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How many of you are religious!

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Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

Suli Ban, i dont understand you anymore. First you say you belive in all of the bible, then you say you pick out some parts and ignore others.

To each his own however. But consider this, if you dont follow christianitys official stance, but rather made up your own religion derived from some of their writings, is the label "christian" correct?

And naturally the big silly question:

If you accept some parts and discard other parts, then you are the one doing it, you are fallable (according to the bible, but maybe thats a part you dont agree with) and thus MAY make a mistake.

Furthermore, its quite illogical to have "false passages" in the bible, what purpose would that serve?

The book can only be taken 'seriously' if people either belive in it entirely (which is insane because it truly contradicts itself on numerous things, like Adam&Eve), or people dont belive in it at all.

Saying "I shall belive in -these parts only- of this incredibly holy book" is blasphemous. Unless ofcource you can answer the question "why did god add pages we aint supposed to belive in?" with "god works in mysterious ways".

That whole thing, the "god works in mysterious" ways is actually quite impressive. Christianity has convinced its entire playerbase that the religion is not supposed to make sense. It really isnt.

No offence to all you believers, but thats so impressive propaganda that Riefenstahl and Goebbels would be in awe : ) Seen from a heretics eyes ofcource : )

a noob

Re: How many of you are religious!

suil ban sounds like the most mature 15 years old i've ever heard. I agree with suil ban I dont think God expects us to necessarily believe every word in the bible, its more important to live for him, and follow the life style of a Christian. Somewhere in the Bible it says all that is required for salvation is to believe in Him. I dont think he'll care about wether or not we believe bible in its entirety or partially. If he decides for a person to go to hell because we miss interperted the Bible, like theres supposed to be one way to view it, then that just seems wrong, because its filled with metaphors, that theres so many ways to look at it. Personally, I feel as long as you live for God, and believe in him then you're all good, all the technical aspects of how this happened or if it even happened, are trivial.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

a noob;1421802 said:
suil ban sounds like the most mature 15 years old i've ever heard. I agree with suil ban I dont think God expects us to necessarily believe every word in the bible, its more important to live for him, and follow the life style of a Christian. Somewhere in the Bible it says all that is required for salvation is to believe in Him. I dont think he'll care about wether or not we believe bible in its entirety or partially. If he decides for a person to go to hell because we miss interperted the Bible, like theres supposed to be one way to view it, then that just seems wrong, because its filled with metaphors, that theres so many ways to look at it. Personally, I feel as long as you live for God, and believe in him then you're all good, all the technical aspects of how this happened or if it even happened, are trivial.

Well, thats not what it says if you read the entire bible. Theres something called The Ten Commandments fx, that its pretty common to expect that god also requires obedience of.

Well, most of them at least, recently a few has gone out of fashion and the plain silly ones nobody cares about either.

Kinda like my point from before. People select what they prefer from alleged holy writings. It always amazes me that people dont think it "unholys" em up a bit.

I mean, your god has given a manual of life and people are treating it like a buffet.

I just never understood how people logically could deduce which parts NOT to follow. Other than God 'himself' telling you so ofcource.

Well, there are the obivous ones ofcource. The two grossly conflicting stories of the creation of Adam and Eve for example, and they are even placed next to each other in the book, so thats an obvious place one would have to make the distinction.

I just dont understand how people decide which is "more holy" and "more right" on their own.

Did God create Adam and then immediatly after create Eve?
Or did God create Adam, and then he fooled around a bit and got bored so God created Eve.

Both stories are in there, one right after the other. How on "gods green earth" do you guys decide which is right and which is wrong? Manual of life, treated as buffet.
Re: How many of you are religious!

Everything is right and wrong we have no evidence saying it didn't happen but we have no evidence saying it did. It'll be one of those mysteries that we solve at the end of a certain road.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

simplyshane;1421843 said:
Everything is right and wrong we have no evidence saying it didn't happen but we have no evidence saying it did. It'll be one of those mysteries that we solve at the end of a certain road.


So you also belive in every animal in the library of cryptozoology?

Or well, you dont not belive in them. Or how you like to phrase it.

And about saying that we dont have evidence, well thats just pure bullshit, we have gigantic amounts of evidence.

Fx, the entire Carbon-14 method has to be false if the bible is true, because it has dated items beyond the age of 6000 years (which the bible claims is the age of the planet).

Try asking your science teacher or someone like that if the carbon-14 dating method is bullshit.

Then go ahead and dispute all archeological evidence we have of similar occurances around the same timeline, which is described in the bible.

For example, we know that there was never any "great flood", just that the river that normally would rise in tide at this time of year rose a lot more than expected. There were agriculture taking advantage of this yearly phaenomenon fx. Anyhow, the flood rose a lot more than expected, and a wealthy merchant (i cant remember the name, go ahead and search for it, its a well known story accounted by various credible sources from that time, independantly of each other) was so scared to lose all his possessions so that he put all his treasure into a large ship and sailed away on the river. He ended at Mount Ararat, according to the story.

Or lets consider that if every animal alive today is an ancestor of their representants on the ark, how do you respond to the NUMEROUS experiments made to see if a species could reproduce itself from a male and a female? I assume you know the results, since you say that there is no proof of the bible being plain out false.

I'll share them for the people reading that arent as enlightened as you. If you try to repopulate a species from a single pair, the species inbreeds into its own death. The longest any of the experiments I read about got was 4th generation. NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE FOR YOUR ARK THEORY.

In fact, if the ark story was true, we have hard evidence that there should be none of those species alive today. Since we have -never- seen a species repopulate from a single pair. And boy have people been trying. Its almost like every "christian scientist" belive that if they can just show that theres a slight possibility that something in the bible might have been true, they think they have proved the entire damn book. They're also nuts about trying to find noahs ark, its just not there. And jesus cross. Its just not there.

Now I could go on and on and on about this, but instead i suggest you try to view the bible in a bit more scrutinizing light, and not just take their word for whatever youre wondering. Because they do have a history of lying. A lot. A lot a lot.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

And how the fuck did moses have the time to scoop out shit from two of each of the 5416 different species of mammals we have?

And the 8240 species of reptiles. Well, some of them could prolly swim to they didnt give a fuck about the flood, kinda like the 29300 species of fish, 10234 species of birds and 5743 species of amphibians.

Dont forget to double up, its happy hour on the ark.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1421798 said:
Suli Ban, i dont understand you anymore. First you say you belive in all of the bible, then you say you pick out some parts and ignore others.

I think what he meant is he doesn't take it literally... considering some things are historically correct, but others may not/are not.
Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1421873 said:

So you also belive in every animal in the library of cryptozoology?

Or well, you dont not belive in them. Or how you like to phrase it.

And about saying that we dont have evidence, well thats just pure bullshit, we have gigantic amounts of evidence.

Fx, the entire Carbon-14 method has to be false if the bible is true, because it has dated items beyond the age of 6000 years (which the bible claims is the age of the planet).

Try asking your science teacher or someone like that if the carbon-14 dating method is bullshit.

Then go ahead and dispute all archeological evidence we have of similar occurances around the same timeline, which is described in the bible.

For example, we know that there was never any "great flood", just that the river that normally would rise in tide at this time of year rose a lot more than expected. There were agriculture taking advantage of this yearly phaenomenon fx. Anyhow, the flood rose a lot more than expected, and a wealthy merchant (i cant remember the name, go ahead and search for it, its a well known story accounted by various credible sources from that time, independantly of each other) was so scared to lose all his possessions so that he put all his treasure into a large ship and sailed away on the river. He ended at Mount Ararat, according to the story.

Or lets consider that if every animal alive today is an ancestor of their representants on the ark, how do you respond to the NUMEROUS experiments made to see if a species could reproduce itself from a male and a female? I assume you know the results, since you say that there is no proof of the bible being plain out false.

I'll share them for the people reading that arent as enlightened as you. If you try to repopulate a species from a single pair, the species inbreeds into its own death. The longest any of the experiments I read about got was 4th generation. NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE FOR YOUR ARK THEORY.

In fact, if the ark story was true, we have hard evidence that there should be none of those species alive today. Since we have -never- seen a species repopulate from a single pair. And boy have people been trying. Its almost like every "christian scientist" belive that if they can just show that theres a slight possibility that something in the bible might have been true, they think they have proved the entire damn book. They're also nuts about trying to find noahs ark, its just not there. And jesus cross. Its just not there.

Now I could go on and on and on about this, but instead i suggest you try to view the bible in a bit more scrutinizing light, and not just take their word for whatever youre wondering. Because they do have a history of lying. A lot. A lot a lot.

I don't have any theories.I never said I believe in the bible. I never said anything about the Ark. For all we know science could be way off. And for all we know the bible could be fake. I have no religion. I don't have a science teacher. I didn't wonder anything.


Re: How many of you are religious!

fonis;1419107 said:
Systems of belief explain reality to the extent of the restrictions of the "values" and systems of morals they impose upon themselves. These values can be anything from "a man has to be in charge," such as Christianity, or that everything must be consistent, such as science.

Eh, that is where you are wrong. Sure, at one point Christianity might have thought that... but even those that weren't of any religion thought the man had more rights than the women (if the women had any). That was more based on culture than religion. A lot has changed.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

Clover;1422248 said:
Eh, that is where you are wrong. Sure, at one point Christianity might have thought that... but even those that weren't of any religion thought the man had more rights than the women (if the women had any). That was more based on culture than religion. A lot has changed.

And the mere fact that a lot has changed voids the entire concept of an absolute truth, but verifies the concept of relative truth.

Religion lost, game over, stop believing.

And the fun part? We have known this for roughly half a millenia. Ha ha ha. That is funny.


Re: How many of you are religious!

This poll should logically have more choices.

The fact that I don't subscribe to specific religious beliefs does not make me an atheist.

There is such a thing as spirituality, which can have many beliefs that can be associated with religion, but in itself is not a specific religion or doctrine.

I am a very spiritual person, but I do not believe in any religions, yet I am not an atheist.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

simplyshane;1422236 said:
I don't have any theories.I never said I believe in the bible. I never said anything about the Ark.

You need to realize what you are trying to discuss. Because right now, youre an idiot.

simplyshane;1422236 said:
For all we know science could be way off.


simplyshane;1422236 said:
And for all we know the bible could be fake.


People just dont wanna hear it, like sometimes girls dont want to hear they are ugly or fat. Or that dress really *dont* look good on them.

Its not a new concept, people not wanting to hear the truth. Its seen before. I even think you may have encountered it.


simplyshane;1422236 said:
I don't have a science teacher. I didn't wonder anything.

I belive you.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

cobrakaun;1422443 said:
This poll should logically have more choices.

It should have had "agnostic" also at the very least.

cobrakaun;1422443 said:
There is such a thing as spirituality, which can have many beliefs that can be associated with religion, but in itself is not a specific religion or doctrine.

Are you talking about "intuition" aka ESP (extra-sensory perception)?

cobrakaun;1422443 said:
I am a very spiritual person, but I do not believe in any religions, yet I am not an atheist.

Maybe youre an agnostic? You're not certain either way, but untill more factual evidence comes to show, youre not making your decision yet.

But saying that youre a very spiritual person kinda does give it away that you're not equally torn between the sides, but rather leaning to the one : ) Which an agnostic wouldnt, so maybe you aint anyway.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1422450 said:
Are you talking about "intuition" aka ESP (extra-sensory perception)?

No, all religions are based on spirituality. It's the idea that you believe in something larger than yourself. Basically any religious beliefs are spiritual, but not all spirituality is religious.

Dr Zoidberg;1422450 said:
Maybe youre an agnostic? You're not certain either way, but untill more factual evidence comes to show, youre not making your decision yet.

But saying that youre a very spiritual person kinda does give it away that you're not equally torn between the sides, but rather leaning to the one : ) Which an agnostic wouldnt, so maybe you aint anyway.
No. That's not what I'm saying. I'm not torn between any religions. I don't believe in religion period. I'm not saying I don't believe in an afterlife, or a god, or any of that stuff. I just don't believe in organized religion. Period. I'm not an atheist. I believe that there is a power larger than ourselves. I also don't believe that it is a single entity. But it'd be too much to type, and I don't want to get into it really.

So no, I don't mean ESP and I'm not agnostic.

Don't get me wrong. I understand the agnostic point of view. Basically a skepticism and acceptance that there is (at least currently) no way for us to know. I do believe in certain agnostic principles, and they are logical, but I don't not believe in a label or organization of ones own religious and/or spiritual beliefs.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

cobrakaun;1422473 said:
No, all religions are based on spirituality. It's the idea that you believe in something larger than yourself. Basically any religious beliefs are spiritual, but not all spirituality is religious.

Yes, obviously, everyone here knows what spirituality is, that was implied. You dont have to explain "God" either, or "Science". I meant, how do you know that there was a greater being out there, since you apparently didnt know which one it was, what it was called, what it looks like and all the other traditional forms of identification.

You said spirituality is the belief in "something larger than yourself" (which i chose to understand, based on context, that you mean something not verifiable by science at least at the current moment).

I asked how you knew that there was something to belive in?

cobrakaun;1422473 said:
I don't believe in religion period.

Thats.. well, bullshit. If you belive in a "greater being", then the religion of that particular greater being must nessecarily be true to you, no matter if it has been passed on to us yet or not. Since you belive in that greater being.

cobrakaun;1422473 said:
I'm not saying I don't believe in an afterlife, or a god, or any of that stuff.

Yes you are, you just said it. I quote "I don't believe in religion period.". "God", "Afterlife" and "any of that stuff" are key ingredients in religion. You havent been paying attention in religion class at school :/

cobrakaun;1422473 said:
I just don't believe in organized religion. Period. I'm not an atheist. I believe that there is a power larger than ourselves. I also don't believe that it is a single entity. But it'd be too much to type, and I don't want to get into it really.

Well, there are other people that also belive its not a single entity. The hindus fx. Nordic mythology also. And tons of other religions. So no offence, but its nothing new so far.

Ofcource you could go the even more alternative route and join the believers of that we are all one conciousness experiencing reality through different means of perception. But thats not a "spiritual" idea, its just plain old philosophy.

Im not going to comment on the "organized religion" thing, because i just think its silly that if you belive that your god(s) is/are the true god(s), then actually believing that they will become "untrue" if other people also believe in them, in the same way you do.. Well, its so stupid and so silly that i dont know what to say, but I dont think you meant it that way, because of the confusing "i dont belive in religion, even though i quite possibly belive in its key ingredients. I dont belive in organized religion."

cobrakaun;1422473 said:
So no, I don't mean ESP and I'm not agnostic.

Then how the fuck did you even get the weird ass idea about your "greater being"? Just because a lot of nutcases told you about it? You should have asked them to prove it.

cobrakaun;1422473 said:
Don't get me wrong. I understand the agnostic point of view. Basically a skepticism and acceptance that there is (at least currently) no way for us to know. I do believe in certain agnostic principles, and they are logical, but I don't not believe in a label or organization of ones own religious and/or spiritual beliefs.

I dont mean to rain on your parade, but if a "greater being" exists, its not about your personal beliefs. I mean, how can you even get that idea? We agree that by "greater" we mean "greater than its believers" right? Why should its point of view and opinion not mean more than its believers then?

Thats so selfcontradictory as anything can ever be, and its what any christian that dont belive in the bible 100% is doing. I dont blame christians for not beliving in the bible 100%, since its also selfcontradictory, i blame them for not realizing that its utter bullshit that shouldnt be able to fool a drunk 4 year old. And that goes for all other religions also ofcource.
Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1422445 said:
You need to realize what you are trying to discuss. Because right now, youre an idiot.



People just dont wanna hear it, like sometimes girls dont want to hear they are ugly or fat. Or that dress really *dont* look good on them.

Its not a new concept, people not wanting to hear the truth. Its seen before. I even think you may have encountered it.


I belive you.

Ok, everything you say must be right. Everything else wrong. Therefore I'm an idiot for saying there's a chance it's fake and a chance it's real.

There's nothing really to fight about. We'll all find out what happens when it happens.

You may call me an idiot over and over again because I'm optimistic towards the future, but that's your right.


Re: How many of you are religious!

i am a follower of jon. Jonism is the religion of all religion. Jon will make you feel equal, among many people.

"Jon leads the his people across the street safely." -- Italians 4:12

Jon is now accepting new members please come join the party--err service. :bowdown:

praise Jon, and heres out to all Jonist.

(this is all in jest, i am really a christian baptist, i follow Jesus because i believe he is the real god, and i have witnessed the true power of prayer[when you work in a hospital, and make a prayer for a patient that just died and as soon as you finish the payer the patient comes back to life, and is in perfect health today, that really proves your faith.]

Jon bless you. amen.

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

simplyshane;1422591 said:
Ok, everything you say must be right. Everything else wrong. Therefore I'm an idiot for saying there's a chance it's fake and a chance it's real.

There's nothing really to fight about. We'll all find out what happens when it happens.

You may call me an idiot over and over again because I'm optimistic towards the future, but that's your right.

My point was how you completely ravaged the english language, saying idiotic things that didnt really mean anything.

"for all we know science could be wrong".

That particular sentence was wrong on so many levels I really didnt know where to start.

And that was some very weak sarcasm.

"[when you work in a hospital, and make a prayer for a patient that just died and as soon as you finish the payer the patient comes back to life, and is in perfect health today, that really proves your faith.]"

No it doesnt. It proves your faith when i can bring a patient to you that just died and you would revive him with your prayers.

One fluke proves nothing. Even a thousand flukes proves nothing.

Create a controlled setting with a recently dead patient, revive him with your prayer, record it in the best way possible and you will be at least one million dollars richer.

Untill then, the patient might as well have revived from something else. Like, maybe there was a muslim praying for him at the same time yknow.

You accepting a random occurance as a sign from god doesnt make it so. You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking so, and bastardizing the word "proof" like that. Your story has nothing to do with proof. Shame on you.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Clover;1422248 said:
Eh, that is where you are wrong. Sure, at one point Christianity might have thought that... but even those that weren't of any religion thought the man had more rights than the women (if the women had any). That was more based on culture than religion. A lot has changed.

And so? I thought religion was supposed to be separate and divinely inspired, not adapted to fit the culture it existed in. I'm being cynical, obviously, but my point is that I also believe that christianity was made to fit the cultures it existed in, and because of this it was not divinely inspired, which is just a whole other can of worms. The entire question is then: is god misogynistic? or is religion simply manufactured for the culture it's in?
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