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How many of you are religious!

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Re: How many of you are religious!

Holy blocks of words batman!!
....I can't read all of this but man...I promise to read that WALL OF TEXT tomorrow while I am at work. If you can...in the mean time...please break that up into nice easy to read paragraphs?


(sorry to be smart assy - I really will read it all tomorrow though. Welcome to the forums, friend. :) )


Re: How many of you are religious!

Cebrious Arcane;1425147 said:
*** Okay, I legitimately tried to respond in PMs but the combination of Dr. Zoidberg and my wordiness was too much for the PM system to handle, hehe, and I couldn't even respond once. As such, here is my exact response. Sorry about the personal/off topic stuff I didn't have time to go through it again at work. This is a great thread.***

It's easier to have a quote/response conversation on the forum because you can scroll back through messages, but if you're embarrassed or something, we can keep it in PMs. I don't care. I love these conversations, though I do find it humorous that "someone" gave me negative rep for my response to you, which seems uncharacteristic of the typical readers of these types of debates. Either way, I remember you from a while back and welcome the new perspective

I don't think Ape took it the wrong way at all and besides that, he's a big boy and can handle your harshness, hehe.
You took his analysis as sarcasm? I've read obscene amounts of philosophy and continue to do so, Descartes' Meditations included. And just to add credence, I took a course specifically centered around Descartes and his philosophies during college.
I applaud his ability to doubt, but the man was Christian. His method is great, his analysis is sound, but his conclusions shatter it all. You can attribute his methods as the "foundation of modern philosophy" but doubt, reduction, and analysis have been used since pre-Socratic philosophy. His "God" wouldn't exist if he didn't have his preconceived and biased opinion that a God did exist.
See above. Any e-wrath I exhibit is merely misinterpretation by the reader, unless I specifically say otherwise; reference your Islam statement.
No, they don't. As I said, some do, yet many more do not. Just like some Christians support the crusades, but others, like Pope John Paul prayed for the forgiveness of the crusaders because they knew what the crusaders did was wrong. The believers of Islam that support the violance are vastly inferior to those that are against the violence. Research. You seem intelligent enough not to take propaganda at face value, prove it.
Ah, you are swayed by the masses then? I guess I was wrong. Research. You'll find otherwise. Don't worry, you won't change or hurt my feelings.
Reference the definitions. You misspoke out of bias.
Backwards? As compared with the U.S.? That's pure opinion based on biased misinformation. *shrug*
I suppose we're both allowed our disagreements. How are my words "extraodinarely misleading?" Perhaps they don't agree with the vision you have of your faith, but my words are applicable and accurate. Give me more than your opinion and I'll see what you have to work with.
The "word of God" has always been interpretation, always. God didn't channel into the apostles, he didn't send the Metatron to relay his message verbatim, how do you know God even speaks words? Religion is not a science in any way other than a method of explanation. Science is a religion because it is a system of belief used to define reality.

Denmark? I'm jealous. For background on myself, I was raised, baptized, and confirmed Catholic. I had far too many questions and found far too many holes and contradictions in Christianity to believe it, so I moved on. I originally went to University of Michigan for Computer Software Engineering but didn't want to sit in a cubicle all day so I switched to Physics with a minor in math. Studied physics and quantum mechanics and found holes in that, but more so, I found connections between the quantum "discoveries" and the fluidity of my perceived reality. Stopped by a philosophy discussion and was hooked. At first, I defended the perspective of perception and science, but gradually (through reading various philosophical texts and exposing myself to other opinions) realized that I again had far too many questions for science to answer, and above it all, science is fallible because it is based exclusively on fallible perception. I want something more reliable than "I'll believe it when I see it." And no, recording devices do not suffice because what is a recording device without the person reading it?

As such I have questions. That's all. I am not relegated to any field of thought or perspective but rather ask questions of all fields in search of personal truth. The gross misperceptions about religion bother me because belief is a powerful tool, not to be ignored, and those that are judging the "believers" are hypocritical believers themselves. Science is a system of belief.

I really would appreciate if you were comfortable enough to post this in the general forum. Having other persons' perspectives add a lot to the conversations. Though I also enjoy the one on one, I'm sure I have an adequate handle on your perspective based on your other posts. Please reply though, even if you don't want to post it, as your opinion and perspectives are valuable to me.


you guys still at old philosophies and boring logic lessons? welcome to millenium

i figured out zıidberg tho. not a kid to take seriously
Re: How many of you are religious!

Yeah, once again, im sorry for that being so long, there is a bunch of information i wanted to get in there. But trust me, I could have kept going! I tryed to split it up as much as possible, the page wouldnt let me just put it all in one. It might make it alot easier to just copy and paste it into word or something. I really hope everyone reads it. It took a little while to write :) Thank you


Re: How many of you are religious!

I don't accept any of what you're saying, blond, by basis that you give no evidence but make more claims than the rest of the posters in this thread combined.
Re: How many of you are religious!

cloroxman;1425655 said:
Holy blocks of words batman!!

I don't see why people won't just let people believe what they wish to believe and we all learn to stop caring so much about other's beliefs. :/

zlatan fulgere

Re: How many of you are religious!

That1blondeguy;1425577 said:
Most people think you cannot have both religion and science, that they are completely contrasting. This is another false belief. The fact is that true, unbiased science, actually credits the Bible. As Albert Einstein stated "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Science talks about a Big Bang, the beginning of the universe, The Bible talks about The Creation of the universe, see the connection?? I simply don’t understand why people think that when talking about the origin of the universe from a scientific standpoint, you can’t bring in Religion. A quote by Steven Hawking “I think that there are clearly religious implication whenever you start to discuss the origins of the universe. There must be religious overtones.” The truth is there, you just have to open your eyes to see it. I urge you to do your own research; don’t just believe what so-called scientists with their biases have to say.

This part particularly caught my attention. If you believe in god, what is science? Science is what we know about what god has kept constant in the universe so far. Is using science for anything then not an attempt to manipulate the future actions of god? How is that not blasphemous?

If you limited science to simple recordings of what has taken place but never attempted to actually use it for anything, I suppose that would be fine. You would have to acknowledge it's futility though. If god exists, should you not pray for advancements in technology rather than try to discover them on your own?


Re: How many of you are religious!

Vastar;1426000 said:
This part particularly caught my attention. If you believe in god, what is science? Science is what we know about what god has kept constant in the universe so far. Is using science for anything then not an attempt to manipulate the future actions of god? How is that not blasphemous?

If you limited science to simple recordings of what has taken place but never attempted to actually use it for anything, I suppose that would be fine. You would have to acknowledge it's futility though. If god exists, should you not pray for advancements in technology rather than try to discover them on your own?

god created science. science helps people, makes justice easier. science helps humanity grow. religion and science are same. codes of dna are nothing else than gods mark for humanity, his helping hand for us to understand human biology better. alot of scientific things are written in holy books, espescially in kuran. theres a definiton of atom and quarks as well as the nature of space in it.

not only science but also magic and satan is created by god. some people fail to understand this. god gives us evil as well as good. its our decision to chose and evade one of which. hell is as holy as heaven.
Re: How many of you are religious!

Mythia Jhengli;1425791 said:

I don't see why people won't just let people believe what they wish to believe and we all learn to stop caring so much about other's beliefs. :/

Because true Christians believe that a life without accepting Christ ends in Hell. Therefore, converting other people will save them from that end. It's a selfless act, that, whether you believe in a Hell or not, you should appreciate.

This part particularly caught my attention. If you believe in god, what is science? Science is what we know about what god has kept constant in the universe so far. Is using science for anything then not an attempt to manipulate the future actions of god? How is that not blasphemous?

If you limited science to simple recordings of what has taken place but never attempted to actually use it for anything, I suppose that would be fine. You would have to acknowledge it's futility though. If god exists, should you not pray for advancements in technology rather than try to discover them on your own?

Science is simply the study of God's Creation.

The way of prayer is often to pray for God's hand in an area, pray for His guidance on you, and then, do the action yourself. With so many things, you can't pray God will do it for you, and simply sit back and watch.

Pray for a miracle from him, but God asks us to do the work ourselves, also. For instance, soul-winning, or, evangelism. Sure, God could write the way to be saved in the sky, or audibly tell every individual, but he commanded us, the Christians, to do it. Therefore, it is our responsibility. We ought to pray for miracles, and His help with us, personally, to empower us to do his work and commandment.


Re: How many of you are religious!

You know, on second thought, I think I will humbly withdraw from this thread. l

Live and let live.

zlatan fulgere

Re: How many of you are religious!

kio123;1426077 said:
god created science. science helps people, makes justice easier. science helps humanity grow. religion and science are same. codes of dna are nothing else than gods mark for humanity, his helping hand for us to understand human biology better. alot of scientific things are written in holy books, espescially in kuran. theres a definiton of atom and quarks as well as the nature of space in it.

not only science but also magic and satan is created by god. some people fail to understand this. god gives us evil as well as good. its our decision to chose and evade one of which. hell is as holy as heaven.

Why would we have need though for such tools that are meaningless when compared to the source of their effectiveness?

zlatan fulgere

Re: How many of you are religious!

Black Thunder;1426094 said:
Science is simply the study of God's Creation.

The way of prayer is often to pray for God's hand in an area, pray for His guidance on you, and then, do the action yourself. With so many things, you can't pray God will do it for you, and simply sit back and watch.

Pray for a miracle from him, but God asks us to do the work ourselves, also. For instance, soul-winning, or, evangelism. Sure, God could write the way to be saved in the sky, or audibly tell every individual, but he commanded us, the Christians, to do it. Therefore, it is our responsibility. We ought to pray for miracles, and His help with us, personally, to empower us to do his work and commandment.

That sounds a little convoluted. You're saying that god wants us to build upon scientific knowledge based on evidence he's fabricated in the hope that he will continue to fabricate consistent results?


Re: How many of you are religious!

Vastar;1426106 said:
Why would we have need though for such tools that are meaningless when compared to the source of their effectiveness?

for the sake of the journey what else
Re: How many of you are religious!

fonis;1425788 said:
I don't accept any of what you're saying, blond, by basis that you give no evidence but make more claims than the rest of the posters in this thread combined.

Like i said, i tried to fit everything in there, but it was already so long, please give me a examples of where i didnt give sufficient evidence, and i will provide it.


Re: How many of you are religious!

I think those who attach themselves to a religion are those people who refuse to deal with how huge and chaotic this world is so they say the volcano blew the fuck up because god was angry because you touch yourself at night..

Make up some more bullshit to believe in so you can celebrate how fucking stupid you are.

We are all small and meaningless in the vastness of space and time we are on inhabit a spec of sand in the vast ocean that is the universe..

Forces in the universe elude you because you only hear about them and see them in the sky but specs of lights they are to you.. Like someone telling you a fairy tell in a land far far away...

I hate religion for the evil it has done, and how it has controlled the world.. but with that control I love it because it has brought peace to many.. but it dosent outweigh the corruption it has caused around the world...

In Religion you think of something big.. to consume your mind. you like to think your god is almighty, and will deliver you from any final destination you come to. Religion is preparing you to accept death like cows to the slaughter house.

a rant this post is.. random babel of the subject of religion pay no heed to it tis only a rant


Re: How many of you are religious!

i think it is safe to say that the more you write, the further you get from the truth. your true nature cannot be put into words, it can only be experienced. the more in touch with reality you become the more your words will fail you. if we see one decent post in this thread it will be from the person that simply writes:

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