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Challenge!! [Win a Millions GP]


you can not get there on demise unless you get moved by a gm. I do not care about the gold either way.

apprently MB needs to take the screenshot with his Gm powers!
Edit, Aha reading whole post of course MB would be the one to get to a spot in the game that is not intended for players to get to, but perhaps only staff?


Forum Member of the Year 2008
apprently MB needs to take the screenshot with his Gm powers!
Edit, Aha reading whole post of course MB would be the one to get to a spot in the game that is not intended for players to get to, but perhaps only staff?
From the looks of it, I am almost certain that he went on another shard and got the screenshot done there.
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All I am saying is that anyone could have went to another shard and got that screenshot, but you said you wanted a demise screeny. If it had been anyone not in hz you would have said no. Hz always uses cheap tactics.
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Forum Member of the Year 2008
I guess if you break the rules you win. I can't think of any other non vulgar things an idiot would say.
It was not breaking the rules, it was simply "giving it a shot"

Like your boss asks you to broom the floor, and you decide to mop it instead.

Now you went against your boss'es original request, but you decided to mop the floor instead, because you tought he would be happy with that.

And guess what, he was.

Now he didn't ask you that, that's not what he wanted from you, but he's happy you went the extra mile to do that for him.

Same story here, roughly!


It was not breaking the rules, it was simply "giving it a shot"

Like your boss asks you to broom the floor, and you decide to mop it instead.

Now you went against your boss'es original request, but you decided to mop the floor instead, because you tought he would be happy with that.

And guess what, he was.

Now he didn't ask you that, that's not what he wanted from you, but he's happy you went the extra mile to do that for him.

Same story here, roughly!
Stop trying to rationalize your hz bias.


Rationalization is the cure for Stubornization!

It's like eating an apple instead of eating a pumpkin, it's not the same thing but it also not similar at all!

Wait I think I messed up on this one!
Is this the part where I call you an idiot who's mother didn't coddle him enough?


Forum Member of the Year 2008
Is this the part where I call you an idiot who's mother didn't coddle him enough?
You may,

But keep in mind that I might post a SS of when you died to my Spawner in October 2014 telling you how much of a noob you are and how REKT you got because you lack skills and should quit immediatly.



Time to chill out?


I'd rather prove I'm a man by drinking a cup of "Rosé" with my pinky up than go to fel and fight with an overpixelated noob who thinks is better than everyone else.
Dang it. I was going to follow that up with some people can't sit on a game all day... So I guess I should say touché? ;) Was fun PvPing with you, but it is obvious I am a newbie. Good fight!