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How many of you are religious!

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Re: How many of you are religious!

for those who follow the bible but dont believe in the literal truth of every part of it

why should any of the rest of it be accepted automatically?


Re: How many of you are religious!

You all seem to think I make a distinction between religion and science. I've more and more began to feel that science and religion are the same, with one difference (unless there's a religion I do not know of that includes this): science does not claim itself to be infallible. This is why I say "I believe," and I allow myself to have assumptions, because all forms of beliefs require faith. I simply require faith in something logical, rather than something spiritual.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Ridged belifes lead to ignorance, regardless of what you do or do not belive.

Keep that in mind at all times.

orange thing

Re: How many of you are religious!

I wasn't raised in a church. I spent sunday's at my dad's house. As I got older and began to date my ex gf, I started going to her church. Under my own free will I began to partake in more religious beliefs. I always believed there was a God, I just never had much "confirmation" on the matter until I attended church and began to really understand what I was about. Plus around the same time I was getting older, so I began to really see who I was.

I don't necessarily follow a certain religion, and at the current time I don't attend a church due to my work schedule and simple fact that my ex and I split and I really have no where else to go as far as attending church. I'm more Christian than anything else, so I do consider myself a Christian, but I'm a pretty free spirited person who just believes what I believe and that's that.

I don't push my beliefs on anybody else and I respect those who believe otherwise. I just try to be as respectful as I can to everyone I know.


Re: How many of you are religious!

orange thing;1420976 said:
I wasn't raised in a church. I spent sunday's at my dad's house. As I got older and began to date my ex gf, I started going to her church. Under my own free will I began to partake in more religious beliefs. I always believed there was a God, I just never had much "confirmation" on the matter until I attended church and began to really understand what I was about. Plus around the same time I was getting older, so I began to really see who I was.

I don't necessarily follow a certain religion, and at the current time I don't attend a church due to my work schedule and simple fact that my ex and I split and I really have no where else to go as far as attending church. I'm more Christian than anything else, so I do consider myself a Christian, but I'm a pretty free spirited person who just believes what I believe and that's that.

I don't push my beliefs on anybody else and I respect those who believe otherwise. I just try to be as respectful as I can to everyone I know.

Unless they drive ricers, right?

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

fonis;1420897 said:
I've more and more began to feel that science and religion are the same



fonis;1420897 said:
I simply require faith in something logical, rather than something spiritual.


... wow.. WOW!

fonis;1420897 said:
I've more and more began to feel that science and religion are the same
fonis;1420897 said:
I've more and more began to feel that science and religion are the same
fonis;1420897 said:
I've more and more began to feel that science and religion are the same
fonis;1420897 said:
I've more and more began to feel that science and religion are the same





Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1421114 said:



... wow.. WOW!





Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

Suil Ban;1421135 said:
i believe fully in everything in there

i'm just not a good christian, and don't do everything in there exactly as i should

So you are actually aiming for hell or what?

If you dont mind me asking about your "i belive fully in everything in there", do you mean it the way those words make it out?

Like, you belive every word is true?

How do you feel about various translations then? Do you accept the King James version as true?

(im assuming so since its also known as the "Authorized Version", but safer to ask)

And after that, how do you feel about translations into other languages in general?

And last but not least, do you feel that all accepted translations honor the "word of god" as it was written in its original language?

Dr Zoidberg

Re: How many of you are religious!

Suil Ban;1421151 said:
i accept the authorised king james version, but i'd accept it in any tounge

The King James version is in english so that might be a bit hard.

Suil Ban;1421151 said:
i am a christian with a secular lifestyle. if that's not good enough when the judgement day comes...well, it's too late by then.

I dont mean to be rude, but by the looks of that it kinda looks like you dont take your religion any more seriously than I do. I mean, what is 80 years in mild happiness compared with the eternity you have to suffer in Hell, where every moment of pain will have to outweigh your total amount of joy ever experienced as mortal.

Also, is it too late? I have heard of a lot of "death bed convertions" (thats a crude translation from danish), especially a few hundred years back.

But if you dont mind, i'd really appreciate it if you would answer the other questions i put forth.

Mainly these:

Do you belive in every word in the Bible?

Do you find it "strange" that we just settled a confusion about which version/translation of the bible you belive in?

Considering that the bible is to be taken as "absolute truth", do you find it insulting to your God that is has been translated into other languages by man, whom is flawed? (by that, i mean the holy truth has been warped by mankind)

And last but not least, how do you feel about the general history of your religion, both concering its origin, but also concerning the way it eventually evolved. (and how do you feel about the fact that "absolute truth" and "holy words" have evolved into other holy words and another absolute truth?)

Sorry for all the questions : ) Its just not that often that one can ask this sorta questions to a christian without being slapped in the face and thrown out of church. True story.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Dr Zoidberg;1421114 said:



... wow.. WOW!





orange thing

Re: How many of you are religious!

DementedJester;1421005 said:
Unless they drive ricers, right?

What you've failed to understand time and time again is that I LIKE IMPORTS. What I don't like is when people get a 1993 civic, throw an exhaust on it along with some 4,000 dollar rims and sincerely think they have a hot rod.

I really, really hope I don't have to continue explaining this. I hope this is the last time.


Re: How many of you are religious!

orange thing;1421418 said:
What you've failed to understand time and time again is that I LIKE IMPORTS. What I don't like is when people get a 1993 civic, throw an exhaust on it along with some 4,000 dollar rims and sincerely think they have a hot rod.

I really, really hope I don't have to continue explaining this. I hope this is the last time.

I just like to read you say it, baby.


Re: How many of you are religious!

The bible is just a giant mother goose book for kids that lived back then in my opinion. 100 million years from now someone will find a dvd of lord of the rings in the dirt and think gandalf is god. I believe that there's a higher power somewhere, but I don't believe there's 1 person that everyone should be worshipping.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Romey;1421648 said:
The bible is just a giant mother goose book for kids that lived back then in my opinion. 100 million years from now someone will find a dvd of lord of the rings in the dirt and think gandalf is god. I believe that there's a higher power somewhere, but I don't believe there's 1 person that everyone should be worshipping.

so you worship zeus?


Re: How many of you are religious!

kio123;1421655 said:
so you worship zeus?

I don't "worship" anything. I believe there's a higher power somewhere out there that noone knows about, but I'm not gonna "worship" anything unless I have 100% proof that it actually exists. A book that someone else wrote isn't enough proof for me. I think we'll live, then die, then go to whatevers next, and I don't think there's anyone that actually knows what's next. I'm not trying to diss christians at all, some of the nicest people I've ever known have been christians. They accept my opinion and I've accepted theirs, I just don't like the ones that try to force religion on you by knocking on your door at 7am or saying you'll go to hell if you don't go to church.

PS - I'm open minded about everything when it comes to subjects like these. I believe in a higher power, ghosts, and even aliens. I like to at least hope all of these things exist so that one day we can keep evolving. Worshipping is different than believing though. I'll never worship anything without proof that it existed. I do believe that there's something after life though. At least I hope so.


Re: How many of you are religious!

Suil Ban;1420804 said:
yeah, i follow the bible myself, but not word-for-word
Agreed. Some people take things too seriously. It's kind of embarrassing being associated with them, so I try not to.
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