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I chug 1 vs 1!!!

I chug 1 vs 1!!!

i just want to put this out in the open...

I CHUG 1 VS 1!!!

im so sick of people fighting me, then seeing me chug and running off....
so now you all know... i fucking chug, if you run from people who chug, please recall when you see me so you dont wast my time, or an.old.ladys regs....

-=Spriggan Reborn=-


Wow... awesome. Congrats. GG.

I love it. How about this? Just go delete your accounts. Awesome. Thanks.

These threads are fucking stupid.



Yup, sparked off by a guy who just got killed 1v1 off someone...Who cares, tell yourself its only a game and maybe in future you wont get so annoyed.


Revelations said:
If you don't chug when you play this game, your not elite period.


If you dont chug when you play this game... and you still run around and kill people without being killed... you arent elite then? Shit... gotchya. Makes sense.

Um that really did not make a lot of sense to me, anyone understand that? What do you mean run and chug and not kill people, the last time I checked shedevil had over 1200 legit kills, don't kill anyone, um guess not tool boy....I have a new nickname for the blowshow.....since your the biggest tool on the forums and everyone knows that........

roadshow = Home Depot for now on...........

so Home Depot stfu


1200 Legit kills

I have it from a very reliable source that White SheDevil muled her so called legit kills. This along with the fact that you multi client before you will even dare to enter a dungeon makes you lame..1200 legit kills my ass.
Special_Ed said:
I have it from a very reliable source that White SheDevil muled her so called legit kills. This along with the fact that you multi client before you will even dare to enter a dungeon makes you lame..1200 legit kills my ass.

Hey dip shit, when myuog came out shedevil was second on the list with 400 kills, never in one day has her kill count gone up more then 10-20 kills, I will give you all my castles and all my loot if anyone has any evidence of shedevil macroing kills you fucking idiot. Losers like yourself that start bs comments and have no fucking clue what your talking about need to die in hell. I pk every day almost everyday M-F and kill my share of tamers who ya do report you..fucking jealous loser
Special ED, post your source you lieing fuck, I wish the GM Banned lieing fuckers like yourself, ask any the gms to look over the records and see, I bet not 1 person has reported me more then 5 times as of my 1200 kills you fucking piece of shit tool. I don;t care if you dont like me, don't open your fucking mouth about shit you know nothing about.


theRoadshow said:

If you dont chug when you play this game... and you still run around and kill people without being killed... you arent elite then? Shit... gotchya. Makes sense.


I said that... right. Ok... now your turn.

Revelations said:
Um that really did not make a lot of sense to me, anyone understand that? What do you mean run and chug and not kill people, the last time I checked shedevil had over 1200 legit kills, don't kill anyone, um guess not tool boy....I have a new nickname for the blowshow.....since your the biggest tool on the forums and everyone knows that........

roadshow = Home Depot for now on...........

so Home Depot stfu

Haha! Idiot. I never said "Run and chug and not kill people". I said "Run and NOT chug and KILL people." As in, I rarely chug (never 1v1) regardless of what i'm doing and I still get kills. Hahaha! Thats some funny shit.

You posted that whole AWESOME flame (<---- sarcastic) at a comment I never made? Haha! Good one.

That right there... is some funny shit.

Join Date: Mar 2004 08-22-2004, 01:56 PM

Posts: 892 Wow ok here i go.

In reply to death jester : White SheDevil has had 300+ kills for a LONG time. A few weeks ago we were pking and she had over 300 kills. 250 to 450 bin 2 days huh? dumbass.

Gertkane: She waas 2nd when MYUogamers came out , now shes first.



Rev...stop double/triple posting...and stop being all pissy and defensive...its a game, settle down.

As for chugging 1v1...its legal, nothing people can do about it...but if you have skill and respect for pvp you should be able to handle yourself in a fight without pots...otherwise, look for a gank squad coming to kill your lame ass.
Indeed, the pots are there, why not use them, they are part of teh game, I feel bad for you if cant afford them. I never roll without pots because I would probably die, I don't even know what the words are for Cure, because I drink.



Was that a flame ? Did I strike a nerve? You're damn right I did! You forget who I am! And what was seen by me isn't necessarily caught on video or by screen shots. I know for a fact that you did it because I was a witness to it. You muled your points and thats a fact. I don't have any proof other than seeing it. Does that make it a lie..NO. You did it, just do the math. As for your pking, Yes you do pk 5 days a week. But I am quite sure that I as well as others do not count you because we all know that that is one of the reasons you pk people. You are trying to make a name for yourself in this game..LOL. That is quite sad and what is sadder is that you keep calling these "1200 kills" legit. That makes me sad and to see you boast about something you know is a lie is ignorant. You try way to hard and it shows in practically all of your post. So now you can try and say you don't multi-client but we all know this is untrue because I as well as the others that have killed you have seen you instantly appear on your alt to loot WSD. That is sad. I wonder if Ryan or the others would be interested in knowing this considering the fact that if everyone did the same this server would crash more often. You are a joke and a liar. Don't dispute what I have witnessed with my own two eyes.
I see this going to trammel and I'm probably right in guessing that you have cried to an admin by this time. I stand by what I have said and by the way. You DO NOT have multiple castles or are you calling one of the gm's a liar. He posted last week that this shard has no more than 3 or 4 castles and he accounted for every one of them. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in saying that your castle is the one that was sold to a player with the stipulation that you keep it on your account. That is one now go ahead and explain how you got the other when he says they don't exist. This was a thread that started with a guy trying to sell an 8x10 on a private island and I think the gm was vapor.
I may be wrong about the gm's name but anyone can look it up and see that a gm said it.
By the way, notice I didn't call you anything but a liar.


On the field anything goes. Pots, Vanqs,Pets,Bolas...whatever.

A kill is a kill reguardless of how lame it is.

House Hiding is imo ultra homoerotic pvp.