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Calling all former-IC Members: Role call

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I am not in IC but I am the CL for COM right now so if you guys are willing to get together and raid just let me know


DementedJester said:
i'm not IC, i may as well have been by the time i stopped playing though.
This has been needed to be said for some time now John Kennedy....get your nose out of IC ass...k? Its sad dude how you jock these fools...


laff at IC....without their bolas, mares and admins they're simply free points. I loved how more than half the guild would be trammin it up at the brit bank on non faction characters or wouldn't even log in if they couldnt get 10 peeps to log in with em.
Reality...you're proof of that now.If you had any real balls and any love for UO pvp you wouldnt care who played. You'd log in for the hunt. I give a damn whos on my side or who im against. If i want to pvp, I log in. Easy as that.
And for you JFK aka Demented jester...dude you have become sad in my eyes bro...the way you left minax and became a IC lapdog is inexcusable. Then you try to talk down the shard saying "the pvp is dead" or "all the good people left" well that's simply false. Also...im sure some old IC'ers respond with "i got bored of UO", but if the IC bandwagon gets rollin again youll be right there. People talk all day about what guilds are the best and who is the greatest pvpers of all time, but the people who i have respect for are people who stay the course, regardless of odds or outcomes. Not some pansy ass admin slaves who log in to WIN and not to play.
I look forward to seeing you bitches on the field.


Actually, it was a GUILD descission to go CoM. Sadly, you'd already gone Minax or were't fuckign playing, i'm not sure which it was.
Before IC were back, we were doing exactly what we were in minax - killing bitches 3 Vs. n*.
"As far as IC lap dog" you can fuck RIGHT the hell off because you know NOTHING about that. I'll educate you, all of you: Jim Rob invited Erkle and msyelf to the IC vent, after Xaero quit and before IC were really back, becuase we'd been banned from the CBH one and Erkle couldn't get a decent server running, Poul started playing agin soemwhere in here, just not sure when. By the time this happened, we'd been pretty much the only (GxA were there...) active CoM guild, it evened the fight. After IC came back we ran with them, they were on as much as us so it seemed, i dno, logical?
While all this was going on you were off having a real life etc i belive you had a GF (how's that going btw?). We made friends with IC, as you do when you get to know people and find they aren't vacuous ameobic cunt hats.
As far as returning when IC return - yeah, i probably will, but IC won't return fully, they can't. A good portion of IC are not allwoed to play factions - Vile, Krrios etc.
You came back after IC had teken over the shard again, after GoD had quit and after DI fucked off to UO: Empire. You came in at a bad time for Minax.

Sure, CiA coulda gone back, we could ahve joined the weaker faction all over again. Hell, we talked about doing that. We didn't see the point though.

This is all i can be bothered to post on this, talk with Erkle though, i'm sure he'll fill in any bits i've missed/correct any mistakes...

IC's lapdog... silly mother fucker.

Ill state one thing, right here and now.

If you were hit by a car tommorow or the next day Roman, I would fucken spit on your grave.
There is one thing I will never tolerate and that's being called a cheater, I never ever, even touched anything close to resembling a fucken hack, I didn't even touch stump hack. So
FUCK. YOU. Another thing

Out of me, krrios and eraxor. Only one of us utilized mares on occasion, that was krrios. Plus let me remind you, out of all the staff that did dip their feet into factions at one point or another, krrios was the only one that never cheated, this is a fact and it will never change. The times when me, eraxor and krrios did 3 v 3's. IM pretty sure and confident we were FUCKEN UNDEAFEATED. Drop your e-ego, no body gives a fuck for it, I don't care how fucken good you are 1 v 1 I don't care how good your guild is, I don't care who the fuck you are. I lived by some simple rules.

Don't cheat and win, and I did just that, I dissolved IC one day personally because many members as a whole agreeded they got fed up with the "WAHHHH IC OWNS ME ALL DAY" bullshit.

If I came back I know I could rally a good force and just stomp the shit out of anyone that even comes close to us. We did it with >I<, GoD, and all the other "hardcore" guilds, im sure there were more, but I can't keep track of the ego's.

We are free points, okay. Me, Krrios,Eraxor. Do you want to do it right now? Hell, we'll break it down to 5x. You'll still get stomped so fucken fast you'll forget to fucken breathe you fucken insisant whiner.

Dr Zoidberg

Ignore the child Ludwig, roman is probably just on his period and based on the posts he makes in this forum, he is no-one worthy of any attention anyway.


Reality tbh you never "stomped the fuck" out of >I< ^^

If I recall we asked for a fair fight, like an 8v8, you came and 3 of you got dropped right away and you call in some non guilded CoM tamers with mares and we get raped =\

But anyhow, please come back.. factions is dead as it is =\
One thing I will never forget is how people fabricate complete bullshit like KaZuL does.

Unless it was me in that fight you talk about "dropping" me, I don't remember it.

We made >I< house sit all day long constantly. Deny it some more, it just makes me laugh.


idk if you were there because frankly everyone in IC is the same...

they have to abuse the lamest shit that was involved on this server to be good =< (explo pots, bolas mares)

the fact is you could never fight without these things because you simply cannot play the game right =\
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