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Hopefully one day if a woman accidentally falls onto your cock, you can hopefully splurge in her during those 2 seconds of bliss, and get her pregnant, and then hopefully your baby can come out with no arms. You'll laugh hard then.

It'll be grand.

Afro Man

Phire has a real life, which most of you can't even define. Get off of him, I bet he's sorry that he's made something of himself whether it's becoming a father (congrats) or joining the army. I bet none of you pussys would ever think about joining the army because you would be away from your computers and be in the sun for too long. Grow the fuck up, he's never done anything to hurt you in REAL LIFE yet you attack his family, and attack him because he's fighting for his country. Remember it's just a game, so yeah, hide behind your computers and talk all the shit you want.
Eeyore-PiG- said:
its funny because of the text in it...lardfuck

you are an ignorant individual

ill put this in something you might understand

if someone made a picture of you getting a train run on you by 5 300 pound black guys named bubba and put the word owned on the top of it would you think that was funny

it doesnt matter what words you put on that picture

you are laughing at some poor child who is missing half of his arms and will be fucked up for life

anyone who finds that the least bit funny is a very fucking sick person and needs some help
I could careless. Get a sense of humor Elton. And Afro, I hope that wasn't directed at me. Phire thinks hes made someone of himself for joining the army? Please anyone can do it. Like to see me try? I will be one of the first in my family not to. I would rather goto collegr and work. I respect people who join the military however, I do not respect those who act like they should be given it just because of that fact. As of now Phire has done NOTHING but JOIN it. One day he will do something worth while and than maybe than I will respect the fact that hes done it. But either way I refuse to treat anyone for the sole fact they joined the army like gold. He shouldn't expect it either, which is why I flame him.
DiamondsNGuns said:
I could careless. Get a sense of humor Elton.

well if laughing at something like that means i have some great sense of humor i guess im just some dull mother fucker

DiamondsNGuns said:
As of now Phire has done NOTHING but JOIN it.

diamonds you dont know jack shit about him

all you do is assume things

first off its the marines

second hes already gone over to iraq and is probably going for a second tour

third he has an important job in the marines

DiamondsNGuns said:
One day he will do something worth while and than maybe than I will respect the fact that hes done it.

i guess its time for you to shut your mouth then(like that shit will ever happen)

start respecting bitch


Diamond's you eman you're going to get a PHD in dueling and go off and become a professional UO Dueler and make lots of rl gold?


Afro Man said:
Phire has a real life, which most of you can't even define. Get off of him, I bet he's sorry that he's made something of himself whether it's becoming a father (congrats) or joining the army. I bet none of you pussys would ever think about joining the army because you would be away from your computers and be in the sun for too long. Grow the fuck up, he's never done anything to hurt you in REAL LIFE yet you attack his family, and attack him because he's fighting for his country. Remember it's just a game, so yeah, hide behind your computers and talk all the shit you want.

I actually went on to defend and congratulate him on the birth of his son, and of his family.

Also, I have enlisted in the Marines. I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing, but any position is just as good as another, as long as we're doing a service to our country. Right?

Either way, I have a "life". It does upset me when people say, "Get a life," and they're saying that to you while they're mocking you about your UO-play, yet they themselves are playing UO. I don't get it, and I never, EVER tell anyone to get a life. I rarely after talk shit, unless I'm just being sarcastic.

Also, here's my life: I work 5 days a week, for 7 hours a day. I have a fiance. I go to school full-time, and I deal with other shit on the side that doesn't matter to any of you. Oh, and I also have friends. My girlfriend IS real. :p

Anyway, just figured I'd ramble. Sorry.



Oh, and that is true what Diamonds said about Phire's entitlement (entitlement is something you believe you deserve). He has earned my respect by joining the military, and by treating his child right (I'm assuming that he does). Other than that, all I've ever seen him do is talk shit to people and be an asshole.

I remember one time he talked to me for like three hours, though, when Ryan got SUPER pissed and banned me from IRC because I said some off-key comment about the military. I respect him for that.

I'll get back to you. Class is over.

An Old Lady

Having a son and joining the military are among the list of acomplishments of all great men. We all know this Phirehawk is among the eleite few who could ever concieve a child at the age of 20 while simultaniously being enlisted in the marines AND playing UO. Not only that but hes tough irl. Everyone plz respect this great man who has made accomplishments far greater than anyone else here. FOR GOD SAKES HE IS IN THE MIRINES!

OH yeah say that to his face, he'll break it and while your at it war PF!



My brother was in the amy, my brother is dead because of the army. So yeah, excuse me for not being a fan.

Fab - DnG has a girlfirend too, she's made out of superrealistic plastic and came with her own pump.
DementedJester said:

My brother was in the amy, my brother is dead because of the army. So yeah, excuse me for not being a fan.

Fab - DnG has a girlfirend too, she's made out of superrealistic plastic and came with her own pump.
If you a im me I will send you my gfs pic/give you her aim.