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Challenge!! [Win a Millions GP]


It was not breaking the rules, it was simply "giving it a shot"

Like your boss asks you to broom the floor, and you decide to mop it instead.

Now you went against your boss'es original request, but you decided to mop the floor instead, because you tought he would be happy with that.

And guess what, he was.

Now he didn't ask you that, that's not what he wanted from you, but he's happy you went the extra mile to do that for him.

Same story here, roughly!
Except only people with no life skills have to broom or mop floors for a living... Just saying... :D

Silly Santa

Here's the deal,

I saw this picture on 9gag, and it made me smile as I realised that the dude with Tan trousers and Gray t-shirt is actually playing UO.

It looks like he's in some sort of dungeon, so here's the deal.

Find that exact location, so that I can see the layout of the dungeon, that will look exactly like this dude's screen, and I'll give ya a mil'.

How does that sound?

First one to post a satisfying picture, gets the deal.





That girl on the left is prolly bored as fuck Lawl

Silly Santa

The girl looks like she's wearing no pants... Yet all those dudes are intensely concentrating on their video games. For her, it's probably a very relaxing atmosphere. She is able to wear no pants in a non threatening environment. Kinda like the chick that only hangs out with gay friends...