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Dueling and Poker Changes

darksoul326 said:
great so your saying that and f-ing theif in the game has the super advantage of ****ing me over now. thanks what a nice thing to do **** anyone who trys make a game out of selling there high end hard earned ****, cus the thiefs rule the ****ing shard now.

Simmer down, and grow up. It's not a big deal, really.


stop crying people. Trade over the tables inside bank, if the theif can close the window run around the table and steal the item before u grab it then u deserve to have it stolen. Good change Mark
I would personally like to know if there is anyone who is saying that trading shouldnt be secure anywhere that actually trades to make money in this game? I think most who like this change are either scammers or dont trade at all. I just dont get the point of purposly griefing people. Del Pond was a way that people couldn't exploit the game. If this is the trend to allow people to exploit the game, then why are other changes constantly made to this shard? Isn't it to make it better for all? Not change something just to cause hassle. As to the skill gain in a safe zone, the skill gain is fast on this shard, do people really care that much that new players/characters are GMing their skills without the ability to be killed? Do reds actually enjoy killing AFK people? I think that is more of a "newb" thing to do than to GM skills in a safe area. I just feel that people arent looking at this from both sides. No one is to gain from getting rid of the safe zones, but many people who used this everyday are to lose. Does it really bother people that badly that you can't kill someone who is AFK? Again, its only opinion and I would like to hear from "true merchants" who are in favor of this. I personally this will deter trading and hurt the overall population.


God, ive never seen so much dam whining, alright everyone, heres my official apology:

Im sorry that you cant handle a fel shard.
Im sorry that fel rules scare you.
Im sorry theres no "secure trading", perhaps trammel would be a nice addition as well?

Jesus friggin christ, you people act like they just removed magery from the damn game, or made inscription worthless. Seriously people, there are ways to get around a ****ing thief, just be innovative, and use your damn brains. Judging from the level of whining, complaining, and overall all B****ing going on here, I feel inclined to ask when malas is going to be added.

(Also, ive said it before, and will say it again: I do not play thieves on this shard, thusly the only way this change could effect me, is negativly. However, Im not gonna cry like a newborn baby just because they decided to remove trammel from felucca. Get a grip).


maveri8888 said:
I would personally like to know if there is anyone who is saying that trading shouldnt be secure anywhere that actually trades to make money in this game? I think most who like this change are either scammers or dont trade at all. I just dont get the point of purposly griefing people. Del Pond was a way that people couldn't exploit the game. If this is the trend to allow people to exploit the game, then why are other changes constantly made to this shard? Isn't it to make it better for all? Not change something just to cause hassle. As to the skill gain in a safe zone, the skill gain is fast on this shard, do people really care that much that new players/characters are GMing their skills without the ability to be killed? Do reds actually enjoy killing AFK people? I think that is more of a "newb" thing to do than to GM skills in a safe area. I just feel that people arent looking at this from both sides. No one is to gain from getting rid of the safe zones, but many people who used this everyday are to lose. Does it really bother people that badly that you can't kill someone who is AFK? Again, its only opinion and I would like to hear from "true merchants" who are in favor of this. I personally this will deter trading and hurt the overall population.

UOG wasnt always equipped with safe zones and poker tables.
Things were "risky" back in the day.

There were still trammy items floating around, but people were a little smarter in how they transacted.



What is with the word trammie? It is used to describe whatever a certain individual does not like. I would like to petition the members of this server to either stop using the word or create a new slang term to grief people with. Thank you for your time if u read and think about this. For those who are gonna flame, I would like to provide a preemptive F**k you.


True Merchants

maveri8888 said:
I would personally like to know if there is anyone who is saying that trading shouldnt be secure anywhere that actually trades to make money in this game? I think most who like this change are either scammers or dont trade at all. I just dont get the point of purposly griefing people. Del Pond was a way that people couldn't exploit the game. If this is the trend to allow people to exploit the game, then why are other changes constantly made to this shard? Isn't it to make it better for all? Not change something just to cause hassle. As to the skill gain in a safe zone, the skill gain is fast on this shard, do people really care that much that new players/characters are GMing their skills without the ability to be killed? Do reds actually enjoy killing AFK people? I think that is more of a "newb" thing to do than to GM skills in a safe area. I just feel that people arent looking at this from both sides. No one is to gain from getting rid of the safe zones, but many people who used this everyday are to lose. Does it really bother people that badly that you can't kill someone who is AFK? Again, its only opinion and I would like to hear from "true merchants" who are in favor of this. I personally this will deter trading and hurt the overall population.

I do not think anyone will dispute I play a true merchant with my char, Countessa. I wasn't going to say anything more than a cudos to Mark but your post made me change my mind. This change is for the good. True merchants have vendors and use them. The only true thing detering trade on this shard is the player base laziness. In only 200 days I have found true merchants are the exception, not the rule. Which is fine, this is a pvp shard. However, most 'merchants' are merchants only until they have the gold they need. Then they go back to pking/factioning/ganking/dueling etc. They sell their items too cheaply and hurt the overall market. Vendor shops are not maintained, updated, restocked or kept running for any period of time. And why should they? No one here is willing to spend an hour farming for easy gold to pay for an items worth, except for the 'rares'. Most of which are no rarer than a froe. For craftables, everyone can do it. No one wants to. No one is willing to. They just want to pay as if they have. Example: Vet tubs are widely available and sell easily for 5k. Yet players complain about 5k for a large stone table that actually takes time to mine, with a farly high fail rate to craft.

Forcing people out of Del Ponds and into other areas to trade, maybe even setting up a vendor is a Good thing. It increases trade and improves shard population because it adds interest. At my shop I'm pretty esy going. Reds are welcome. They are welcome to hang out and pk/gank. Thieves can hang out as well. Anyone attacking me or stealing off me will be banned because I simply do not have time for it. (heh) Other than that, if it's not abused, I say go for it. And because of that I have alot of traffic. Theives are rare because it is a pain to bother outside town when there are so many ripe pickins at the bank. Reds are common both to kill but more often to buy. Vendor fees do not even matter if you are a true merchant. They are just a pocket expense.

As for the skill gain. The fast gain is great for those who have already played uo and built many characters before. On the other hand it encourages the lazy type of player I've already mentioned. It also gives us new players with 7x skills who have absolutely no idea how to play the game at all. Gving them a safe area to macro, or anyone for that matter is unnecessary and unwise. It gives a false sense of safety about the shard. This is supposed to be a pvp shard. Get tough.


I appreciate your reply, but have yet to hear what good this will do. Why make people go through more of a hassle to trade an item? I guess I am just missing the benefit and I am only seeing the problems it causes. Again, I feel it encourages griefing and doesnt encourage any beneficial behavior.


does this mean we can or cant gain our skills in town? If we cant then i dont have a house and im screwed.


maveri8888 said:

I guess I am just missing the benefit and I am only seeing the problems it causes.

Simply put:

Taking away a safe place to hangout, trade ect = more people out actually playing = higher shard energy = more people using supplies/looting others supplies = more sales for merchants.


Can you steal ?

Mark said:
Delucia Pond's safe zone
will no longer be able to gain skill or secure trade while inside arena safe zones.
Does this also mean that you can steal or still not steal in there it be nice if you can steal in there


I have a merchant friend, he likes the changes. Here's a screenshot of him:



ok so where is the benifits. so far all i have seen r use a vendor, use a vendor, use a vendor. ok im gonna put up a vendor make a sale gate to my house put item on vendor make sale. hmmm thats not time consuming at all. <thats sarcasim for the ppl who cant tell> as for everyone caliing us trammies cus we want a safe place to trade fine were all fu cking trammies cry babies boo hooo, now get over your selves cus your just a bunch of lame a s s mutha fu c ke rs who dont have girlfriends either and the only way u can blow a nut is to call someone a trammy right after u just got done rippin them off of their hard earned sh*t. sry when i joined this shard the first thing i did was try to make a char who earned his money. i didnt say hey fast skill gain great ill make a thief cus i dont want to work to gain anything. but hey i GMed a thief last night what do u all think of his skills
100 points in all skills it only took like 4-5 hours i named him after the thief from conan so look out for that name.
why should i work if i dont have a reason to. be looking for me around your bank or any other trade i can steal sh*t from course why would it matter someone will just rip me off after i get done ripping u off. POWER TO THE THIEVES. i guess.
didnt really want a thief but f u ck it if it is gonna be a shard like this its the only way to go so every one should jump on the theif bandwagon and skill up your thief. i did and i still want a SAFE TRADE ZONE.

next char a lame a ss tammer with a dragon and a mare swinging a bola to kill u and then call u a noob trammie when i loot u cus im a lame as s lazy f u c k


Countessa said:
Simply put:

Taking away a safe place to hangout, trade ect = more people out actually playing = higher shard energy = more people using supplies/looting others supplies = more sales for merchants.

No offense meant Countessa, but your logic evades me. First of all, by allowing more 'griefing' by thiefs you are creating more of a hassle for merchants in towns. That is an undisputable fact. The only defense to this is to become more inventive and creative. Using a vendor is a valid option. Unfortunately, you claim that with this change it will cause more people to be out playing the game, instead of trading. The problem with that logic however, is that if people have to take more time to figure out secure ways to trade, and take the time to place items on vendors etc... thats less time that they will have to go out and PK or whatever else you want them to do.

I have yet to hear one reason why this change will be good for the overall community. I've heard a lot of close minded knee jerk reactions call everyone a trammie for disliking this change, but that isn't a good reason for it helping the community IMO.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't want a 'trammel'. It was one of the worst changes UO ever saw. The reason it was such a bad place though, was not because it allowed people to be safe of scams. (Secure trading) It was such a bad place because it allowed people to farm gold with no risk. That killed the economy of UO, killed the PvP... the story goes on.

Secure trading in no way harms the community or the economy. All it does is forces thiefs to do what IMO was wha tthey were intended to do. Steal from people outside of town. Why do so many thiefs sit in town and steal? Simple, its easy. If they die they go get a res one screen away and try again. There is no RISK in it for them. You aren't making the game trammel for everyone else, you are making it trammel for them. Its becoming to easy for a thief nowadays. Furthermore, you are going to see less people trading, especially trading easily stealable items such as vanqs, which I think is one of the more important items we should have traded on this shard. A good vanq or power weapon is a standard supply most people use. Supply trading is important.

IMO, having someone claim to be buying vanqs, and then stealing it when you put in trade window is not how the stealing skill was intended to be used. I feel that is a way of scamming someone. Now if you all want to scam, thats fine by me. But make sure to inform me, so I can scam back. I don't think that should be something we should promote on this shard however, as it just breeds *******s and distrust amongst the community, making the game less fun for everyone.

And before any 15 yr old morons decide to act like e-badasses and flame me... save yourself the energy, I don't give a sh!t what you say.
They should just fix the whole close trade window random steal bug anyways. Didn't they make it on OSI that if you closed it you couldn't steal that item for quite a decent amount of time to protect that issue from occuring? I don't know, I agree with all the other changes, but this one sucks whether you're a Lord Tamer who sits and shows off your fancy clothes, or whether you're a pvper it still sucks come the time when you need cash and want to sell a few items quickly. And make a char with forensics and have them come to your house? That's rediculous. Hey pal, follow me, we're going to go into my house and I'm going to inspect you more than the security does at the US Airports after 911 before selling you my (item name goes here). By that time people are like naw **** it, take it easy.


darksoul326 said:
ok so where is the benifits. so far all i have seen r use a vendor, use a vendor, use a vendor. ok im gonna put up a vendor make a sale gate to my house put item on vendor make sale. hmmm thats not time consuming at all. <thats sarcasim for the ppl who cant tell> as for everyone caliing us trammies cus we want a safe place to trade fine were all fu cking trammies cry babies boo hooo, now get over your selves cus your just a bunch of lame a s s mutha fu c ke rs who dont have girlfriends either and the only way u can blow a nut is to call someone a trammy right after u just got done rippin them off of their hard earned sh*t. sry when i joined this shard the first thing i did was try to make a char who earned his money. i didnt say hey fast skill gain great ill make a thief cus i dont want to work to gain anything. but hey i GMed a thief last night what do u all think of his skills
100 points in all skills it only took like 4-5 hours i named him after the thief from conan so look out for that name.
why should i work if i dont have a reason to. be looking for me around your bank or any other trade i can steal sh*t from course why would it matter someone will just rip me off after i get done ripping u off. POWER TO THE THIEVES. i guess.
didnt really want a thief but f u ck it if it is gonna be a shard like this its the only way to go so every one should jump on the theif bandwagon and skill up your thief. i did and i still want a SAFE TRADE ZONE.

next char a lame a ss tammer with a dragon and a mare swinging a bola to kill u and then call u a noob trammie when i loot u cus im a lame as s lazy f u c k

Since we have those who are pissed, and those who are extremely happy that del pond is now a quieter spam free, non trading zone- I've come to this conclusion.
Why not make a 5x5 plot somewhere in the game that is 100% secure and we can recall there to do a secure trade without having to worry about ****head theives? It's one thing when you get some regs stolen, but when you're losing 100k+ in a trade/scam, it makes you want to quit the game. Sure we can all go make thieves like the guy above said but that would be stupid because either way I don't agree with it.

Making the 5x5 Secure Zone would eliminate the globs of people at Del Pond spamming that they're selling stuff (which was supposed to be why the trading there was ended) and it will still let those who are trading or selling high valuables to not get totally ****ed over.

Best of both worlds. Cept now thieves would cry yet again.