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How many of you are religious!

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Re: How many of you are religious!

well you know if you belive in jon today, then he can save you. trust me im a follower. renounce your sin and you will be brought booze.
Re: How many of you are religious!

maximon;1422732 said:
im curious as to what you believe happens when we die dr.

you experience divine truth. all your questions will be answered in a moment. you will just understand why. you will accept that you were nothing but an ego and you let it all go. after that i'm not sure. continue your souls karma cycle perhaps.

your soul will go onto something more. that much i am certain of.

orange thing

Re: How many of you are religious!

Here's something I always wondered. I definitely believe there's something after life. However... say we go on to another life... will we have the memory to remember our life on earth? Or will we start fresh as if we're brand new in another world and not realize we came from somewhere previously? I believe we will. I believe I'll be able to swoop down to earth and be like AH HAH! THATS MY BOY! But that was always the biggest debate in my mind... not whether we go on, but WHEN we go on, if we'll remember our previous life.
Re: How many of you are religious!

maximon;1422732 said:
im curious as to what you believe happens when we die dr.

Re: How many of you are religious!

I'm an agnostic. I believe in the theory of the osscilating universe; There were multiple big bangs in the past and there will be multiple ones in the future. I also believe in the theory that outer body experiences, and other supernatural occurences are the results of beings from higher dimensions manipulating objects within our own.

By the way, instead of what you have for option 3, you should have given the option for agnostic. An atheist and an agnostic are two totally different things.


Re: How many of you are religious!

I will never confirm or deny the existance of a higher being or existance without proof one way or the other. It is my opinion that all organized religion is bullshit because it is established and maintained by human beings in the name of a god, not by god.

If there is an afterlife, everyone will find out eventually. I hope there is and I hope its good.

orange thing

Re: How many of you are religious!

GamerXR72;1422940 said:
I will never confirm or deny the existance of a higher being or existance without proof one way or the other. It is my opinion that all organized religion is bullshit because it is established and maintained by human beings in the name of a god, not by god.

If there is an afterlife, everyone will find out eventually. I hope there is and I hope its good.

Although I respect your opinion, I sort of agree with you, and I sort of don't. My beliefs are different only when it comes to actual titles of religion. I do consider myself a Christian, however I also have some of my own beliefs on the side that other Christians may or may not agree with.

The ONLY thing that pisses me off is what I'd consider radical religious folks. The kind of people who will kill others BECAUSE of their religion. That to me is disgusting, and you can't pinpoint it on a certain religion, because there's people that are Catholic like that as well as Muslim and Christian.

So in a nutshell, I have no quarrel whatsoever with titles of religion, and I too consider myself to fall under one of those titles. But like I said, I just don't agree with those who are crazy over it. It's one thing to be insanely faithful to your belief, but it's another to cause harm to other human beings. By no means in any religion is that justified, in my opinion.

So I'm not really disagreeing with you, I'm just kind of forming my belief to your response.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1422440 said:
And the mere fact that a lot has changed voids the entire concept of an absolute truth, but verifies the concept of relative truth.

Religion lost, game over, stop believing.

And the fun part? We have known this for roughly half a millenia. Ha ha ha. That is funny.

Naw, I'm talking about inside, and outside of religion... women have gotten more rights. Women getting rights has nothing to do with religion really, just times change. Like science, as time changes, so does specific things in religion. Like before, women used to never be able to partake in masses (for Catholics) and not they can. Science has also change, because people and the environment is constantly changing.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Romey;1421685 said:
I don't "worship" anything. I believe there's a higher power somewhere out there that noone knows about, but I'm not gonna "worship" anything unless I have 100% proof that it actually exists. A book that someone else wrote isn't enough proof for me. I think we'll live, then die, then go to whatevers next, and I don't think there's anyone that actually knows what's next. I'm not trying to diss christians at all, some of the nicest people I've ever known have been christians. They accept my opinion and I've accepted theirs, I just don't like the ones that try to force religion on you by knocking on your door at 7am or saying you'll go to hell if you don't go to church.

PS - I'm open minded about everything when it comes to subjects like these. I believe in a higher power, ghosts, and even aliens. I like to at least hope all of these things exist so that one day we can keep evolving. Worshipping is different than believing though. I'll never worship anything without proof that it existed. I do believe that there's something after life though. At least I hope so.

islam and its research is what you should look into. its focuses to the creator.

the problem with christianity is that they worship to a "god". a god that makes children and forbids knoweladge. its almost mortal. they dont worship the ultimate power that is behind all scenes and above multiverse. thats not how it is in islam. thats why islam is the last holy religion, becouse christianity and judaism has more chance o lead onto the wrong path. most people are more faithful to god when they are in a pagan religion. its about what kind of person you are. they are all ideas about the same god but some are put badly and some are better. you should find which one suits you best or just make your own beliefs. communication to god is far more important than other peoples ideas about it.

before someone becomes an atheist and an e-smartass, they should look into every piece of religion, holy or not and then decide not to believe.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

Underwater Ape;1422934 said:
check out this guys blog.
Future Hi: Consciousness Archives

some good reads.

Or, people could look up the father of all modern philosophy and read his works.

We wouldnt be having any discussions on religion at all, or "spirituality" and ESP, if people read a few chapters from a couple of works.

"How to think" is a good chapter fx, even though it has such a demeaning title.

Kio123, islam is not a "holy religion" or on the true path or wtf you just said. Islam is asking kids to put dynamite on their belly and blow themselves up because they think there will be virgins in heaven.

The simple fact that Islam has gotten kids before the age of puberty to blow themselves up with the argument "you will get 72 virgins when you arrive in heaven" is hillarious. For all I know, that kid could have been thinking "Should I also blow them up or what?". Which amuses me greatly : )

But at any rate, Islam is way more oppressive currently than any other religion and its oppressive in completely random ways, so no.. Dont count on it being "the real deal".

"Naw, I'm talking about inside, and outside of religion... women have gotten more rights. Women getting rights has nothing to do with religion really, just times change. Like science, as time changes, so does specific things in religion. Like before, women used to never be able to partake in masses (for Catholics) and not they can. Science has also change, because people and the environment is constantly changing."

Yes, i know that miss clover. That doesnt change the fact that the religion is being worshipped in a very much different way now than what it was 500 years ago, even though gods instructions havent changed at all.

You -REALLY- dont see a logic flaw in that? At all? And you get -1 point for trying to explain religion with a parallel to science. God thats stupid. Its prolly why God didnt want girls in church. That and cooties ofc.
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