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I heard IC is coming back...a msg for Krios

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Revelations said:
indeed bolas with mares if u cant hid, get lucky and recall (if u r not crim or attacked first) or cast invis and remount (if you lucky) like that fucker water...his mares insta killed my, 2 bites to the nuts and a fireball up my ass I saw all kill ......doot...died instantly fuck bod bad ass mares and bolas...fucking lame, a good pvper with 2 mares, like water, or cerebus deimos can take on 3-4 good pvper at once with the bolas and win, that is ridiculous
Ya like I said he tweaked his mares and he closed my thread. I dont see what fun it is if your guy's skills are above what people's skills should be, it just shows how much he fuckin blows. Cause im sure his mares are 7x gm and took about 3 mins to make.
And I can vouch that everything they did was 100% legal. The only reason you all accuse them of cheating is because they were the first guild to acctually get mass ranks and organize. Yes I know, quite the rare concpt in PvP, but it works, and no one else wanted to try it themselves. (No, I was NEVER on IC, mmmmmkthx).


DeathJesteR said:
I forgot to mention Bolas! Never once did I kill an IC member who did not have a minimum of ten bolas on them. QUOTE]

mabey thats cuz you make them with the tinker skill? ingots and leather no farming required..GG

How can I steal a name from a guild I was an original member in? FiZBaN was my name on Chesapeke. All the other DJ's after that were copies and fakes or members that moved to Europa since most of DJ's were Danes.

I named myself that as a tribute to my old guild because on almost every free shard I have played on, some guild has stolen the name DeathJester's. Unless they played on Chesapeke and Europa they are fakes. The Deathjester guild on UOgamers, is mostly European players who joined after the Chesapeke move.

I did not use the name FiZBaN because many people have claimed to be me, and most people think I am not FiZBaN because in the old preuor days I was as good or better then I am now, when most people did not even know about interupting spells. People thought I was some kind of deity or hacker. That is because people are stupid. :( It is not possible to win every single duel in UoR and I pretty much hate dueling in UOR anyways. Depsite that I was in the top three in dueling when I did duel. The two players above me were from Chesapeke and I know them well. Ironfist Max and Valkyr. You will not find better duelers in UoR anywhere, then those two. The best preuor dueler ever is also from Chesapeke, Xmyth.

An AG player now owns the top spot I believe and they are also from Chesapeke. So now that we are clear that Chesapeke players dominate every single freeshard and duel rankings, and it is obvious you are not from Chesapeke or you would know me, please go kill yourself for representing or defending a guilds name that I was an original member in, and that you were not.

You are the kind of fucking loser who probably starts up a DJs or DJ! stone on freeshards trying to represent a guild you always wanted to be a member in.

Peace out homie. Better luck in UO 2.
Dear Reality...

...fuck off. I have never seen you do anything but run in anything close to even numbers. You are fucking horrible, as was your entire fucking guild. You lost every set fight with Immortal. We won UOgamers. Everyone thought IC was the best, and we came along and within 2 weeks stomped your guild in every set fight. Then we got bored and quit, because we refused to tamer pvp with you assholes. If we wanted to tamer pvp, we would play OSI.

What happened before you guys started using tamers and alchemist characters only, Reality? Oh yeah you got rolled by GGS in the graveyard every day, despite us having four people on max. Trunks, Clockworkorange, Temptest, me and sometimes my buddy Canofwhoopazz. I would take us four against any four IC in a set duel any day. The only guild that would have challenged us back then was TRU and they were all friends. You were just a bunch of house hiding faggots turned into pvp'rs with a hacked client (thanks Krrios for ruining the game) tamers and bolas.



You know deathjester I used to think you were a cool guy, but seeing as how much time in your life you devote to chatting on forums about how you hate people in a game. C'mon dude your like in your twenty's, just because you haven't found a boyfriend yet doesn't mean you should stop trying...


every post this dumbass posts is in essays.. he says hes moved on, hes god in this game, he says he dont play anymore yada yada yada, and yet hes here 24/7.. this kid is fuckin sad lol and i cant wait till he posts another essay insulting me!!
2slick4u said:
And I can vouch that everything they did was 100% legal. The only reason you all accuse them of cheating is because they were the first guild to acctually get mass ranks and organize. Yes I know, quite the rare concpt in PvP, but it works, and no one else wanted to try it themselves. (No, I was NEVER on IC, mmmmmkthx).
You vouch for the lil mistake they had with the brit gy house? That teleporter that took them from there to a supply house filled with regs/pots/bola's/ and etc?
You know whats funny, the thing about killing people with krrios was this, he dry looted everyone, literally, everyone and dropped off their loot, constantly.

I wouldn't understand why he would loot everyone if he could have just simply made his own bolas/regs/supplies


Hey just wanted to say thanks to all the guilds we killed today, it was quite fun, IC rolling with four, and holding it down against double numbers.. to everyone who didn't shit talk us good game, to the sheriff of britain thanks for hiring 15 guards to try to kill us, quite the compliment :)
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