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Calling all former-IC Members: Role call

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err perhaps you can get some of yer oh so elite IC members on and >I< will gladly fight you guys...

dodge it some more, it makes me laugh ^^

Dr Zoidberg

Ejin said:
idk if you were there because frankly everyone in IC is the same...

they have to abuse the lamest shit that was involved on this server to be good =< (explo pots, bolas mares)

the fact is you could never fight without these things because you simply cannot play the game right =\


UO PvP always was, and always will be, about ADAPTING.

The game = UO

Killing the other guy in a fight = Win

If you agree to those two then you should take a look at your "because you simply cannot play the game right".

And i dont belive a fucking nooblet like you ever were in my BT. Ever. Sure, you claim you were, but i cant remember your name and when i asked you to mention some core BTs, you mentioned all sorta random names. Not one core BT.

So you are a lying fuck, thats for sure. You are a little whiny fuck also, thats obvious to anyone reading your posts.

Now fuck off back to UOGamers image hosting place and continue to post pictures of you standing next to an oranges corpse. If it makes you feel good, great.


And even know when pretty much factions are hibernating people talk shit about IC.. I feel a little green monster called mister jealousy..


Dr. zoidberg...you talk alot of trash for someone who doesnt even play uo.... And for you reality, I never said You cheated...i said IC, without there admins and a 10 man team are worthless...they dont even log in. They are just excuses.If you IC fags think your good, well then dont wait foryour fag bf/s to log in with you....log in now and prove your worth.
I'll state this for the last time.

The reason explo pots ever came into the picture was because me and erax0r got tired of people running from every single fight as soon as their magic reflect was down. Then people cried because we had a unfair advantage and erax0r released the script publicly to the forums and yet, you ALL STILL cry about purple pots. WAHHHHHHHH

Seriouslly, shut the fuck up. Explo Pots = Due to people that consistently ran. Fucken cry more about explo pots, cry cry cry cry!

Oh and the mares and bolas were adopted because CoM[IC] was always getting 3 way gang-banged by the other factions. Live with it, we out smarted you, we out killed you and we straight out stomped the shit out of all of you. I can not for the life of me remember a day where any of you fucken "Wonder PvPers/Guilds" could keep IC down for more than 10 fucken minutes. Ever.

Now where's that quote when you need it...

Here it is



Vile, I am calling you out. Me and you 1v1. Im tired of you TRYING to troll in threads I'VE already diamond'd people in. AND you people kepted deleting my sig. ITS ON MOTHERFUCKER.



Reality said:
krrios was the only one that never cheated, this is a fact and it will never change

False. Other people besides krrios did not cheat in factions.

Furthermore, staff accusations are not permitted by people on these boards. If you have a problem with an individual staff member, you can email grevlok (for counselors) or me (for gm's). Additionally, you could probably also talk to either Mark or Ryan.

Your comment was not acceptable and further remarks of that nature will result in consequence.


Dr Zoiberg, who the fuck are you? Dr Zoiberg, what the fuck are you talking about BT for?? lol =\ a little off topic there, mate. But lets start talkin that up tho cuz lets not get into yer fuckin joke of an IC guidl =<

Plz you guys act liek you were 'gods of UO'. tbh you guys arent/werent shit =< I knew alot of guilds that used very fucking lame tactics to be decent in this game ;O

Keep thinkin you guys made an impact on the chard =< because simply none of you were shit without yer lame tactics, and none of you could touch anyone from >I< in even fights wtithout bola's and explo potts...

Now im done posting here because you are going to say soem shit like ">I< sucks!" or "learn to adapt to getting bola'd" when you cant adapt to getting knocked off yer fuckin mount with mares all on u ^^

but gg sires. Still looking for that fight ^^

Zoiberg i will give u 500k if you can drop me 1 outa three times ;O same goes with yuo reality and anyone in IC for that matter
Zero, Ill be nice. Try not to treat me like one of these 15 year old fucken children on these boards.

There is a difference between accusation and things that have already occured and have resulted in further rules enforced on staff.

I'll gladly talk to Ryan about my post, it doesn't bother me at all.

My post was taken out of context by you, ill break it down.

Krrios is a staff member that I have known to never cheat or to cheat.
Other staff, not all staff, have used their GM powers to their advantage, no names.

This is what I meant to say by my post, not to accuse >all< staff of "cheating" or using their staff powers.


How is "krrios is the only one who never cheated being a fact" taking what you said and how I repied out of context. Again, you didn't understand when I said talk to ryan, mark, or another admin about staff issues, and not post them on the board. It's a little to late when you say it on the board and then say you will discuss you post with one of them after already had posting it.

This is not up for debate, thread locked.
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