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Oh. :( PhireHawk is the epitome of a pseudo intellectual. :(

Also, he's a hypocrite, through and through.

Bite my balls, "PhireHawk", and tell your wife I said "HELLO!"

An Old Lady

Since phire hawk is not here to reply I'll reply in a fashion similer to what he would say. He would probobly say something like this:

Dude irl im like totally awesome, say that to my face! i bet your scared. I's so tough! SAy it to my face punk don't hide a computer. I own you. I'm in the army rawr! IRL im doing good and im good at uo! i swear
That was almost funny, well no it wasn't. Listen "demented jester" who are you? Also, by flaming me you just encurage me to flame and post whore more, which I remember you crying about at one point.


An Old Lady said:
Dude irl im like totally awesome, say that to my face! i bet your scared. I's so tough! SAy it to my face punk don't hide a computer. I own you. I'm in the army rawr! IRL im doing good and im good at uo! i swear

HAHAHAAHAHAHA! The "don't hide a computer," part was the absolute best. This had me laughing forever, and especially the part where you added in the army thing. I know that Ryan and everyone respects the army, as do I, but PhireHawk believes that he's God on Earth just because he joined.

LMFAO.. "don't hide a computer." Hahahahahah... OMFG. That's hilarious.

GG OLD LADY!!!!!!!!!!!1111


Ok, first off, shut the fuck up about his wife and his kid, secondly phirehawk is a cool peep, get off his shit, effing nooblers :[

kids, are more ignorant then a black man during slavery :(


Ok, to respond to a stupid post made by the one and only ejin, no nuts were being hopped on, I was simply replying to ignorance, which I guess you have your fair share in also, just cease to speak, thanks

And Lemme get this correct, defending a friend is hopping on nuts? remember that next time you post in defence of a mate mr ejin, just shut up thanks


Let's not bicker too much, alright? This was directed toward's PhireHawk, at least my post, and Old Lady's, and Diamond's were. El jumped on D's nuts about the wife and kid thing, and I understand that completely. But, Ejin, you had no place to jump on El, especially considering that he's your friend, AND without knowing why El responded the way he did, you chose to make your own assumptions and thus came to conclusions, hence you did what you did. Don't be mean to El.

I love you, El,
An Old Lady said:
Since phire hawk is not here to reply I'll reply in a fashion similer to what he would say. He would probobly say something like this:

Dude irl im like totally awesome, say that to my face! i bet your scared. I's so tough! SAy it to my face punk don't hide a computer. I own you. I'm in the army rawr! IRL im doing good and im good at uo! i swear

You forgot to say war pf.
Wow, I don't check the thread for a while, and to my suprise, you're all still drooling on my god-given extension. Actually, not very suprising at all.

To whomever said something about my wife and kid, I hope you spot Big Foot one day while camping, and he beats your ass.

To Diamonds An Guns, go show pics to your friends with your RL pic pasted over your UO character some more; with your duel ranking next to it, fanboy.

To Nick Olivieri, please stop talking about real life, because this is a battle that you cannot win. I don't believe I'm God's gift to earth. I do, however, believe that I'm part of a force that is God's gift to America. If you have a problem with that, you can move to Iraq and hold up a sign that says "Marines Suck" and count down from 30. Before you can reach 18, I bet you get butt-stroked in the back of your dome. Hopefully CNN catches it, and we can all see it at 6:00 and laugh at your mildy-retarded ass. Go drool on your keyboard some more, cock-mongerer.

I swear to god you fucking queers get more enjoyment out of flaming someone over the internet than you should. Get a god-damn life.
DementedJester said:
Phire - never let your son play UO.

It's not worth the risk of him becoming another DnG :<
Well I am sure he won't because phires baby is full of love. Infact he even has a message for *you*