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I heard IC is coming back...a msg for Krios

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I heard IC is coming back...a msg for Krios

They must have finally finished grinding the 100,000 potions they will need for 2 weeks of PvP. Oh wait, that's right, they have GM's in their guild, they dont need to grind. Funny how their backpacks and potions were always organized exactly the same way when they died. Not that there is anything wrong with that. All GM's and their pals on other shards pvp with only tamers and alchemist characters dont they?

What happened to the good old days Krios when you used to just house hide or recall when your reflect was off on your script/stun mage. I liked you alot better then. My favourite is when it was like 6 on 1 or 2 with me and ClockWork and you would spam our screen with a thousand characters trying to prevent us from targeting you. I still have screenshots of that on my old HD, that was a classy move there. Please let your guild rest in peace, make some new characters and try to pvp without advantages. Then you wont have to listen to people bitch about you guys and the best pvp'rs wont quit the shard or just remain at the dueling area.

To fix the shard its easy. Step 1)Make GE pots useless like Defiance has. That means a COMPLETELY random timer from like 3 to 13 seconds. I do not even die to alchemist dexxers I just know they are a completely unbalanced character. Thank god only morons play them. Step 2)Make bonded pets a thing of the past. It is that simple. Step 3) Remove factions they are pointless. No factions mean stronger guilds and better fights. Shard fixed. I know your leet pvp tactics revolve around pots and tameables, but you see everyone else fucking hates it, except for the 5 to 10 dexxers who are too stupid to play a mage and somehow can not manage to kill people without GE pots. I have said this a thousand times, like I said to add poker a thousand times, and a dueling arena a thousand times. You listened to those requests, use common sense on this one. Would it not be fun to have guildwars again in town without all this stupid shit?

I am just telling you how to make your shard more popular. It is your call. I was right about the poker and dueling arena's though wasnt I. :p

I forgot to mention Bolas! Never once did I kill an IC member who did not have a minimum of ten bolas on them. Yet I never saw them farming them. I was the most active succeful PK for months and I knoe when I killed an IC farmer, because there was instantly 3-4 IC on the scene within seconds.

Bola's should require 100 tactics or be removed from the game completely. If you cannot kill someone with fencers and stunners you should not be pvp'ing in the first place.
indeed bolas with mares if u cant hid, get lucky and recall (if u r not crim or attacked first) or cast invis and remount (if you lucky) like that fucker water...his mares insta killed my, 2 bites to the nuts and a fireball up my ass I saw all kill ......doot...died instantly fuck bod bad ass mares and bolas...fucking lame, a good pvper with 2 mares, like water, or cerebus deimos can take on 3-4 good pvper at once with the bolas and win, that is ridiculous
Ya, sorry, I drank some really good coffee this morning and it is friday.......I am ....never mind........... ya but sorry................


I agree - remove factions. I'm currently trying to bring the o/c and guild war thing back into the spectrum of pvp... we currently only have 10-15 wars, though, and I've sent out about 50 or more. We're Order, about to go Chaos and we war everyone - no one responds, and when we ask the faction guilds why they won't war us, their responses are always, "You're not worth any points or silver."

The other guilds are just weak, and it's that simple. I WANT GUILD WARS! I WANT MORE ORDER AND CHAOS!

WAR SENSUAL ARMED FORCES! Give us some fun. I've sat at Brit bank for an HOUR when we're WARRING and ORDER and I didn't see one orange. This sucks... DJ is right; do away with factions. Do away with bonding. GE pots don't matter to me that much, as I don't have alchemy and I use them from time to time if I'm outnumbered (good for disrupting and I've done like 23 or so damage with them).

There are a lot of other things that are bothersome, that don't have to do with the shard but the players, and I'm not going to get into them right now. What I'm saying is: I agree with DJ about everything except the GE pots, as those don't bother me.



Oh, and as far as them not warring me because I'm not worth silver or points, that's bull. I carry at least 100 of each reg on me, pots, pouches, and tons of other shit that I think would make killing me "worth" it. The ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE GIVEN US COMPETITION IS MDK.

How sad is that? They didn't talk shit, either. They were totally cool, although they drobed us so we couldn't run back and loot our corpses, which I believe is entirely understandable as I would do that as well.

Anyway.. war Sensual Armed Forces; we need some action.


I think alot of people who quit UOG will come back to play very soon.

WoW is just not the game alot of us pvpers are looking for.

UO still has the best elements for pvp.

If IC wants to make a comeback thats cool with me.
Members are slowly trickling back, I ran around Britain with a member last night for about 30-40 min, im sure you'll see more of us sooner than you think.


Reality said:
Members are slowly trickling back, I ran around Britain with a member last night for about 30-40 min, im sure you'll see more of us sooner than you think.

You will never have what Socrates had.
And what is that?

The inability to communicate via mic on Vent?
The ability to lag out in every single fight?
The inability to give orders in a fight?



DeathJesteR said:
They must have finally finished grinding the 100,000 potions they will need for 2 weeks of PvP. Oh wait, that's right, they have GM's in their guild, they dont need to grind. Funny how their backpacks and potions were always organized exactly the same way when they died. Not that there is anything wrong with that. All GM's and their pals on other shards pvp with only tamers and alchemist characters dont they?

What happened to the good old days Krios when you used to just house hide or recall when your reflect was off on your script/stun mage. I liked you alot better then. My favourite is when it was like 6 on 1 or 2 with me and ClockWork and you would spam our screen with a thousand characters trying to prevent us from targeting you. I still have screenshots of that on my old HD, that was a classy move there. Please let your guild rest in peace, make some new characters and try to pvp without advantages. Then you wont have to listen to people bitch about you guys and the best pvp'rs wont quit the shard or just remain at the dueling area.

To fix the shard its easy. Step 1)Make GE pots useless like Defiance has. That means a COMPLETELY random timer from like 3 to 13 seconds. I do not even die to alchemist dexxers I just know they are a completely unbalanced character. Thank god only morons play them. Step 2)Make bonded pets a thing of the past. It is that simple. Step 3) Remove factions they are pointless. No factions mean stronger guilds and better fights. Shard fixed. I know your leet pvp tactics revolve around pots and tameables, but you see everyone else fucking hates it, except for the 5 to 10 dexxers who are too stupid to play a mage and somehow can not manage to kill people without GE pots. I have said this a thousand times, like I said to add poker a thousand times, and a dueling arena a thousand times. You listened to those requests, use common sense on this one. Would it not be fun to have guildwars again in town without all this stupid shit?

I am just telling you how to make your shard more popular. It is your call. I was right about the poker and dueling arena's though wasnt I. :p

My name is Mister "Istolemynamefromsomeguild"
I would like to dig up a dead cow and fuck it from behind.
I am hearby officially an idiot and don't want people to hurt me anymore.
And last but not least. I own j00*

*= When everything gets a nerf except for me.
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