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Can we have a FFA forum?

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One thing about that site, I can't find the stories of which you guys spoke of yesterday, is it out of the book or are they actually on the site somewhere?


The wrestler? Ummm... I have strange male fantasies? lol I just found it on google to add to my flame power. I searched "gay wrestlers" in the image section and the first image that popped up was that pic of zoiz shirtless... I got kinda spooked so I picked the least gay one I could find.


wonder what it's like to be the undertaker and hear this from the gay wrestler he's beating the shit out of......

"Oh my little tooshie"
"Bodyslam me!!"

just a thought.


If sleeping with a member of the opposite sex is like sleeping with everyone they ever slept with......does that make you gay?

think about it.



Love the picture dusty.. pot = hippies and punks just what he is good work.. and btw i find it funny that he keeps talk about me with my shirt off.. Someone coming out?


i dunno.....if i were a wrestler....and i was wrestling a gay in a preset match...meaning fake match...like wwe or something. I dont think i could wrestle another sweaty guy in skimpy outfits. Esspecially if it's FAKE.



Wow look who finally awoke from the massive KO handed to him.

Pot = surfers... your parents... a lot more people then you'd expect.

That is a good thing to think about... haha

Oh and I'm done my duels for the day.


WWE may be planned out, but a lot of the crazy moves that are done can't be faked. I mean, jumping off a 30 foot cage onto someone, that's painful. Jumping 100 feet of the view screen onto cardboard boxes, that's gotta hurt. It may be fake and planned out, but you gotta be one hell of an athlete to pull some of those things off, or, well, you just suck and don't get on TV and make money.
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