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I heard IC is coming back...a msg for Krios

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Sorry I write essays, maybe this will be easier for your 5th grade reading comprehension ass to understand.
I roxxors you suxxors. Fo shizzle. Reality, down lows, knows that Immortal taughts IC sthat they blows, which is why he doesnt refutizle my claimsizzles. TrUtH can be a bitch to a poser, yo. Guess their client couldnt handle our leet origin clients.

Ok all people that have an IQ lower then 80 stop reading here.

Zowie, I never had a problem with you until you left and joined a faction that had 80 percent of the pvp population in it at the time. You kissed IC's ass and they let you in. I would have recruited you too though if I was IC. You learned alot in the short time I sparred and trained with ya. You never beat me or even got close but I have never slammed you or degraded your pvp skill any time you have posted.

If you dont like my opinions explain yourself and show me where I am wrong. Otherwise defend people that cannot defend themselves. I never claimed to be god of UO. It is a simple game that can be mastered by people even as dumb as Zowie it seems. *Yawn* Any more brilliant posts for me to waste time reading are greatly appreciated.


DeltaGreen said:
hi 2 u.

reality hates me still for leaving IC :'<

Leaving? or getting kicked out... twice

DeathJester, you are as bad as a women. Always bitching about something. Seriously, keep in mind it's a game. A game. You really need to learn that IC had nothing to do with cheating and GET OVER IT. People like you make me not want to log into the game anymore.
Without knowing you(deathjester), id suggest not to waste any further time posting about this. This is how it was and always will be: IC does the most homosexual pvp tactics imaginable and constantly developing new ones and then turns around and gives excuses and explanations to defend how they pvp. Everyone knows that Reality running up and bolaing you so his tamer IC friends can nightmare gank you isnt skill, or that how eraxor, krrios and soc would chase you throwing exp pots and saying that they dont use them if people wouldnt run... well if it wasnt 3v1 who would run? Just save your time.
son of wanker, dad of wanker, brother of wanker, mother of wanker, uncle of wanker, wanker himself, you get the point all got owned many times by SAS on IPY


Can't you damn people stop bitching for 5 minutes?
It's a game get over it, who cares if someone uses potions? They're in the game, so why not use them?
Oh and btw factions are NOT dead...

Afro Man

Son of Wanker said:
You vouch for the lil mistake they had with the brit gy house? That teleporter that took them from there to a supply house filled with regs/pots/bola's/ and etc?

Ohh, you forgot them banning us and sending us off to the mountains. :( stockpile, eh reality?


DeathJesteR said:
How can I steal a name from a guild I was an original member in? FiZBaN was my name on Chesapeke. All the other DJ's after that were copies and fakes or members that moved to Europa since most of DJ's were Danes.

I named myself that as a tribute to my old guild because on almost every free shard I have played on, some guild has stolen the name DeathJester's. Unless they played on Chesapeke and Europa they are fakes. The Deathjester guild on UOgamers, is mostly European players who joined after the Chesapeke move.

I did not use the name FiZBaN because many people have claimed to be me, and most people think I am not FiZBaN because in the old preuor days I was as good or better then I am now, when most people did not even know about interupting spells. People thought I was some kind of deity or hacker. That is because people are stupid. :( It is not possible to win every single duel in UoR and I pretty much hate dueling in UOR anyways. Depsite that I was in the top three in dueling when I did duel. The two players above me were from Chesapeke and I know them well. Ironfist Max and Valkyr. You will not find better duelers in UoR anywhere, then those two. The best preuor dueler ever is also from Chesapeke, Xmyth.

An AG player now owns the top spot I believe and they are also from Chesapeke. So now that we are clear that Chesapeke players dominate every single freeshard and duel rankings, and it is obvious you are not from Chesapeke or you would know me, please go kill yourself for representing or defending a guilds name that I was an original member in, and that you were not.

You are the kind of fucking loser who probably starts up a DJs or DJ! stone on freeshards trying to represent a guild you always wanted to be a member in.

Peace out homie. Better luck in UO 2.

wow dj, you actually think you were a good dueler in UoR? bullcrap, you were horrible. your biased because you only dueled on chessy. the best duelists dueled at wrong/farms test center with a variety of the best duelists, and i never remember hearing of any Fizban or the other newbies you said were the best.
your an idiot and were never good.

suggestion to shard: change the casting delays to fit osi pre aos, this shards casting has never been close at ALL
Revelations said:
son of wanker, dad of wanker, brother of wanker, mother of wanker, uncle of wanker, wanker himself, you get the point all got owned many times by SAS on IPY
Yea odds are you did kill quite a few wankers on In por ylem. Two of them was girlfriends of my rl friends, like 8 out 11 of them have never played ultima before, and all 8 of them was on 56k computers. Still proud of yourself, and besides how many times was it me, or wanker?


wow dj, you actually think you were a good dueler in UoR? bullcrap, you were horrible. your biased because you only dueled on chessy. the best duelists dueled at wrong/farms test center with a variety of the best duelists, and i never remember hearing of any Fizban or the other newbies you said were the best.

who ARE you.... crazy...man... joe? um never heard of u, but im not gonna talk shit or say you suck cuz for all i know you MIGHT be good. but ill have to disagree with u 100% of your last statement.

1. the best duelers were on GL (ever heard of HCM, Peon, Scooby Doo, Kokapelli,Uther Pendragon???) (how bout -R-, BC, FS!, !FS,BTH <the good BTH> etc.) GL had its good share of pvpers, but all i know is that these jews dominated pre aos.

2. TEST DUELERS FUCKING SUCKED SIR. seriously i am, well used to be, a GOD on test factions. ive never seen more japs pretending to be duelers in my life. they arent even qualified to be pvpers to me.

3. Peon of GL was by far the greatest pre aos pvper ive EVER seen.

4. I DO agree with you when you say Fizban isnt good. Who the fuck is fizban? if he was a good pvper i would have heard of him..... and i havent :(

just letting you know so you get your facts straight :D

You are the kind of fucking loser who probably starts up a DJs or DJ! stone on freeshards trying to represent a guild you always wanted to be a member in.

i hope your not talkin bout the DJ guild i saw on questars old shard. cuz if it is, ill agree you guys are terrible....... IT IS YOU, DJ / DEATH JESTERS HAHAHAHAHA. wow sir your guild was fuckin rocked on that shard. you guys get owned pre aos AND aos... lol wow your not wanted in uo sir ;)


This entire thread is a cesspool of misinformation, lies, and all around BS... The original poster was trolling, thread locked.
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