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Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Duke Bokks

Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Sirkah;1917049 said:
faction vendor regs, = little gold off shard.

You didn't ask how much of a gold sink it was, you asked how was it a gold sink :) Anything that removes money from the shard rather than trading it between players is a gold sink. Reagents and therefore alchemy is one such gold sink, no matter how small.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Duke Bokks;1917051 said:
You didn't ask how much of a gold sink it was, you asked how was it a gold sink :) Anything that removes money from the shard rather than trading it between players is a gold sink. Reagents and therefore alchemy is one such gold sink, no matter how small.

doubtful. 200k gold sink isnt shit =/

edit: there fore we wont call it one :d

orange thing

Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Sirkah;1916991 said:
tbh if they even thought of changing and taking out explosion potions, you'd have to revamp all the other shit.

This was mentioned before, and no, that's not the case. Everyone seems to agree that explosion potions are overpowered. This was due to a beneficial change that amped explosion potions while the rest (heal, cure, etc) remained the same.

Why in the world would you have to nuke "everything else" to balance out 1 particular issue at hand? Knocking back the purples or implementing some restrictions would balance out the problem. There's no need to nuke anything else at all, as long as the nerfing of purple potions is done intelligently.

And I certainly don't want to see explosion potions go. I very much want them to stay. I just think we need a little bit more tweaking to make their presence sensible.

Also - Why does rich guy with invul plate vs 1 month old newb have to do with anything? Ever take a force or power war hammer to somebody with store-quality plate which is dirt cheap? It takes several hits to even get a marginal dent in the suit. By the time his life drops low enough to even begin getting your hopes up of a victory, he's healed with the slow bandage timer. Granted, invul armor would add to it, but store-quality plate which is easily accessible to anybody who's spent 30 seconds in shame farming an earth elemental or two is hard enough to deal with, even with a weapon that packs a helluva punch.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

I think a well thought out poll would give everyone a better idea on how the shard feels about this issue. Anyone willing to write one up?
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

alcaud;1917120 said:
I think a well thought out poll would give everyone a better idea on how the shard feels about this issue. Anyone willing to write one up?

I hope LKP is the one who make's the poll, seeing how this is his thread and all.

But in order to do that we need to assemble all possible options so as to NOT make a biased poll.

Delete Them

Increase Timer

Decrease Damage

Make them an AOE (true AOE)

Require One Hand

Shorten Range

Increase GHeal potions to combat the damage

Leave them as they are

Require them to Stand still.

Make them un-re-activate.

If someone can piece a better list, then do so.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Sirkah;1917032 said:
how is it gold sink?

if anything all it does is gold trades hand

Player buys kegs from another player, or regs from another vendor and makes it into kegs.

source of these regs are vendors.

I don't give a shit if it's only a mil / week spent on kegs serverwide, it's still that much gold being drained from the system.

Do you know how sinks work?
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

fonis;1917136 said:
Player buys kegs from another player, or regs from another vendor and makes it into kegs.

source of these regs are vendors.

I don't give a shit if it's only a mil / week spent on kegs serverwide, it's still that much gold being drained from the system.

Do you know how sinks work?

You try and fill it with water, but it knows your plan, and foils it so.

orange thing

Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

DragonSlayer69r;1917135 said:
I hope LKP is the one who make's the poll, seeing how this is his thread and all.

But in order to do that we need to assemble all possible options so as to NOT make a biased poll.

Delete Them

Increase Timer

Decrease Damage

Make them an AOE (true AOE)

Require One Hand

Shorten Range

Increase GHeal potions to combat the damage

Leave them as they are

Require them to Stand still.

Make them un-re-activate.

If someone can piece a better list, then do so.

Agree 100%. Let's see it LKP! ;)


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

LKP;1916983 said:
Thanks for taking the time to debate this with me. I've been waiting for someone to take the opposite stance. Thanks for being civil about it, too.
LKP;1916983 said:
"Pure" classes really came into their own after the Renaissance Publish of April 2000 because tank mages and med warriors became impossible and impractical to play, respectively. At that same time, lumberjacking, inscription, and poisoning got their PvP bonuses. Factions were introduced some 8 months later, in December. With publish 14, tank mages made their triumphant return thanks to the addition of "defensive wrestling" and the return of precasting. At the same time, low-level spells like harm and lightning got buffed to their current levels, and magery was overhauled, changing the regs for some spells, etc. Alchemy didn't receive its bonus until Publish 16. That was late 2002. My point is that since UOR, for about two and a half years, purple potions were not used in PvP. Yet somehow, we all still managed to kill each other. I played as a scribe during most of that time, and alternated my 7th skill between poisoning, healing, and a couple of others. I rarely had fights last more than a few minutes... one or two well-executed dumps were usually enough to bring someone down, and if he had potions it was just a matter of running him out.
I can invalidate all these points you made here in one sentence. "Players in the present time are much, MUCH better then they were back then." Hell players are much better now then they were 4 years ago on this shard. When I first started this shard in 04 yes I could usually kill people with just magery and stun. Nowadays its pretty much impossible with the quality of overall player skill. One just has to look at the last tourney held with the ruleset of 7x, all pots, minus str and explos. Every fight in that tourney with the exception of the noobs knocked out in the first round went to sudden death. Look up the videos for proof if you dont believe me.

LKP;1916983 said:
As for runners, I'll kindly ask you to read back a page or three and find my previous discussion on that subject.
Im sorry but I dont even want people to have the option of dumping all their mana on me then running away. Explo pots are for this purpose. It makes players with no honor have to answer for their crimes.

LKP;1916983 said:
There is certainly a knack to throwing purple potions. This takes a couple of minutes to learn, and perhaps several fights to master. While I'd say it requires a bit of finesse, it really just boils down to getting the timing right... and with practice, you'll find that your window is pretty big. While I don't have any PvP characters with alchemy on their templates, I've gone out and thrown my share of purples to familiarize myself with them. I used them against a variety of targets, including in some real fights, and I found them to be pretty easy to get used to. I'm sure it could be macroed easily enough too, and is.

I totally disagree with this. There may be a huge amount of alchy mages on this shard. But the skill level with alchemy is not level across the board. There are people who are good at alchy and people who are bad at alchy. Just like their are people good at tank mages and people bad. I guarantee you cannot play an alchy mage for a couple days and have it down perfectly. Hell ive been using an alchy mage since 05 (before most people started using them) and im still learning new combos and tactics and ive probably gone thru 500 explode kegs just myself.

LKP;1916983 said:
But I'm not disrespecting people who choose alchemy-based templates. I'm not suggesting it's a no-skill tactic. What I am saying is that it's overpowered. To be blunt, I am calling for a nerf. But I am by no means saying they must be nerfed into oblivion. I've seen what happens when you overdo a rebalancing of this kind, and it ain't pretty. Case in point: Tank mages pre-Renaissance.
I still fail to see how alchemy is over powered? I really dont have that hard of a time healing through 99% of people on the shards alchy dumps. A hally can do 90hp of damage and 1 hit while keeping a flamestriked prepped or something. Is being able to hold 1 spell and double click an enemy then press last target to kill them from full health over powered? I dont think it is because their is a counter to everything in this game. You can hold a gheal or nox the tank mage to get the weapon out of his hand. Just like u can hold a gheal and punch disrupt an alchy mage and run his own pot into him. Everything has its counters.

As for the fact that they are "heat seaking" I have no problem with this. Running is too rampant these days with broadband internet. I can honestly say that if there was no explo pots I would NEVER die. Even if i had 50 guys chasing me. I would just run and run like forest gump until I got home or lost them. What fun is a game where there is no risk to dying? Bandaids totally negate purple pots as well on the run as well if you want to talk about balance of skills.

LKP;1916983 said:
For those who may not be familiar, the pre-ren tank mage was similar to the tank mages of today, but the rules of the game were a little different. Weapons could be swung instantly at the moment they were armed, so it was possible to cast a combo (such as exp-eb) with bare hands, then arm a powerful weapon such as a halberd, and land all three at the same time. If all went well, this combo could do up to around 90 damage to an unarmored opponent. Since not everyone had 100 strength, this could mean an instant kill against people who didn't know what they were doing. There were a lot of counters to this combo:

- The weapon could miss.
- The weapon could be parried.
- Either spell could fizzle. (There were few GM mages, and 6th circle fizzled up to 99.9)
- Either spell could be disrupted.
- Either spell could be resisted.
- The defending player could rush the attacker, making him throw a punch and resetting his swing timer.
- The defending player could run during the casting time.
- Magic reflect could turn the magic damage back on the attacker.
- Reactive armor could turn the physical damage back on the attacker.
- Armor would reduce the damage.

At least some of these counters were available to everyone, regardless of template. Yet OSI listened to the whiners, and completely destroyed the tank mage template by introducing all of the following nerfs:

- The spellbook must be held while casting. This meant having to disarm the spellbook, then wait for a short delay, then arm the weapon in order to combo.
- Characters with less than 75 dex would hit at the end of the swing animation. This meant you could simply step out of the way while the animation played, and it would be a guaranteed miss.
- Arming a weapon meant waiting out a delay almost twice the original swing time before the first swing.
- Precasting was removed. You couldn't manipulate any object while holding a spell at the ready.

The result, of course, was that the template was completely unplayable for years to come.

I don't want to see that happen again. Even though I just listed ten counters to that combo, and there's not a single good defense against this one, I'm not asking that purple potions be disabled or crippled to the point where they're useless. But I would like to see them toned down some. They're dominant right now... I want them to be on an even playing field. If it was something as simple as reducing their range to 7 tiles (the same as a crossbow or heavy xbow) would that be the end of the world?
Once again your posts seem to be centered on the past. What you say may be all well and good in 2000 but not today. People are MUCH MUCH MUCH better today! Its pointless to debate how things were back in the day. You have to talk about the situation we're in now.

And this range thing?? I dont know what youre talking about but purple pots have the same range as any magic spell in the game. Try it out yourself.

LKP;1916983 said:
Griefing is a problem, but you obviously can't make a weapon immune to murder counts. I've definitely killed some blues while MS'ing a group of house hiders. I played some shard not too long ago where aggressors couldn't enter a house or ban anyone for 2 minutes after starting a fight. It might even have been Divinity. What if we did something like that here? Maybe it could be limited to houses the aggressor owned/co-owned/was friend of. That could stop house hiding for people who were willingly fighting from their houses, while still allowing innocents to use their homes to escape from PK's

That should take care of the risk of accidentally killing a hidden blue in a house and also enhance PvP by stopping house-hiding altogether. Of course, you've still got the risk associated with lobbing a grenade into a crowd of innocents in the center of town, but is that really so bad? May be we could mitigate this in a couple of ways:

- Make a player's pet affiliated with his guild (so it's orange, not blue, and he can't dismount to flag you).
- Protect guildmates/members of same faction from each other's AoE's.

As I understand it, this was the point of the AoE rule change in the first place. I find that to be a less than ideal solution.
Griefing is just lame and im happy that the gms slowly removed all the possible ways for no life losers who only play this game to piss other people off and not pvp have an opportunity to get their jollies. Real uo players get their jollies from honorable pvp. Im happy the shard caters to pvpers. There is no reason a random blue who the person throwing the purple pot didnt even intend to hit should be able to give a murder count. Its just lame, im sorry.

LKP;1916983 said:
My problem isn't so much with the AoE rules, nonsensical as they are, but with purple potions in the first place. The reason is that they just do so damn much damage, and they can do it so often. As much as I hate dying to an exp-fs-pot combo while stunned, I accept that the guy who killed me built his template specifically to that end and executed it well. I give him props for that. But when it's some no-talent hack throwing pot after pot after pot while running around in circles waiting to regain some of the mana he wasted by sucking at UO, that pisses me off.
No wonder you think explo pots are overpowered if you die to explo pot fs. Dude you serious? Thats like the newbiest combo there is. theres so many things u can do to not die to explo pot fs. Like hit a heal pot, mini heal once, str pot and heal pot right before the damage hits. Really... like really you die to explo pot fs???

LKP;1916983 said:
So what if it was just a range reduction? You could still use it against runners... just not from 2 screens away.
2 screens away?????????? Explo pots have the same distance as a spell as I said before.
LKP;1916983 said:
What if it was just a 10 second cooldown timer? You could still set up your deadly combos... you just couldn't spam 20 pots a minute.
People who are good dont die in 1 deadly combo. People die from free hand pot mana dumps with lightnings harms and magic arrows with explo pots mixed in. These are the truly skilled alchy mages. making pots take 10 seconds just turns the alchy mage in a 1 newbie combo doing (like explo pot eb or fs) hacks. I know you must die a lot to one combo because you say you like to have 80 str in your other posts. News flash. Get 100 str.
LKP;1916983 said:
What if just it froze you in place, like a spell? You could still cast your spells, or use your weapons, while you cooked your grenade... you'd just have to be careful about picking the right moment.
people would just offscreen and run away with no risk of being potted down.

LKP;1916983 said:
What if if was simply reclassified as physical damage? You'd just be on an even playing field with everyone who uses weapons - subject to armor, RA, and possibly parrying.
Rich people who can afford invul armor would always be at a benefit. An alchy mage vs alchy mage fight would be as never ending as a pure mage fight with pots.

LKP;1916983 said:
What if it was simply reclassified as magical damage? Pots would just be like a no-mana spell... they could be resisted, and maybe reflected.
They already can be resisted. They could do 20 damage or 30 damage. Its totally random like a spell. Reflected?? Meh I really dont see what that would do other then delay the inevitable.

LKP;1916983 said:
I'm not saying all of these should be done... but would just one of them be so bad? That's all I'm asking for - some kind of legitimate defense.
There already is a defense. Its called skill.


You've been ramb0ned
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

holy shit now that's a wall of text right there


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Trying to get playing here a bit again. In the past, my experiences show that everything else is balanced out pretty well on the shard in line with what Stides was saying. Without something extra to do damage or cause problems for your enemy (poisoning, alchemy, tank mage wep/mage), you are rarely ever going to kill people that run around or away. Two dexers can stand there swinging away at eachother for ever with little to no effect. Greater Heal and Cure Pots, as well as wands further complicate the issue. From my experience, fights with alchemy damage become far more complicated and intricate once you become accustomed to them.

That being said, I think a possible idea would be to modify a players hit chance and defense chance by an appropriate amount as a penalty only during the cooking part of the explosion pot countdown. This would simulate the fact that it is harder to fight while you are waving a grenade or maltov cocktail around in your hand. Perhaps the modification would have it easier to hit the player by 25%, and less likely to strike you by 25%, perhaps less (10-15%). Not sure how they have all that stuff coded here, with modifications that would need to be made to defensive wrestling equations, but it could operate like the hit chance increase/defense chance mods that post AOS item properties have. My thought though, is that it would only apply while the player is holding the pot, once it is thrown he's back to normal. Just an idea. Otherwise explosion pots kind of suck, but there are many reasons why they are widely used and necessary in field PVP (Hider Thieves/Runners/Dexer vs Dexer/High AR suits/Greater Heal wands, etc).


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Sirkah;1916991 said:
1) know how fast someone can run in the time it takes for the pot to hit 2? or just teleport as you throw it and completely fuck it up?

So it looks like you might have to find a way to stop someone from moving so fast, right? Could stun, para, paralyzing blow, dismount, low stamina, or boxing someone in help you with that, possibly?

2)10 seconds eh? say goodbye to all the "1337 alchy duelers". Even on the field it would be used for maybe one combo? only combo that really has any potential of killing someone would be the eq dump. and anyone who is half as smart as a rock would know to disrupt or run 7 tiles away.

The only combo that has any potential of killing someone with 100 strength who's currently at full HP and not weakened may be the one you mentioned. But I've taken 80+ damage from exp-fs-pot. Why can't you soften your target up a little first? Why can't you weaken him, or hit him with your weapon a few times, or hit him with an exp-stun-psn before you go for the kill shot?

3)makes no sense. they run but you're cooking a pot, not moving? totally negates any form of what they are 'supposedly used for'. Also, alchy dexxers, bye bye.

Well, I see what they are "supposedly used for" as a problem. They're inescapable. How is it that one can successfully outrun an archer, a warrior, a mage, a thief, a tamer, or any combination thereof... but cannot outrun an alchemist? It's not balanced. You'd simply have to slow your target down some other way, and most alchy mages also have stun punch available to them. They could still use their favorite combos, but unwilling combatants could have a chance to escape.

4)explosion potions counting as physical damage. So rich guy with full invul armor vs noob with 1st month vet reward robe. sounds fair to me.

So you're saying the ability to use better equipment and have it make a difference would be unbalancing? How is that not okay for alchemy, when it's perfectly acceptable for a warrior to have a valorite weapon? How is a defense against alchemy not okay, when there is powerful magic armor out there as a defense against weapons? Why can I put points into inscription to better protect myself against spells, but I can't do anything to reduce the potency of your potions? Your argument, sir, is the one that makes no sense.

5)tbh a glass potion of explosion should damage instead of being magically knocked back by a magic reflection. And resisted? how exactly do you resist a glass potion of explosion?

How exactly do you come back from the dead? How exactly do you throw fireballs with your bare hands? How exactly do you use a bandage to cure a deadly poison? How exactly do you keep a 16-foot polearm or a large ship in your backpack? It's a fantasy game. At some point realism has to give way to convenience, functionality, balance, and above all, fun.

tbh if they even thought of changing and taking out explosion potions, you'd have to revamp all the other shit. or else you, like they guy above, would be 5xing someone with cures/heals/refresh/strength/agility.. not to mention armor so there goes your alchy dexxers even more.

You're talking about two different things. First, I'll address "taking out" explosion potions. At no point has anyone in this thread suggested explosion potions should go the way of the hero/evil system. We're not going to take your precious favorite item away.

So let's discuss "changing" them. My point of view is that purple potions are overppowered. They are not balanced. Your suggestion that tweaking purple potions would require tweaking everything else suggests that they are balanced. I say that putting some limitation on their use or power would make them balanced. If we then went on to adjust everything else to accomodate that, guess what? They'd be overpowered again!

but if you take it all out, all potions, bolas, mares?.. you'd be stuck with even more 13 year olds running around ganking then there is now.

...but at least you'd be able to outrun their ganks once in a while. People banding together to enjoy the game more is the very essence of UO. That's how it was designed! If we couldn't each have 20 characters and build up all the skills we wanted in a few days, if we didn't all have our own blacksmiths and tailors and mages and bonded pets, we'd need each other. We'd band together like we did in the beginning. There'd be miners collecting metal to craft or sell. There'd be PK's killing those miners to get their resources. There'd be "heroes" protecting the miners from the PK's in exchange for some discount equipment and repairs. There'd be a living, breathing society of people depending on each other, trading with each other, forming guilds, betraying one another, making close friends and dire enemies.

...not really. Of course I don't think one minor change to one overpowered class is going to have such powerful repercussions as that. I don't think it would lead to a slippery slope of rebalancing that would somehow change the very nature of the game. And neither should you.

This is a simple fix that has been a long time coming.


I would very much like to see some staff involvement on this issue.
To that end, I would prefer to see an admin or gamemaster make the poll, if there is to be one, and then send a mass browser request a few times over a period of time. That way, we could get a much greater number of people involved to vote on this, instead of the relatively small sample of players who actively read the forums. It would also show that the staff cares enough that the potential for change exists.

Otherwise, I will take some time and put some serious thought into the wording of the question, and post a poll in a few days' time, since that seems to be what you guys would like to see happen.


You've been ramb0ned
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

i did :blushing:

edit: wow these smileys are terrible


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

LKP;1917246 said:
So it looks like you might have to find a way to stop someone from moving so fast, right? Could stun, para, paralyzing blow, dismount, low stamina, or boxing someone in help you with that, possibly?

The only combo that has any potential of killing someone with 100 strength who's currently at full HP and not weakened may be the one you mentioned. But I've taken 80+ damage from exp-fs-pot. Why can't you soften your target up a little first? Why can't you weaken him, or hit him with your weapon a few times, or hit him with an exp-stun-psn before you go for the kill shot?

Well, I see what they are "supposedly used for" as a problem. They're inescapable. How is it that one can successfully outrun an archer, a warrior, a mage, a thief, a tamer, or any combination thereof... but cannot outrun an alchemist? It's not balanced. You'd simply have to slow your target down some other way, and most alchy mages also have stun punch available to them. They could still use their favorite combos, but unwilling combatants could have a chance to escape.

So you're saying the ability to use better equipment and have it make a difference would be unbalancing? How is that not okay for alchemy, when it's perfectly acceptable for a warrior to have a valorite weapon? How is a defense against alchemy not okay, when there is powerful magic armor out there as a defense against weapons? Why can I put points into inscription to better protect myself against spells, but I can't do anything to reduce the potency of your potions? Your argument, sir, is the one that makes no sense.

How exactly do you come back from the dead? How exactly do you throw fireballs with your bare hands? How exactly do you use a bandage to cure a deadly poison? How exactly do you keep a 16-foot polearm or a large ship in your backpack? It's a fantasy game. At some point realism has to give way to convenience, functionality, balance, and above all, fun.

You're talking about two different things. First, I'll address "taking out" explosion potions. At no point has anyone in this thread suggested explosion potions should go the way of the hero/evil system. We're not going to take your precious favorite item away.

So let's discuss "changing" them. My point of view is that purple potions are overppowered. They are not balanced. Your suggestion that tweaking purple potions would require tweaking everything else suggests that they are balanced. I say that putting some limitation on their use or power would make them balanced. If we then went on to adjust everything else to accomodate that, guess what? They'd be overpowered again!

...but at least you'd be able to outrun their ganks once in a while. People banding together to enjoy the game more is the very essence of UO. That's how it was designed! If we couldn't each have 20 characters and build up all the skills we wanted in a few days, if we didn't all have our own blacksmiths and tailors and mages and bonded pets, we'd need each other. We'd band together like we did in the beginning. There'd be miners collecting metal to craft or sell. There'd be PK's killing those miners to get their resources. There'd be "heroes" protecting the miners from the PK's in exchange for some discount equipment and repairs. There'd be a living, breathing society of people depending on each other, trading with each other, forming guilds, betraying one another, making close friends and dire enemies.

...not really. Of course I don't think one minor change to one overpowered class is going to have such powerful repercussions as that. I don't think it would lead to a slippery slope of rebalancing that would somehow change the very nature of the game. And neither should you.

This is a simple fix that has been a long time coming.


I would very much like to see some staff involvement on this issue.
To that end, I would prefer to see an admin or gamemaster make the poll, if there is to be one, and then send a mass browser request a few times over a period of time. That way, we could get a much greater number of people involved to vote on this, instead of the relatively small sample of players who actively read the forums. It would also show that the staff cares enough that the potential for change exists.

Otherwise, I will take some time and put some serious thought into the wording of the question, and post a poll in a few days' time, since that seems to be what you guys would like to see happen.

1) Yea, i know about stun, para blow, paralyze, bola balls, low stamina, and possibly boxing?, could slow your target down.. but lets see here. You gotta be right on him to stun and para blow, and if hes running, then thats not much of an option, unless he is lagging, or you're at 14 ping. Paralyze wont do much if you stop to cast a 2 step spell, and they are full blast on there mount heading south. Bola Balling can be stopped to an extent. Yea, one guy bola balling you and you're on a horse, you can get away, if you're fast enough to remount and he doesnt kill it. But yea, in factions you do get those guys that have 20 bola balls a piece nailing one after another, and even if you're on swampies you cant get away. Boxing seems unreal unless you paralyze him, and if he has a pouch well then there goes that as well. So yea, theres not that many great ways of stopping people, if there on the run.

2)explo pot fs can kill, if you're lucky. if they have 100 str and are weakened it will be close, but then again theres some factors here.
People will chug str pots day in and day out so you're wasting your time with weaken.
I know there are scrolls, but flamestrike is still fizzable at gm magery. As with Earthquake, its Fizzable.
Not everyone is a dexxer so they cant hit em with weps to get em low, and even if you did, any average large hit, 30-40 damage? can be easily healed back to full with 2 buttons. Mini heal + g heal pot. Yes there is a delay on the g heal pot, but 5 seconds isnt that bad, seeing as you're idea ( if it works) that the explo pots are on 10 second cd, then you dont have much to worry about on a 1v1.

3) Cant quite understand what you're meaning on this one, but i think we all know archers have been ailing since osi days. Yea, you get em in a group of 3-4, there gonna kick some ass with perfext x bows. Other then for rp/large group purposes i dont see anyone having a successful template with that in 1v1 ever. Tamers, also have there downside. unless there bola tamers with a kick ass mare, then they dont got much to fend with themselves and fairly easily killable.
Also i think you're forgetting that there are other templates that can have alchemy. you make it seem like its all mage alchies. I've seen kick ass macer alchies, axer alchies, ect. So in all honesty, if you change the pots in a negative way, you're just down grading mages. Dexxers will still roll fine, just not have to worry about being dumped on and dying. Tamers as well.

4)Yea its unbalanced and dont think it isnt, And also, how many warriors carry val weps on the field? Even if you're on a tournament you can still RA and have decked out armor and still have a chance. TBH the idea of resisting potions isnt such a bad idea( now that i've had time to think), but i would like to see it under a new skill, not Magery.

5) Yes im well aware of this being a fantasy game. but im just saying reflecting with MAGIC reflection shouldnt affect a glass full of explosion. Like i said, i'd like to see it under a new skill. AND IN NO WAY AM I SAYING THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN, IM JUST STATING THAT THIS SIDE OF THE SUGGESTION SHOULD BE PLACED ON THE TABLE.

6) I just wish that the gms would take it out for a week and you could see how many people reroll Dexxers. so all you'd see are these crazy ass weps ( seeing as everyone has 100+ vanqs nowadays) chopping through any sort of gm made leather. Yes, Reactive armor would help the first couple of hits, but honestly, how many people would be rolling in large gank squads, let alone if you're Bolad, you might as well close you're client.
if you accomodate everything else, but purple pots still have a 10second delay, im fairly sure they will still be balanced and or less than powered that heal/cure pots.

7) Server wipe, Skill gain revamped, Slow Skillgains, Slow Stat gains, heavy changes to purple pots, and you've got that. And im for that :D

8) just read paragraph after that and saw that. so negate 7.

Also, i could care less anymore about these changes. im just throwing it out there on the table so that it isnt overlooked. you can do all the polls you want, but they will never take out/ update it imho.