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I chug 1 vs 1!!!



Well I was fighting a gay ass >!< a few weeks ago..Forgot the fucks name and he was chugging/stunning/throwing and he still died..I guess im that good :/
plenty of people find me alone.. soemtimes they die, timetimes i die, but most of the time they see me chug and eather call backup, or run and yell "HAHA! you chug! you fucking noob!!!!"
thats what this thread is all about...
I beleive that in any situation, you should be aloud to do anything that the game permits, if one person chugs dont cry because cant.

I personnaly use all that the game provides for succesfull fights and I do not see a problem with it.


If you die while chugging 1v1...thats just sad. If you have any skill at disrupting their or your own spells, you can't die 1v1 with pots. Reason being, poison does nothing...you can insta cure and heal through dumps. Heals are lvl 1...cant really be disrupted...gheals lvl 4...can easily beat out an ebolt. The only chance of death 1v1 this way is if you reflect an explo or ebolt and they end up doing 1/3 damage on themselves.


you're wrong racecar. Do you even pvp anymore? And yes ive killed you 1 v 1 using pots back when you were a TB Hally mage. Sometimes g heal pots barely heal at all and explo ebolt will bring you down to death blow. Throw in a nicely timed stun punch and you are dead.