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Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Stides;1917237 said:

I can invalidate all these points you made here in one sentence. "Players in the present time are much, MUCH better then they were back then." Hell players are much better now then they were 4 years ago on this shard. When I first started this shard in 04 yes I could usually kill people with just magery and stun. Nowadays its pretty much impossible with the quality of overall player skill. One just has to look at the last tourney held with the ruleset of 7x, all pots, minus str and explos. Every fight in that tourney with the exception of the noobs knocked out in the first round went to sudden death. Look up the videos for proof if you dont believe me.

Maybe players are better now, but I don't agree that that should negate two and a half years of history. Why didn't we get so much better then?

Im sorry but I dont even want people to have the option of dumping all their mana on me then running away. Explo pots are for this purpose. It makes players with no honor have to answer for their crimes.

Isn't there any other solution to this? It's true that people running away after dumping all their mana is infuriating, and not being able to catch the fucker and make him pay is frustrating. At the same time, not having any chance whatsoever of outrunning a purple potion is even moreso. I'd much sooner people be able to get away from me sometimes, and I be able to get away from them sometimes. As it is now, I can't see a damn thing I can do when being chased by an alchy dexer. If I stop to cast a heal, I'm going to get hit with the weapon. If I keep running and chugging potions, I'm going to keep getting hit with purples twice as often as I can chug a heal pot, and every one is going to hit and do as much damage as the heal. I'm going to die either way. The only thing I can see working is heal wands (which will eventually run out) or bandages (which aren't an option for templates that don't have the healing skill).

I totally disagree with this. There may be a huge amount of alchy mages on this shard. But the skill level with alchemy is not level across the board. There are people who are good at alchy and people who are bad at alchy. Just like their are people good at tank mages and people bad. I guarantee you cannot play an alchy mage for a couple days and have it down perfectly. Hell ive been using an alchy mage since 05 (before most people started using them) and im still learning new combos and tactics and ive probably gone thru 500 explode kegs just myself.

I'm glad you've found your niche. I'll concede that there is a disparity of skill among alchemists. I always respect a skilled player who can take something seemingly simple and get creative with it and take it to new levels. I give you props there. And I don't want to nerf your ability to keep on doing that and being successful. What I do want to do is put more templates on that same level and make this game a little more interesting. So you've got a lot of experience with this, throw me a bone. Can you think of any way in which purple potions could be toned down slightly while not impeding your ability to be successful and have fun with them?

I still fail to see how alchemy is over powered? I really dont have that hard of a time healing through 99% of people on the shards alchy dumps. A hally can do 90hp of damage and 1 hit while keeping a flamestriked prepped or something. Is being able to hold 1 spell and double click an enemy then press last target to kill them from full health over powered? I dont think it is because their is a counter to everything in this game. You can hold a gheal or nox the tank mage to get the weapon out of his hand. Just like u can hold a gheal and punch disrupt an alchy mage and run his own pot into him. Everything has its counters.

Where do I find a hally that can do 90 hp of damage? Even a valorite one won't hit that hard... and if it did, there'd at least be armor and RA to reduce it. The thing is, everyone can wear armor, and almost every PvPer on this shard has magery, so they can all use RA and archprotection. A mage can keep a tank poisoned to make him disarm, that's true. And a dexer doesn't really have that problem, as he has the advantage in close quarters already. Countering an alchemist isn't as easy as you make it sound, though, because the counter you suggest is template-specific. I can't punch disrupt an alchy mage, I don't have wrestling! Should I drop Anatomy and lose 30% of my weapon damage just so I can get that punch disrupt? Holding a greater heal doesn't work if he poisons, and chugging a cure pot will cancel that spell. And even if you do manage to pull that off, you can't take the right of way away from him... the next explosion pot is coming 4 seconds later, and if the punch disrupt worked, he's still got the mana to start the combo over again.

As for the fact that they are "heat seaking" I have no problem with this. Running is too rampant these days with broadband internet. I can honestly say that if there was no explo pots I would NEVER die. Even if i had 50 guys chasing me. I would just run and run like forest gump until I got home or lost them. What fun is a game where there is no risk to dying? Bandaids totally negate purple pots as well on the run as well if you want to talk about balance of skills.

I would probably die less often too, because on the occasions that I do run (read: when I'm badly outnumbered, loaded with loot, or need to stop playing and go have a life), I often get away unless purples are involved. I still say there must be a better solution to running, maybe in the form of addressing mount stamina...

Rock-paper-scissors isn't real balance. Bandaids might help you escape, but again, they're template-specific. How can a nox-scribe survive in that same situation? He can't use bandaids, so he's fucked? How can you call that balance?

Once again your posts seem to be centered on the past. What you say may be all well and good in 2000 but not today. People are MUCH MUCH MUCH better today! Its pointless to debate how things were back in the day. You have to talk about the situation we're in now.

If there were nothing to be learned from the past, today's generals wouldn't be scholars of history.

And this range thing?? I dont know what youre talking about but purple pots have the same range as any magic spell in the game. Try it out yourself.

I force my resolution with Razor up to 1024x768. I can see more than 12 tiles. I can't hit a guy I'm chasing unless he's well onto my screen, but I constantly get hit with purple potions thrown by pursuers I can't see.

Griefing is just lame and im happy that the gms slowly removed all the possible ways for no life losers who only play this game to piss other people off and not pvp have an opportunity to get their jollies. Real uo players get their jollies from honorable pvp. Im happy the shard caters to pvpers. There is no reason a random blue who the person throwing the purple pot didnt even intend to hit should be able to give a murder count. Its just lame, im sorry.


No wonder you think explo pots are overpowered if you die to explo pot fs. Dude you serious? Thats like the newbiest combo there is. theres so many things u can do to not die to explo pot fs. Like hit a heal pot, mini heal once, str pot and heal pot right before the damage hits. Really... like really you die to explo pot fs???

I've died to that in tournaments, where potions other than explosion were disabled. If I'm stunned with my healt h down a little bit, I can't cast a heal, and if heal and str pots are disabled I can't use one of those either. What else could I have done?

People who are good dont die in 1 deadly combo. People die from free hand pot mana dumps with lightnings harms and magic arrows with explo pots mixed in. These are the truly skilled alchy mages. making pots take 10 seconds just turns the alchy mage in a 1 newbie combo doing (like explo pot eb or fs) hacks. I know you must die a lot to one combo because you say you like to have 80 str in your other posts. News flash. Get 100 str.

I don't see the correlation between spam and skill. I do see the connection between spam and latency, though. How about the guy who just walks his horse around slowly and randomly (making it impossible to predict where he'll be and run his own potion into him) and throws 30 potions in a row? Is he truly skilled? I don't think a cooldown timer would be that big a handicap. I think things might change a little bit, but really all you'd have to do is prevent your opponent from healing a whole lot during those 10 seconds. With 2 explosion potions plus the amount of magery damage you can drop over a 10-second spam, you should still be able to kill people just as effectively.

By the way, getting 100 strength could help my survivability a bit. An extra 10 HP would be nice. However, I don't think that would do me any good once people figured it out and mindblast started hitting me for 40 damage. I'd also lose the obvious benefit of swinging my weapons a little faster. Maybe I'll try it for a while though.

people would just offscreen and run away with no risk of being potted down.
I'm okay with that. I think it beats the alternative of not being able to escape an overpowered template that you don't want to fight.

Rich people who can afford invul armor would always be at a benefit. An alchy mage vs alchy mage fight would be as never ending as a pure mage fight with pots.

So maybe it doesn't have to affect it quite that much. Maybe put a limit to how much damage reduction your armor will get you. Say, a reduction of 5-10 points. That would be a step in the right direction, while making high-end magic armor only a bit more effective than GM-crafted stuff.

Even if you let armor have its full effect and people who are willing to risk losing their invuln suit on the field get the reward of the protection it gives... I don't see the problem with that.

They already can be resisted. They could do 20 damage or 30 damage. Its totally random like a spell. Reflected?? Meh I really dont see what that would do other then delay the inevitable.

Well, delaying the "inevitable" could be a chance to turn the tide of the fight.

There already is a defense. Its called skill.

According to your earlier description of that defense, I think a better name for it would be "having wrestling and/or healing." That's not good enough if it's not available to everyone.

Duke Bokks

Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Since almost everything in UO has a counterbalancing item, skill or tactic, would perhaps the most sensible alteration be to have greater heal pots and purple pots have an identical timer and heal/damage for identical amounts, even if adjusted for alchemy? If you can only use a greater heal pot every 5 seconds, then why not the same timer for an explosion pot?


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

adjusting the timers will also just delay the enevitable. Whoever is carrying the most resources will win.

What I want to know is... Why isnt this trammeled yet? Does this not belong in the suggestion forums? Let's call a spade a spade. The first post is just a camo'd "pots make the game too hard for my prefered playstyle please change it" thread.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

LKP;1916377 said:
Trying to fix the "problem" of people running from fights by making one skill insanely powerful is akin to getting rid of the termites in your house by burning your house down.

You just said it's hard to kill a runner without:

Let's rule out pots, since that's the issue at hand. What have you got left?

Other ways to stop runners

- Paralyze. This is a 5th level spell. That means you need 50 magery and 15 mana to cast it. Alternatively, you can stun someone with wrestling and anatomy, or a spear.

- A weapon skill. That could be swordsmanship, fencing, archery, macefighting, or wrestling if you've got stun punch.

- Bolas. If you have tactics and the item at hand, you simply need to dismount your opponent with one of these bad boys, then take his mount out of the fight. It's pretty easily done against anyone but a tamer.

- Wands. You didn't mention this one, but they basically allow you to cast offensive spells while moving, so I'm gonna go ahead and add them to the list.

So to summarize, you can't stop someone from running away if you don't have magery, or a weapon skill, or a bola, or a wand. How exactly were you planning on killing the guy on your screen without any of those things if you could stop him from running away?

I do see your point though. It's been difficult to stop people from running away ever since the mount stamina bug was first introduced somewhere around the UO:Renaissance publish (April 3, 2000). Prior to that date, mounts would run out of stamina in the course of sprinting a few screens. This was changed, presumably by mistake, as there's no documentation of it ever having been done, but anyone old enough to remember UO before that date will tell you the same. It happened, and the trammies (read: non-pvp community) liked it so much that it stuck. Nine years later, mounts still have near-infinite stamina. You can run from Minoc to Trinsic and back at a full gallop without ever tiring your horse.

Pre-Ren, you'd see people stopping periodically to feed their mounts, as it was necessary to keep them fed to replenish their stamina. Each piece of food would restore one third of the pet's stamina, so 3 feedings would fully restore it. It wasn't uncommon for a player on the run to ditch his horse when it got tired and continue to flee on foot. Mind you, most of us were playing on dial-up connections too, so being mounted really didn't make you that much faster.

I would say, why not find that bug now and squash it for good? Revert mount stamina to its 1990's decay rate. Unfortunately, that would probably make tamers the new must-be template, as a horse's stamina certainly wouldn't stack up to a nightmare's... or there would be a whole new set of complaints if it did. Hell, there'd be whining all around and a whole new issue to deal with.

Still, you said yourself that you should be able to catch and kill someone as long as you've got a weapon skill, magery, or a bola (/wand). We all know that in practice, it's not that easy. But you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm a PK. I've learned in which of my favorite haunts I can go in guns blazing, and where I'd better use paralyze first or my target will get away. If my targets get away, it can be frustrating, but good for them! They weren't looking for a fight.

It's infinitely more irksome when someone picks a fight with me, dumps all his mana while I heal through it, then takes off as soon as I have the right of way. I hate chasing people in circles around a building or halfway across the world. I think it would be great if there were some way to stop aggressors from running away from a fight they started, but there are simply too many variables to plan for. (What if the defending player has friends in the area? What if he calls in? etc.)

It's gotten to the point where I usually refuse to chase someone, unless he's got something that I definitely want to kill him for. Running away from a fight you started means you lost. You know it, I know it, and everyone with the slightest grasp of logic knows it. Running away 1v1 is worse than dying in my book. At least the guy who dies 1v1 has fought like a man.

That said, I'll live with the termites. Just don't burn down my house.

i agree with you for the most part, ecxept bola tamers are worse. pots take longer to load up then a gheal. THERE THE WHOLE PROBLEM IS SOLVED. i never have a problem fighitng anyone with alchy, wether im on my nox-mage or alchy-stun. wands are gay, sure ther part of the game but to use them to chase people down is pretty gay. i never use wands, im not rich from pixels and donations so at 2500 a gheal charge and 1500 for lighting, wands r for people with the fundage. i call down people who use bola's way to much for me to justifiably use one(also again with the fundage). so i am left with para and pots(with gm alchy pots r incredibly cheap). and i kill everyone, red blue, groups up to 3, if i see a person ill chase em down and fight, i dont care about the loot, yes i will loot you dry but thats not why i kill you, so i chase everyone down, and less then 1 in 10 fight. so im not rich enuf to waste money on wands and bolas, leaving me alchy and para which takes time to load. im gonna void the weapon comments cause that only works if i have a better connection or im hitting him with pots and forcing him to stop and heal.

however i read in here i think something about how pots wouldnt home in. like it would actually take skill to hit people. i really liked this idea and think it would make a huge difference. but could you explain it more fully


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Duke Bokks;1917708 said:
Since almost everything in UO has a counterbalancing item, skill or tactic, would perhaps the most sensible alteration be to have greater heal pots and purple pots have an identical timer and heal/damage for identical amounts, even if adjusted for alchemy? If you can only use a greater heal pot every 5 seconds, then why not the same timer for an explosion pot?

u can only use an explosion every 4-5 seoncds....


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Generic_Player;1917988 said:
Do Tank mages actually work without insta hit here?

Yes. They're actually pretty popular. Most PvPers have at least one, but you mostly only see them come out when purple potions are disabled for an event. Other than that, they have kind of a cult following who swear by them. That group is mostly made up of nostalgic old-schoolers and people who've sworn not to use purple potions on principle. You can sometimes find a few hanging out at various dueling areas, where a lot of them only fight each other. As for me, I've got 4 of them (one for each weapon skill) and spend 95% of my play time on one. The other 5% is spent on my crafters getting gear ready for him.

10 seconds? lol thats slower then bandages

Heal pots currently have a 10-second timer, and I'd say there's nothing wrong with that. I can kill a guy chugging a heal pot every 10 seconds, but if it were every 5, I'd probably run out of mana.

Bandaids take about 11 seconds at 100 dex. I just tested it the other day. You might be able to get them down to 10 with 120 dex, but you won't get them faster than that.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

jimmydude;1917975 said:
however i read in here i think something about how pots wouldnt home in. like it would actually take skill to hit people. i really liked this idea and think it would make a huge difference. but could you explain it more fully

Sure. As you probably know, UOGamers consists not of one shard, but three: Hybrid, Divinity, and Demise. Divinity is the T2A shard, based OSI rules circa 1999. In December '07, Divinity was overhauled and reopened as "Divinity 2.0." The launch was greatly hyped and attracted a lot of new players. Its population soon rivaled Hybrid's.

Among the new players it attracted were a number of players who were used to this shard and others like it. When they came to the shard, they brought purple potions with them. Now, you need to understand a couple of things.

First, when we talk about pre-Ren UO, people think of a lot of things: no trammel, no neon (except the very rare hair dye), no custom housing... and tank mage dominance. But you see, tank mages weren't dominant because they were powerful. They were dominant because all the best players played them. In reality, a dexer would destroy a tank mage 9 times out of 10 when played by a great player... but that was rare.

You should also understand that Divinity has no mounts. That also contributes to dexer dominance, because it's so much harder to create distance between yourself and your opponent. While teleport actually works better in that case, it's really good horse control that lets mages keep their distance... and without horses, dexers have an easy time staying on top of mages.

There are other conditions that made dexers better too: out-of-control magic weapon spawn rates, the fact that dexers were simply faster there than here, and even leather armor slowing meditation, leaving mages naked...

but let me get to the point. Dexers throwing purple potions on that shard were completely destroying the notion of pre-Ren UO, and the staff was as unhappy about that as the playerbase. So, they decided to change purple potions, and this is how:

When a purple potion hit the ground, it counted off for an additional split second before detonating. That basically meant you could dodge one if you were moving. Some players got good enough that they would throw the pot not at the player, but at the tile ahead of him, which still resulted in a hit, but took a great deal more skill to successfully pull off. Of course, that was reasonable in an unmounted environment. It would be even harder here, with mounts, especially since mounts cause all sorts of client prediction problems as described earlier in the thread. It may not be an ideal solution for this shard, especially given the playerbase's love of their alchy-based characters here, and the fact that it's not era-specific.
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

My tank mage has 100 alchy. It is hard to pass up an extra 10 points of damage on something with a more consistent hit rate than a weapon, that can be used on the run/without making contact.

However, I am not so great at throwing explo pots and am still learning the game so in quite a few instances its just a waste of 100 points on my template. Those instances are: low on cash, low on regs, pk group is now but I don't have all the things ready, I kill myself on my epots way too often and I forget to use them.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

The One They Hate so Well;1916155 said:
You can also dip behind buildings and the like and they will often hit themselves, or you can even run into them and bam you're an alchy to.

this shit right here is a pretty big weakness...i cant believe im reading shit like "omg purple pots got no cons..." then wtf is this? Plenty a time i started a fight with a little more than half my hp due to my 1st pot blowing up on me. That's like a free hit for the opponent, and all he's gotta do is just break the line of sight, which isn't very hard to do most of the time.

I say thats a big fucking con.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Lan420;1919367 said:
Plenty a time i started a fight with a little more than half my hp due to my 1st pot blowing up on me. That's like a free hit for the opponent, and all he's gotta do is just break the line of sight, which isn't very hard to do most of the time.

I say thats a big fucking con.

pros of using explo pots:
you cant get guardwhacked for using them in town
you can hit anyone from anywhere on screen
you can last target ppl even though they are hiding or invis
you can throw with item in hand (making alchy dexer almost unbeatable 1v1 in the field)

cons of using explo pots:
you hurt yourself sometimes

peoples reliance on explo pots on this server is pathetic. people who use explo pots 24/7 are pathetic. regardless of what you say, they are a huge advantage more than they are not. original UO was built so everything was pretty much even, which is clearly NOT the case here on UOG. alchemists have a clear and distinct advantage which is why you see 80% of people with gm alchy now. basically it has lowered the caliber of pvp that takes place here and allowed no skill macro mashers to rule. way to go UOG.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Tried to think of alot of ways that things could be tweaked besides what I suggested earlier about an explosion pot giving the user a temporary penalty to his hit chance and defense chance. Most everything I came up with was problematic though.

One other options could be:

While an explosion pot is being used:

Increase swing delay timer by 50% (maybe more). - Dexers swing slower and less stun/punch disrupts

Decrease the additional bonus to Passive Mana Regen that you get from Int and Med by Half. This would make a non-alchy better able to keep up with the unlimited damage output of explosion pots.

Make it so that you can not equip a wand while a pot is activated - perhaps even putting a time delay penalty if one or the other has been used.

Still on the fence though about whether any of this is worth messing with.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Lan420;1919367 said:
this shit right here is a pretty big weakness...i cant believe im reading shit like "omg purple pots got no cons..." then wtf is this? Plenty a time i started a fight with a little more than half my hp due to my 1st pot blowing up on me. That's like a free hit for the opponent, and all he's gotta do is just break the line of sight, which isn't very hard to do most of the time.

I say thats a big fucking con.

I've already addressed this earlier in the thread, but I'll say it one more time so you don't have to search back. In this post you'll see how every so-called counter to alchemy sucks.

Short list of places where line of sight can't be broken:
  • Duel pits
  • Tournament arenas
  • Forests
  • Jungles
  • Open terrain without housing
  • Large city areas
  • Almost all of T2A
  • Caves
  • Most dungeon areas
  • Water/ships
So yeah, I guess if you're fighting in and around houses and city areas with smaller buildings, you can break the line of sight... provided you're not bogged down in a crowd (cities) or wasting most of your bandwidth downloading horrible custom housing abominations and the millions of useless handouts locked down in them. But even then, the alchemist can just throw the potion away or heal himself if he does get hit with it, as you're in no position to launch any kind of counterattack on him. And when you do come back into his line of sight to try and fight back, there's another pot coming your way.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Forgos The Haunted;1919344 said:
My tank mage has 100 alchy. It is hard to pass up an extra 10 points of damage on something with a more consistent hit rate than a weapon, that can be used on the run/without making contact.

So what did you drop for it?
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Anatomy lowered to 40, Med to 80, Eval to 80.

Once I make another GM alchemist (to produce potions), I think I'll move his alchy down to 60 or 40 and skill up med/eval to GM


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Can a Tank Mage even compete 1v1 with a Alchy Mage in say a 7x7 duel? I mean you can still throw pots without alchy..plus you have a weapon.

For instance.. has anyone ever won the Wednesday night Fight Night without and Alchy/Stun Character.. if not.. I think we got a problem.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Axias;1920134 said:
Can a Tank Mage even compete 1v1 with a Alchy Mage in say a 7x7 duel? I mean you can still throw pots without alchy..plus you have a weapon.

For instance.. has anyone ever won the Wednesday night Fight Night without and Alchy/Stun Character.. if not.. I think we got a problem.

The only time I've ever seen a substantial number of tank mages even enter a 1v1 tournament is when purple potions are disabled. Everything that's not alchy/stun is typically eliminated in the first few rounds. Most of the best players who would enter as tank mages are the same players who enter as alchemists, instead.

As for whether a tank would stand a chance, it comes down to luck right at the beginning. An early concussion blow can give the tank a great headstart, but an early stun can end the fight very, very quickly.

It's easy to fight against a tank mage, though. You put on your +2 robe and cloak, some good armor if you have it (but GM will work if you don't). You cast reactive armor to make yourself immune to weapon damage for at least a couple of hits. If you're in the field, you cast archprotection for yet another +11 AR. Those couple of steps will render the tank's weapons useless for a while. When he finally breaks through your RA, you can just put it right back up in a couple minutes.

There's no similar tactic the tank can use against the alchemist. That's the whole point of this thread. Stun has no counter, either. If that stun comes at the right time, it's an automatic death sentence. The only thing that might save you then is a heal wand.