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CCC War KiD k thks


we dont point hold. if youre going to be such a huge cock that you'd make war with another com guild, the least you can do is have the balls to declare.


mm sasuke for real i think yer mad funny...

I love how you hop on other threads and say shit that does not involve you...

Mate, you are not fooling anyone. You are fucking horrible. You talk shit to me on boards yet when I see u in game u dodge my duels and recall off because you are jsut another worshipper =<


yeah ok i dodge your duels because i refuse to duel MA spammers and second im laughing at him becaus ehe for some reason thinks CCC is fake


Atrox said:
he knows ccc isnt fake. i saw him doing the same kind of shit to IC today... he just talks mad shit because he can.

we back it up too... ask IC they know.

Your never on the field or your guild so why even peace like pussys.


Why do fucking newbies insist that casting magic arrow to disrupt spells is "newbie"...

Do you not see that if you fucking whore cure in a sequence it is very easy to magic arrow and time the poison timer, but of course you are all fucking too horrible to think of this..

How is timing your spells "newbie" compared to people casting Explo psn EB psn EB psn EB...

Get some fucking skills, oh my. People on this shard never seem to amaze me =\


Siccx said:
Your never on the field or your guild so why even peace like pussys.

we have lives.. sorry?

btw theres no way we could peace you. the gm is out for the weekend. he'll probably be back monday. that said-- i think its pretty damn stupid that youre warring other com guilds. if you want to fight ccc and ic how about you join another faction
biggest point holders are of course Wu Wei's guild like 2-3 mules?
ask for gate and ill hit u up and u can gate and kill them when afk (they r shadowlords!) PM ME!


"CCC already peaced us lol... and IC scared to war us

GG+STFU+KID" - some fag named umm...... (Scrolls up to look for name cause not worth remembering) oh right "Siccx"

First of all IC disbanded today,
Second of all we didn't war you because being in com and warring com is fucking stupid,
Three we had two people log on sl chars and they dropped your 5 chars repeatedly
Four, your CL of Com the badass "Mr. Snuggles" Uses commader chat to talk shit, (not a good strategy)
Five, every single one of you runs around with the same macro that doesnt even make sense, be more original.
Six, look I know how to count to six.
Seven, you are all running around spamming "nigger" this "nigger" that, just because you have your own computer in your room and you can play video games without parental supervision, don't ever take it for granted, cause you never know maybe your dead relatives are watching you from above and thinking what a fucking loser you are.


first off ill take the nigger talk first, not once we said it, we may say nazi but not nigger even if we did doesn't matter to me. I live in ny, i have black friends and i have called some of them niggers and even ones i dont know. The rest of the shard is more racist than anyone in my guild so plz stfu.

second your pussys u even had double our #'s

thrid we don't care if your com, we just want to fight, and enjoy fighting people.

fourth GG+STFU+KID