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I chug 1 vs 1!!!



Pots are available for a reason and that is to be used. If you are willing to lose them then who cares if you chug in field fighting. It doesn't make you lame it makes you prepared. T


In the spirit of us creating our own truth, then Revelations 1200 kills are legit.

Consider the following. In his mind they are legit. Because well because he sees farming kills off multiple accounts legit.

As far as potions in fights, if you need them use them. It’s not like people have honor anymore anyways. So I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s almost like a mini version of those artifacts from aos. Everyone used them because they couldn’t win a fight without them. I’m not the greatest pvper in the world, probably one of the worst of the shard. But in all honestly I am not going to get any better by chugging a shitload of potions. I’m only going to get better if I learn to fight without potions. Meh

I think the only thing people actually agree on here is that Revelations only gets biblical when taking his fathers penis into his mouth.


Revelations said:
Thanks Home Depot, I am glad you enjoy my humor. :)

Thats probably what i'da said if I misinterpreted a post that bad. |:-(.

Nothing else to say? Try to turn your furious rant into a joke. Good one.

Special_Ed said:
Was that a flame ? Did I strike a nerve? You're damn right I did! You forget who I am! And what was seen by me isn't necessarily caught on video or by screen shots. I know for a fact that you did it because I was a witness to it. You muled your points and thats a fact. I don't have any proof other than seeing it. Does that make it a lie..NO. You did it, just do the math. As for your pking, Yes you do pk 5 days a week. But I am quite sure that I as well as others do not count you because we all know that that is one of the reasons you pk people. You are trying to make a name for yourself in this game..LOL. That is quite sad and what is sadder is that you keep calling these "1200 kills" legit. That makes me sad and to see you boast about something you know is a lie is ignorant. You try way to hard and it shows in practically all of your post. So now you can try and say you don't multi-client but we all know this is untrue because I as well as the others that have killed you have seen you instantly appear on your alt to loot WSD. That is sad. I wonder if Ryan or the others would be interested in knowing this considering the fact that if everyone did the same this server would crash more often. You are a joke and a liar. Don't dispute what I have witnessed with my own two eyes.
I see this going to trammel and I'm probably right in guessing that you have cried to an admin by this time. I stand by what I have said and by the way. You DO NOT have multiple castles or are you calling one of the gm's a liar. He posted last week that this shard has no more than 3 or 4 castles and he accounted for every one of them. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in saying that your castle is the one that was sold to a player with the stipulation that you keep it on your account. That is one now go ahead and explain how you got the other when he says they don't exist. This was a thread that started with a guy trying to sell an 8x10 on a private island and I think the gm was vapor.
I may be wrong about the gm's name but anyone can look it up and see that a gm said it.
By the way, notice I didn't call you anything but a liar.

Your a fucking lair, never once has shedevil mules 1 single kill, I hope a gm can bring up daily totals of kills to verify this and ban your lieing ass. Your a fucking liar period, not one kill of shedevil's was ever muled, I could give a shit wehre she is on teh myuog leader board, I could give a shit if it even existed, your a fucking liar period.
Yes you do pk 5 days a week. But I am quite sure that I as well as others do not count you because we all know that that is one of the reasons you pk people. You are trying to make a name for yourself in this game..LOL

quote from ed so ed your saying I pk you all the time? your pathetic and I liar! who is this mule I have pked and got counts from, I guareetee a gm can verify this?
Tethyan said:
In the spirit of us creating our own truth, then Revelations 1200 kills are legit.

Consider the following. In his mind they are legit. Because well because he sees farming kills off multiple accounts legit.

As far as potions in fights, if you need them use them. It’s not like people have honor anymore anyways. So I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s almost like a mini version of those artifacts from aos. Everyone used them because they couldn’t win a fight without them. I’m not the greatest pvper in the world, probably one of the worst of the shard. But in all honestly I am not going to get any better by chugging a shitload of potions. I’m only going to get better if I learn to fight without potions. Meh

I think the only thing people actually agree on here is that Revelations only gets biblical when taking his fathers penis into his mouth.

As for your ass do some research, shedevil has been pking for 9 months, 20 days roughly a month is 180 days, that is 6-7 people a day average reporting her, that is less then one an hour, I don't play a tamer, or any other gay chars, your a liar too as I repeat and I am sure a GM can verify this not one of shedevils reported kills are from one of my own IP or any of my accounts reporting her.
BTW ED, I was pking people on this shard when you were still training your tamer on OSI, PLEASE some GM verify this so we can get this lieing ass ED banned again like what happened to his last lieing forum account!



you are by far the most annoying piece of shit i have ever seen.

Rev>MA parablow potthrow all kill!


Revelations said:
Your a fucking lair, never once has shedevil mules 1 single kill, I hope a gm can bring up daily totals of kills to verify this and ban your lieing ass. Your a fucking liar period, not one kill of shedevil's was ever muled, I could give a shit wehre she is on teh myuog leader board, I could give a shit if it even existed, your a fucking liar period.

Your a fucking lair. Never once has shedevil muled a single kill.
I hope a gm can bring up daily totals of kills to verify this and ban your lying ass. Your a fucking liar period. Not one of shedevil's kills were ever muled. I could give a shit less where she is on the myuog board. I could give a shit if it even existed.

You sir are a fucking liar.

Now that I edited I can read. Keke^la.

Rev, you always seem to take a huge offence whenever some on acusses you of kill macroing or scamming. I wonder why this is? The gms are not going to do anything in your response simply because they dont like you.

In the past few days everytime we encounter you its either a gank with your tamer friends; or, you die and get a fuckton of people and come back with an alt. For UOgamers "best" pk you sure need alot of freinds helping you out.

Oh yea what are we up to now? A 4 to 1 ratio of us killing you? haha.


It still all boils down to respect...does anyone respect rev...probably not. Anyone chugging 1v1 doesnt deserve respect, anyone fighting their battles over the forums and not in the game also doesnt deserve respect. However, it is a game and some people dont care...which is understandable...and thats why such a huge amount of the player base are ignorant morons with nothing better to do than cause shit. GG. It's a game.


R a c e c a R said:
It still all boils down to respect...does anyone respect rev...probably not. Anyone chugging 1v1 doesnt deserve respect, anyone fighting their battles over the forums and not in the game also doesnt deserve respect. However, it is a game and some people dont care...which is understandable...and thats why such a huge amount of the player base are ignorant morons with nothing better to do than cause shit. GG. It's a game.


I think that should be the forum policy. Its a shame most dont agree:/.

Antarus, I have a screenshot (and you can ask CMurph) I 4 on 1ed 4 b=d members and killed then all in shame (4 on 1). Ya the last couple days you have ganked me 2 times with 3 other B=D members and I did not recall, I stood there andfought knowing I probably would die 4 on 1 and after you killed me, 2 4am tamers rolled up and ganked your whole guild and then they ressed me, get your story straight please.

The GM's don't like me? OK Antarus, I am glad your now a spokesman for the GM"S LOL!

Special Ed has already been banned for flamming lies about Ryan's on his other forum account so it will happen again, I hate people making pointless lies because they don't like me. I don't like you Ant but I am not going to come here and posts lies about you or your guild sorry.

I hate liars with a passion and if you have to make up lies about a game, you need to go get some help.


Revelations said:
Antarus, I have a screenshot (and you can ask CMurph) I 4 on 1ed 4 b=d members and killed then all in shame (4 on 1). Ya the last couple days you have ganked me 2 times with 3 other B=D members and I did not recall, I stood there andfought knowing I probably would die 4 on 1 and after you killed me, 2 4am tamers rolled up and ganked your whole guild and then they ressed me, get your story straight please.

The GM's don't like me? OK Antarus, I am glad your now a spokesman for the GM"S LOL!

Special Ed has already been banned for flamming lies about Ryan's on his other forum account so it will happen again, I hate people making pointless lies because they don't like me. I don't like you Ant but I am not going to come here and posts lies about you or your guild sorry.

I hate liars with a passion and if you have to make up lies about a game, you need to go get some help.

All I see is the Tazmanian devil trying to speak. blasp blah blah beh ah blahb ahb wjp[kwf;lkwfe;lk;wlkfw;lkf;l fwkf ;lewk;l *alot of spit* lwjflkjfwlkjwelkfjwle f; wblah blah ll2;l f blah.

"and I did not recall" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA; thats like Clinton saying I did not enhale or have sexual relations with Monica.


LoL.....Wow you guys that are arguing over who uses pots 1 v 1 are pathetic. I have never fought a good pvper 1 v 1 that has not used pots. I've fought the best on Uog, ive beaten the best; I've been beaten by the best and one thing all the fights have in common is that pots were always used.

Some people say pots make it so nobody can win, but the truth of the matter is that pots cannot always save you. I kill people who use pots everytime i dump on them and they still die and i've also been killed while using potions to stay alive.

Bottom line is that people need to play this game for fun, not to make themselves feel good about themselves or to help build up their pathetic video game ego's. I used to feed into all that he said she said bS but honestly its just not worth my energy. I suggest people stop worrying about stupid crap and just play the damn game.