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hicks final memorandum


Ill 1v1 you on your terms when you pay what you owe.

you told me not to worry about it. why would i pay you now. we never agreed to 1v1 for gold. i dont owe you anything hickman. how about we 1v1 just for the fun of it? no minimum bet needed just for you hickman. it wont make a difference, we both know you are afraid of me. and we both know i dont owe you anything. ive listed 2 of the most sound reasons as to why. 1. we never even had an arrangment to 1v1 for 5kk. 2. you told me you didnt want it months ago. now you want the gold in order for us to 1v1? hahaha hickman you are a very good bitch. man up and 1v1 or be gone
when did i say i was best? when did i say i would wreck anyone anytime anywhere? i simply ask for 1v1's because i enjoy thanks for making me feel good tho.

get wrecked? who wrecked me again? hickman? he admited to me being afk untill 75% and it was 50% at most. but were making progress.

now mad and scared? ugh? how can this be true if number one is also true? literally out of three statments you made two of them contradict each other?

looks like my logic atleast makes sense. :D

btw would you like to 1v1? 1-5kk min.max. if not be a good bitch and be gone now

How can one not be scared and mad? They aren't emotions on a continuum. You can be mad because you are scared and wish you weren't such a gushy gushy wet wet puss puss.... Moron/10


How can one not be scared and mad? They aren't emotions on a continuum. You can be mad because you are scared and wish you weren't such a gushy gushy wet wet puss puss.... Moron/10

simple you said. "Y0 braw i'm best ill fkn wreck you anytime anywhere." how can this be true yet im scared? lol

like man this rlly doesnt make sense to you? lol im claiming to be the best and will wreck you anywhere but at the same time im scared? ugh bro you are retarded


How can one not be scared and mad? They aren't emotions on a continuum. You can be mad because you are scared and wish you weren't such a gushy gushy wet wet puss puss.... Moron/10

also i think its cute im considered the one mad in your eyes yet i see you trying to talk smach on every one of my threads that have nothing to do with you? 1v1 me ? 1-5kk min max. say the word or go on now be a good female and go make some bods or somthing
simple you said. "Y0 braw i'm best ill fkn wreck you anytime anywhere." how can this be true yet im scared? lol

like man this rlly doesnt make sense to you? lol im claiming to be the best and will wreck you anywhere but at the same time im scared? ugh bro you are retarded

"In psychology, compensation is a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, or feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. Compensation can cover up either real or imagined deficiencies and personal or physical inferiority"

You doin' it. Biiiiiiiitch.

Big E-peen, Small Irl peen.



you told me not to worry about it. why would i pay you now. we never agreed to 1v1 for gold. i dont owe you anything hickman. how about we 1v1 just for the fun of it? no minimum bet needed just for you hickman. it wont make a difference, we both know you are afraid of me. and we both know i dont owe you anything. ive listed 2 of the most sound reasons as to why. 1. we never even had an arrangment to 1v1 for 5kk. 2. you told me you didnt want it months ago. now you want the gold in order for us to 1v1? hahaha hickman you are not a very good bitch. man up and 1v1 or be gone

I thought i didt say anything about it i don't ever remember saying you didt have to pay up i just expected someone who is going to say they will do something or bitch about people not paying up to him to actually do it.


I thought i didt say anything about it i don't ever remember saying you didt have to pay up i just expected someone who is going to say they will do something or bitch about people not paying up to him to actually do it.

do you honestly think i should have paid you. you replied with "ive not said anything about it" i then said yes you did on mamaossas thread. you said, "no, i posted that ss and that was about it."

ive showed plenty of proof, yet youve showed no proof that supports your claim as to me oweing you 5kk. go ahead and post that ss you collages together that says 1v1 anytime and then under it 5kk. lol not even in one sentence you got those two statments at varying occasions.

i understand people are probablly still gonna hide behind this sad lie youve made up. and im fine with now because ive gave them plenty of proof while like i said youve done none.

i mean they hide behind a claim made by a man who told on himself today. i mean you made yourself out as the liar you are bro. your not only a liar but an idiot. if they want to believe you and hide behind this claim that i dont pay. they will be considered the scared bitches they are.

btw i know you dont want to 1v1. you were on my thread for my suit but didnt want to challenge me. your my good little nerdy bitch who has to lie about games and always will be. i honestly appreciate you ptelling on yourself today. i mean back when u posted the ss you said i wasnt afk today its i was 75% life. thanks for that. regardless of afk'ness tho like i said we had no agreement and you told me not to worry about it in so many words.

im done with you, if you wish to reply make sure its with a 1v1 location and a amount of gold 1-5kk min./max


"In psychology, compensation is a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, or feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. Compensation can cover up either real or imagined deficiencies and personal or physical inferiority"

You doin' it. Biiiiiiiitch.

Big E-peen, Small Irl peen.


great another assumption. im use to these now. try proving a point with facts bubba. for a man who takes so much time with big words and grammatics you make a nice pretty argument full of nothing but assumptions. this is considered weak by scholars

btw- im not perfect, but by no means do i get on this game to make up for somthing. everthing i do irl i accel at. this game, school, work, the gym etc. before you judge me with your assumptions look in the mirror and ask yourself "have you done what you want today? have you accomplished your goals?" i can honestly tell myself i have. can you?


I never said you where afk or not i just took your word for it but your word does not mean much when you dont pay up.

As for "I didt say anything about it" you messaged me on skype like a week after i posted the ss and i had not said anything about it in awhile. Not about you not paying up


I never said you where afk or not i just took your word for it but your word does not mean much when you dont pay up.

As for "I didt say anything about it" you messaged me on skype like a week after i posted the ss and i had not said anything about it in awhile. Not about you not paying up

read the ss again. "do you honestly think i should have paid you" were my words. your words "i havnt said anything about it"

should i go to the other thread and get your quote that goes along the lines of you saying that was then and now im asking for the gold?


  • haha hickman its a fact.png
    haha hickman its a fact.png
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told on yourself again. im finished. you will not be recieving any gold from me for the reasons mentions 50 times in this thread. you lie today, man i thought you had atleast some repsect for yourself. looks like ive made you mad enough to lie over games some more

we can 1v1 when youd like 1-5kk min./max but i know you scared go on now, go do some bods

btw this ss was in direct response to him saying i still owed him 5kk.

In skype you said why you talking shit or some shit along those lines in xxx thread.
Then yous aid do you really thing i owe you blah blah blah i dont want to pay up need more excuses to doge payment.
My response was to me talking shit iv not really said anything about it since i posted ss.
And i didt say anything about it after the ss till now where your actually crying about someone not paying up to you when they have their own shitty excuse. Didt you already call someone a hypocrite seems to fit pretty well here.


In skype you said why you talking shit or some shit along those lines in xxx thread.
Then yous aid do you really thing i owe you blah blah blah i dont want to pay up need more excuses to doge payment.
My response was to me talking shit iv not really said anything about it since i posted ss.
And i didt say anything about it after the ss till now where your actually crying about someone not paying up to you when they have their own shitty excuse. Didt you already call someone a hypocrite seems to fit pretty well here.

post the ss. because the one ive posted is clear as day. and reads. you didnt even ask for a 1v1 or anything. do you honestly think i should have paid you? "ive not said anything about it"

anything you say after this will be consider trolling. this is as good as evidence gets. while you just sit here and have no proof to your claims.

people who decide to hide behind your lie anymore will be considered scared bitches.


  • take that weak shit on.png
    take that weak shit on.png
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scared bitches.

LOL dood go pop some more roids to compensate for the lack of fucking brain you have.

You and Heavy are both the same claiming something that no one really cares about at the moment.

No one responded to your bs thread for 2 reasons.
#1 your suit was not worth the time nor the glory.
#2 everyone knows you were not going to pay up.

You do have a true talent at copy and paste. did you learn that this year in grade 9?

keep talking tho its amusing knowing how one can be and not realise the shard is laughing at him and trolling him.

oh and btw you should pay Hick since you expected Kapero to pay when he said he was laggin bad and you claim you were afk but healing at 75%.


LOL dood go pop some more roids to compensate for the lack of fucking brain you have.

You and Heavy are both the same claiming something that no one really cares about at the moment.

No one responded to your bs thread for 2 reasons.
#1 your suit was not worth the time nor the glory.
#2 everyone knows you were not going to pay up.

You do have a true talent at copy and paste. did you learn that this year in grade 9?

keep talking tho its amusing knowing how one can be and not realise the shard is laughing at him and trolling him.

oh and btw you should pay Hick since you expected Kapero to pay when he said he was laggin bad and you claim you were afk but healing at 75%.

roids? haha thanks for the complement. first sentence and i can already see the type of man you are. it couldnt have been from years of hard work right?

no one responds? hey Mr. lack of fucking brain you have, you just did.

suit not worth the time? 5min cap so thats the most it could take you and then thats 25kk for 5mins? jesus how do you make your gold because you have one amazing method if you make more than 25kk per 5mins on average.

i would have paid up is the sad thing. i actually closed the thread because i decided to just keep it and play with friend occasionally.

grade 9? nice assumption

if im amusing for the entire shard you should do as the rap artist drake says and, "you should be shuting the fuck up and enjoying the show" your welcome, free amusement is a good thing aye?


Hello I am Kurupted. I will sit on the forums 3 days straight and spam my own thread because i don't have life.

i dont have a life? nice assumption. its summer break, im off work, and its the weekend. also im pretty sure ive slept in the last 3 days atl the very least

ohh yeah its not spam if im responding to people aye? i bet you would like for me to let you talk shit and not say anything back right. got my gold yet?


[quote="Dexter-LoM, post: 4069214, member: 91804"oh and btw you should pay Hick since you expected Kapero to pay when he said he was laggin bad and you claim you were afk but healing at 75%.[/quote]

the one thing on topic. my reason for not paying hickman is not because of afk. i dont pay him because we never agreed to 1v1 for 5kk. and also he told me not to worry about it in so many words. check out the ss. do you honestly think i should have paid you? hickman- "ive not said anything about it"


the one thing on topic. my reason for not paying hickman is not because of afk. i dont pay him because we never agreed to 1v1 for 5kk. and also he told me not to worry about it in so many words. check out the ss. do you honestly think i should have paid you? hickman- "ive not said anything about it"

Me not telling you to pay me < you actually man up and paying.