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Dueling and Poker Changes


Farrel said:
Sell it on A Vendor you cant get much safer than that, plus you dont even have to be their

vendors charge WAY too much money .. have you ever tried to sell high end items off a vendor ? but yes this would be a method to secure trade .. guess prices on EVERYTHING is going up
Sorry but all the people that traded at Del pond now cant be so secure, dont say its completley unsafe. not every single person there is going to be a thief. Del pond was pretty much the shards Trammel in one small space.
Thanks For the change !!


Hah, really not hard to see the trammies from the non-trammies in this thread. Originally there were no safe zones and there should have never been safe zones in the first place...stop *****ing, deal with it. Just need to completely remove all safezones and UOGamers is finally moving back towards the shard it once was.
I don't care either way, I'm just curious though, when u steal in town and get guardwhacked, why doesn't the item go back to the person who was stolen from? Was this a deliberate change, or was this because of the dueling areas?
I just think it's pretty retarded to get stolen from, and guy is guardwhacked, and your item that was stolen is fair game to everyone else...pretty lame I think, I guess instead of sellin the weaps, I'll just horde them all on you guys.


Mark said:
Furthermore, you will no longer be able to gain skill or secure trade while inside arena safe zones.
You are officially awesome.
I very much disagree with the secure trading thing, there are plenty of people here who do crafting things such as smithy and tailor BODs for their primary source of income. This makes it much more difficult to trade with people now and will stop a lot of the people that are saying to "un-trammelize" this shard from getting what they need. You wanted to buy a perfect weapon for dueling? Why would anyone risk it now? Its really not my call obviously, but I personally feel that it would be a good idea to make an in game poll as to see what everyone thinks about this change. Having secure trading in no way effects the true aspects to this game, it just causes problems and encourages dishonest behavior and griefing of many additional people.


R a c e c a R said:
Hah, really not hard to see the trammies from the non-trammies in this thread. .

its trammy that I dont want to be ripped off ? and that everytime i want to BUY or SELL smething/anything now it has to be done Vendor only ? The only person that change benefits is Scamming Thievez. Seriously, can you think of any other benefit from eliminating secure trade?


mark i like the idea, but liek i said in game the entrance needs to be nerf'd possibly 2 entrances, and are you going to do the siege thing for del pond? or keep it like it is now?


I also think it's stupid that people can exploit the game and have another char loot after they steal. It has nothing to do with Trammel. The game was never meant for people to be able to do that. It doesn't even make sense.

With no secure trading your just going to make prices go sky high while making more and more difficult to find what you need.

Why take the chance in selling something if you know some douche bag could just use a cheap *** trick to rip the item off from you. It's not like you can fight them either. They are still blue with your stolen item. That's pretty trammy if you ask me. Stealing **** and hiding behind the guards.

It's dumb and should be changed. Really easy change. Like everyone else said. Make it so a guardwacked person does not get the item. Problem solved.

It's not theifing that i'm talking about. It's exploiting.

git r dun

Mrsevenhands said:
I also think it's stupid that people can exploit the game and have another char loot after they steal. It has nothing to do with Trammel. The game was never meant for people to be able to do that. It doesn't even make sense.

With no secure trading your just going to make prices go sky high while making more and more difficult to find what you need.

Why take the chance in selling something if you know some douche bag could just use a cheap *** trick to rip the item off from you. It's not like you can fight them either. They are still blue with your stolen item. That's pretty trammy if you ask me. Stealing **** and hiding behind the guards.

It's dumb and should be changed. Really easy change. Like everyone else said. Make it so a guardwacked person does not get the item. Problem solved.

It's not theifing that i'm talking about. It's exploiting.

the only way to make it so that they couldnt 3rd party loot it would be if NO 3rd party at all could loot it, so either the owner gets his crap back (which is gimping thieves), or the thief gets to keep it anyway. god you're ignorant.


So intead of trading I have to gate someone to my house? Oh yeah that sounds really really secure???

So you if wanted to buy say a leather dye tub. Someone could be like, "yeah I have one go in the gate"

4 people there para gank you and loot all your stuff. It's stupid to say you should have to use a vendor just to sell anything. There are easy ways of ripping people off that way too. Like Camping by your vendor with a thief and stealing the item as soon as they buy it.

There needs to be secure trading. It's stupid to not have it.

I like the other changes I just think there HAS to be secure trading.


"the only way to make it so that they couldnt 3rd party loot it would be if NO 3rd party at all could loot it, so either the owner gets his crap back (which is gimping thieves), or the thief gets to keep it anyway. god you're ignorant."

What the holy hell are you talking about.

If you make it so a thief that gets guardwacked because of stealing DOESNT get to keep the loot the problem would be solved. It's not gimping a thief. Learn to read...