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Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

MeLvIn^^;1921450 said:
smoker you may not believe it, but some people actually have lives outside of UO. i have a lot more important things to do than sit around and practice UO. the amount of time i spend playing UO a week doesnt compare at all to the amount of time i spend doing other, more constructive things. you may or may not have a life; to this i am not going to speculate, but the point i am trying to get across is i dont live to be good at UO. it is a GAME after all, something you do for fun.

so why exactly are you coming on the forums to complain? I smell bullshit.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

just want to state my opinion, after all that is what these forums are for.

i really dont give a shit if you like or agree with what i have to say. fact of the matter is i have been playing UO for a long time, been playing UOG off and on for a long time; way before the time you joined, and would just like to see things how they used to be. wishful thinking? yeah.. probably, but oh well.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

MeLvIn^^;1921450 said:
smoker you may not believe it, but some people actually have lives outside of UO. i have a lot more important things to do than sit around and practice UO. the amount of time i spend playing UO a week doesnt compare at all to the amount of time i spend doing other, more constructive things. you may or may not have a life; to this i am not going to speculate, but the point i am trying to get across is i dont live to be good at UO. it is a GAME after all, something you do for fun.

I Love when people make this comment. It really shows ignorance. I'm not calling *you* stupid or ignorant so don't get upset. This comment and ones like them just show a lack of understanding and lazy thought. Ever think that some of these cats have been playing this server for 6 years now with close to the same rule set? Just because they've got lots of in game experience over a *6 year* period doesn't mean they sit here all day every day playing and blow off RL. Use your head.

MeLvIn^^;1921450 said:
second, you guys act like im saying get rid of explo pots. they are and have always been a part of the game. all i am saying is make them less godly, and more realistic. you talk about situations resembling real life, so ridde me this; how can someone not be able to drink a potion because their hands are full, but be able to throw one?

meh.. I don't consider them that godly, we can just disagree.. no big deal. They could make it like back in the day to where when you cast a spell it auto equips your spell book and requires that you disarm the spellbook before using a pot but this wouldn't really change anything. The good players will always adapt and it won't have much effect.

MeLvIn^^;1921450 said:
and lb, i mean trammelized as in neon hair, crazy colored clothes, blessed everything, gay custom homes. del pond (where most of you "pvpers" camp) is trammel. i dont expect you to understand, as i am sure trammel always existed in the time you played UO. for those of us who remember how it was after the game first started, things like these are annoying, unnecessary, and pretty much worthless.

You do know that this is Hybrid right? Sounds like you're looking for Divinity? Not really any items related to PVP are blessed as far as I know. I'm not sure why it bothers you that people can bless their outfits or dye their hair but if that affects your ability to compete complain away. Nice jab regarding my experience with this game. That you can be *sure* about my level of experience and make that claim without any factual knowledge says a lot.

MeLvIn^^;1921450 said:
lastly, who gives a flying fuck if blues cry about reds having an advantage. they shouldnt be attacking reds and running back to town to hide. if they do they should suffer the consequences. and likewise for someone lugging pots in town. again you refer to real life, this is another situation where realism is avoided for the sake of appeasing the noobs.

Ok, because surely no blue that accidentally gets hit by another blue's AOE/pot would *ever* count them. Do you even think about why things are the way they are here? Do you think the shard admins are dummies? I assure you they are not. I think I'm starting to see a pattern from you. :p
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

lb3stx;1921425 said:
Also, about your gripe about town rules... If the AOE rules were reverted blues would cry that reds have an overwhelming advantage because they can use AOEs and blues can't because they'll be griefed with counts.

Playing Devi's advocate:

All the reds are asking for is an equal advantage. If it was switched to how it was before then blues would have the same disadvantages as reds as the aoe would hit them too so they would need to time it better (like the good reds do).

How would a blue be griefed with counts? You kill a red a red can't count. What you are referring to is trying to kill a red who runs into his house basically telling you that you are the better player. He then logs on to a hidden blue. The stupid blue not content to merely wins wants to kill the house hider and gets a count from the dead blue. Here's a hint, don't kill house hiders *OMG!!!*

Only reason aoe is like it is because the faction people want to machine gun pots in town without any repercussions.
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

MadeInQuebec;1916056 said:
I never cared about them, but I always care about well written posts, and LKP is certainly illustrious in that area.

this, i dont think i've ever seen you write a shitty post about anything. not to mention, u know tons more bout this game than anyone else i know. props to u there slick

Kenny Powers

Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Diamond's Inc.;1921739 said:
this, i dont think i've ever seen you write a shitty post about anything. not to mention, u know tons more bout this game than anyone else i know. props to u there slick

Aww. Its just so nice to see people being nice to others.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Heavy Smoker;1921457 said:
so why exactly are you coming on the forums to complain? I smell bullshit.

why change the sig? the last one was badass... this new one is just ass
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

LKP;1916053 said:
Publish 15 is a great era to emulate because there is such a variety of combat templates that work:

Scribe mages.
Nox mages.
Alchy mages.
Tank mages.
Healer mages.
Stun mages.
Stealth mages.
Thief mages.
Archer mages.
Med warriors.
Eval warriors
Parry warriors.
Pure warriors.
Alchy warriors.
Pure thieves.
Disarm thieves.

I embrace that diversity. I think it's awesome that I can go out on the field, or in the duel pits, or in an event, and fight against such a great variety of different opponents. A lot of PvPers are with me on this - they've all got tank mages, or archer mages, or healer mages, or scribes. But they've got those characters tucked away in their third or fourth accounts, and they only come out when they play with a ruleset that forbids purple potions. Meanwhile they'll all continue to play their alchy mages and alchy dexers, because those are the most effective templates.

I think that speaks volumes. Why do the diverse templates only come out when alchemy is forbidden? Maybe because they're too busy getting mowed down from a screen and a half away for 30+ damage every 3 seconds. The following is a short list of things that are wrong with purple potions:

1) There's no risk in using them around innocents due to the senseless new AoE rules.

2) They need 0 skill points to use, 100 to use with full effect... and do damage comparable to a GM halberd in the hands of a character with 300 skill points devoted to its use.

3) They don't count as physical or magical damage, meaning:
a) Armor has no effect on them.
b) Resist has no effect on them.
c) Parry has no effect on them.
d) They can't be reflected.

4) They can be used without a free hand, unlike all other potions.

5) They can be thrown while moving.

6) They can be cancelled during their prep time, then reactivated, effectively nullifying their prep time.

7) They're basically heatseekers. If thrown at the right time, they will always hit a moving target.

8) Because of #5 and 7, they have an effective range much, much larger than that of archery or magery.

9) They cost neither mana nor stamina to use.

10) They lack any kind of cooldown timer. You can throw one every 3 or 4 seconds.

Put that all together and you've got an ultra-long range, hands-free, rapid-fire weapon that can't miss, can't be resisted, can't be absorbed, can't be parried, can't be reflected, and does damage over time comparable to well-equipped dex munky fighting someone with no weapon skill. Putting a stop to any one of the above conditions would be a step toward balancing these things. There have been numerous suggestions, and this has been debated for years. Hell, even on Divinity, a UOGamers shard, purple potions were balanced by making the potions count down an extra second after landing, so hitting a moving target actually required you to lead it, as it should.

I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here. Many players have become so dependent on purple potions that they don't have a clue what to do without them. You'll recognize these players when they reply with ludicrous arguments or flames saying "They're fine, l2p." (The irony there is astounding, by the way.) Others simply don't care anymore, or never did. Even so, as many times as this has been mentioned and ignored before, I think rebalancing these things deserves some thought.


thank u for this wonderful post


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Sorry I dropped the ball on this for a while. My computer needed reformatting and it took me a while to get the disks to make it work again. Anyway, I'm back.

I've read that article on "Playing to Win" that ksaz posted a page or three back. I'd read it once before, too, and it makes sense in some ways, especially for fighting games like the author uses in his examples. Let's discuss that for a little while.

I have a preferred playstyle. I love solo PKing, and I love playing a tank mage, even though I know neither of those things optimizes my chance to win. I think the best template on the shard is the alchy/stun mage, and I know that the bigger my group gets, the better able we'll be to take and hold ground and beat anybody out there by attrition. If I were playing to win, that's exactly what I'd do - I'd put together a giant group of alchy dexers and stun/alchy mages and just roll across the map in a flurry of purple potions.

Later on, the PvP discussion forum would be spammed with near-identical threads about why my group/guild sucks, none of us can 1v1, etc. And they'd be right. I wouldn't be selective about who could join my group, since the best way to get bigger is just to add everyone, and with purple potions the way they are I wouldn't have to worry about friendly fire from morons either.

Unfortunately, I do care about how I win just as much as that I win. If my opponent loses connection in the middle of a duel, and it's obvious that that's happened, I'll stop and wait until he gets back on and restart the fight. That probably makes me a scrub, because I care about more than winning.

As Ksaz said though, this is somewhat off-topic, because it doesn't matter if I'm a scrub, or if Melvin sucks or if Raserei and Heavy Smoker are the two greatest players ever to play UO.

I'm not suggesting that the best players are successful because they use alchemy. I'm saying that the best players use alchemy because it's the best skill.

I am not the best PvPer on this shard, or anywhere near it, but I'm decent. I don't expect I could beat any of the top 100 duelists on the shard 1v1, regardless of template. Still, I can hold my own. I win a lot more fights than I lose. Also, because I play a tank mage almost exclusively, I'm certainly a lot better at controlling a tank mage than any other template.

That said, I can say with 100% certainty that if it were possible for me playing a tank mage to fight myself playing a stun/alchy, the stun/alchy would win every time. Here's how it would go down:

The alchy casts reactive armor and archprotection, and puts on his vet robe and cloak. He keeps the tank poisoned (to force disarm), and continues to lob purple potions from a safe distance whenever possible. Once the tank has taken some damage and is preferably poisoned, the alchy loads explode, stuns him, and sets up a big combo. If the tank survives, a little harm spam with some exp pots mixed in will do the trick. Meanwhile, the tank hopes for a concussion blow to delay that big offense, but his hits are basically nullified by the alchy's defenses so he can only really set up a purely magery-based offense.

The only way the tank is going to win is by chance. If the alchy continuously fails to stun, or if a lucky concussion blow gets in there, or if the alchemist runs out of purple potions, only then does the tank gain any sort of advantage. All these parameters are beyond the tank's control, and as such fall strictly under the category of luck.

Luck aside, the tank will not win. I say that's true of me as a player who knows tanks much better than alchies. I'm willing to bet it's true of everyone.

Is there anyone here who honestly thinks you on a tank mage could beat you on an alchy/stun mage at least half the time?

I submit that there is not. And therein lies the problem.

"Playing to Win" also talks about good games and bad ones. As you play at higher levels, does UO become deeper or shallower? Do you eventually figure out counters to the "cheap" moves, and counters to those counters? Or do you find that there really are moves with no legitimate counters?

The interesting thing about UO is that it's dynamic. It's not Street Fighter, released as it was and unchanged for years, which both allowed and forced players to master it as is. It's dynamic, and ever-changing with patches and publishes. You can never stay a master of this game for long, because the game can change and force you to learn it all over again.

Right now, I feel that the game needs to change if it's to be great, because there are moves that you will never find good counters to. There are moves that are designed to have no counters, and that's piss-poor design.
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

although I LOVE reading everything you write LKP, whenever I play my hally mage, I ALWAYS bring orange petals for that exact reason.

I also realize that that entire scenario was purely to point out a flaw with our PvP, but I had to suggest it. I had to.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

I used to carry orange petals, too... back when I had four houses and some gold, lol. I used to grow my own, had a small tower dedicated mostly just to growing that crap. Since my houses fell a while back and now I'm working out of just a small tower, it's not really practical. In any case, could you use orange petals in a duel?
Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

IF the rules allow them then yes.
But good luck finding anyone who wants to level the playing field.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Ive always liked the idea of entering some code into the game where you can click an explosion pot that on the ground and throw it back.

I realise a lot of people time their pots well (Or macro them well) but by using explosion pots you would run the risk of someone using an equally good "throw back" macro.

There should be a counter to them i agree. For every purple potion you have in your backpack you take an extra 1% damage from fire spells because they cause your potions to errupt. Might stop the people carrying around 50exp pots to every fight...


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

I have a parrying warrior (without magic). All told me that it is suck and advise me to replace it with another template. Their advices are correct and I should create a stun mage. But I can't.

I dreamed a dream that my parrying warrior can go out of town with the dignity...

However, the reality is he was forced to be a runner. Doesn't he want to fight? But, can he?

When I am kid, what I read from the story book is the hero hunting the evil with his sword and his shield. I wish one day I can role-play this...

But here, it is not easy. All are mages and alchemy. Is that a little bias and a little out of balance? And what causing this?

I am not anti-magic or anti-pot, I just think that no one talks for the warrior. I just give little voices for the warrior...

In a real balance system, all templates should have chance to win. Who is the winner who relies on the player skill. In group play, it is the collaboration and strategy.

I really wish to see the real diversity, rather than bias to one or two templates.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Paracelsus;1924765 said:
I have a parrying warrior (without magic). All told me that it is suck and advise me to replace it with another template. Their advices are correct and I should create a stun mage. But I can't.

I dreamed a dream that my parrying warrior can go out of town with the dignity...

However, the reality is he was forced to be a runner. Doesn't he want to fight? But, can he?

When I am kid, what I read from the story book is the hero hunting the evil with his sword and his shield. I wish one day I can role-play this...

But here, it is not easy. All are mages and alchemy. Is that a little bias and a little out of balance? And what causing this?

I am not anti-magic or anti-pot, I just think that no one talks for the warrior. I just give little voices for the warrior...

In a real balance system, all templates should have chance to win. Who is the winner who relies on the player skill. In group play, it is the collaboration and strategy.

I really wish to see the real diversity, rather than bias to one or two templates.

Generally in UO history mages have always been overpowered. With that said, take into count the fact that stealth archers ruined the PVP on OSI for a long time. when stealtth archers was "nerfed" it became bushido archers or bushido pallys instead.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

I know they are overpowered in UO history and always is.

I will not just complaining as there is no use to complain. To survive here, I have alchemy mage, stun tamer, etc. to cope with this mage bias world.

However, when I play my parry warrior, I always have the feeling of ... what to say ... to be raped.


Re: Hybrid is great because it's so diverse.

Paracelsus;1924823 said:
However, when I play my parry warrior, I always have the feeling of ... what to say ... to be raped.

So it's not frustration that your ingame character get's killed by a more viable character class?

Back on topic. You should be able to make a "pure" dexer without magery, but I don't think you can live without magic resist. Alchemy should not be a requirement, but it sure helps in a fight. What you will need for a dexer then is multiple weapons of varying class, fast weapons that deals little damage but can be poisoned for example or slower hard hitting weapons.

I don't think you will have much use of a 7x pure melee char. Btw, what would such a character look like? Skillwise I mean.