etc. You'd be suprised what the outcome of submitting on an application your global rank in Ultima Online dueling would be, honestly.

Actually, no, I don't. You're such a fag, I wonder how you can still type while your cuffing my nutsack under your mouth with both hands. Commense shutting the fuck up, immediately, fruitcake.

Let me know how it works out when you tell a chick what your duel ranking is, and how well you were "known in Ultima when you played".
Phire, I use that line all the time. It has sealed-the-deal several times in fact. Theres nothing else like it when I walk up to someone and say "Hey you know who I am?" "no.." "A Random from UO." After this point the bra and panties just fly off. I am not going to read your entire post, but I will end mine with this: you, like all of PF suck at pvp.
If you are going to try and say its a online game and you take it to far, your a loser because your good, or something along those lines than stop being a hypocrit and aruging with a stranger over the net.
To make animated gifs, you need a fishtank.

1. Put both computer and moniter inside fishtank, fill tank.
2. Turn on your computer, center image on screen, if a fizzling sound occurs, stick head in fishtank.
3. Manipulate the image by moving the moniter inside the fishtank around.
4. To finish animating, add salt.