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Stides40oz;2156787 said:
HEY! i have a nice male ass

I win

Sup brookly!?



elohdee;2156694 said:
Nice. Sadly I was a little intoxicated.

Anyhow, I know my comma use is bad. My professor constantly reminded me, I failed to listen, but I'll survive though.

If anyone fits the mold you chose to describe, it would be yourself.

I get on, I talk poop, I get off. I have no one to impress, nor do I try to impress anyone in the ten minutes of the day that I use the internet. Thanks for assuming so much about me though, I must impress you.

You on the other hand seem to crave attention. Thanks for the grammar lesson though boss, I always appreciate learning new things.

Also, I still don't think you got your point across, try again please.


Can you direct me please, I would enjoy a lecture. :D

giggle, i was kidding of course D:

sorry pal. intoxication is no excuse. actually, there is no excuse. if intoxication is an acceptable excuse for you, i could run with it saying that i am never sober when i post. gives me carte blanch under your reasoning, eh?

dont pretend. it is unseemly. the process of shittalk is designed to "impress" your little "clique." otherwise, why butt into a discussion you have no position in to degrade someone because you are so much smarter than they are? about grammar, none the less, on the internet of all places. you seem to have a bad habit of twisting yourself into a pretzel to stick your foot in your mouth, so to speak.

i could care less about "attention." at least attention from those i am not directly addressing. i get more than enough attention from my activities elsewhere on the internet. the couple of hundred people that frequent these forums are small potatoes.

world renowned economists
Max Keiser - YouTube - Max Keiser - The Original Death of the Dollar

Peter Schiff - YouTube - Peter Schiff Mortgage Bankers Speech Nov/13/06

hope you learn something.

Brookly;2156735 said:
You know in science we tend to take into consideration contrary points of view rather than discredit them. You have presented your theory of reason as to why we are in a depression and I have given mine. You want to portray yourself as some education crave but you instead make yourself out to be a pseudo-intellectual who only wants to banter on about absolutely stupid shit and spew bias drivel.

Infectious and tropical diseases is not a business; it is moral obligation that I have and made it a career. When did I ever say I wanted to open my own practice? Regardless, I still would not need to take economics in med school otherwise it would have been made a requirement. So it seems the Medical Board doesn't agree with your theory. Move on and shut up already. :)
you know in debate, you build your own argument and attack the opposing one, right? this is not scientific theory, it is history. i hope you understand this difference. you also know in science, you do not develop a theory without supporting evidence. i have given mine, where is yours?

healthcare (including "tropical and infectious diseases" is a BIG business. moral obligations are not careers. unless you are and have no plans on making profit from it. i didnt say YOU wanted to have your own practice, i asked if understanding the basics of business was more practical to a doctor running his own practice (the end goal of a good portion of medical students, yes?) compared to fine arts.

understanding how your nation's economy (and government) functions is an important part of being a citizen. this is not some facet of being a doctor, but of being a citizen who has a say in their governance.

how about this, stay over in africa or wherever you are, and renounce your citizenship and shut up, as you dont seem to care about us here as much as you do the people we exploit with the way we run our business and government.



sorry pal. intoxication is no excuse. actually, there is no excuse. if intoxication is an acceptable excuse for you, i could run with it saying that i am never sober when i post. gives me carte blanch under your reasoning, eh?


dont pretend. it is unseemly. the process of shittalk is designed to "impress" your little "clique." otherwise, why butt into a discussion you have no position in to degrade someone because you are so much smarter than they are? about grammar, none the less, on the internet of all places. you seem to have a bad habit of twisting yourself into a pretzel to stick your foot in your mouth, so to speak.
Actually I shit talk just to shit talk, because like you said, it is the internet. I don't have no "clique". I actually don't talk to anyone on this game outside of my poop talk on these forums once in awhile.

You see, when I poop talk about random stuff, such as grammar, it gets people like you that have the need to feel relevant and important to come out of the wood work. This in returns provides entertainment for me.

Again you babble about nothing. Not once have I took a standpoint of being more intelligent than anyone else on these forums, except maybe chance.

Not all things are as serious as you want them to be, people actually do things for absolutely no reason.

i could care less about "attention." at least attention from those i am not directly addressing. i get more than enough attention from my activities elsewhere on the internet. the couple of hundred people that frequent these forums are small potatoes.
It would actually be I couldn't care less. To say you could care less means you actually care. If you couldn't, well that means your care meter has already dropped to zero.

I also take note that it seems this forum is full of textbook kids, and people below your status, so why do you frequent here?

And you say I try to act smarter than people on these forums, giggle.

Thanks, pal. I most definitely will, I learn things every day, It's what life is about.



elohdee;2157107 said:
Again you babble about nothing. Not once have I took a standpoint of being more intelligent than anyone else on these forums, except maybe chance.

Not all things are as serious as you want them to be, people actually do things for absolutely no reason.

It would actually be I couldn't care less. To say you could care less means you actually care. If you couldn't, well that means your care meter has already dropped to zero.

I also take note that it seems this forum is full of textbook kids, and people below your status, so why do you frequent here?

Thanks, pal. I most definitely will, I learn things every day, It's what life is about.

i guess those "reading comprehension classes" comments were somehow NOT implying that you were more intelligent. i guess your grammar nazi comments were not implying that you were smarter (about grammar) than someone else. i guess your correction of "could care less" is not some statement of a superior command of the language (thanks for taking the bait)

your reasoning for what you do is unimportant for me. you'll note i never inquired about it. the statement was rhetorical. however understanding the economy IS something that SHOULD BE important to any citizen. as i said before, having at least a layman's understanding is imperative. it is very important to making an informed vote. being informed when you vote is quite important, because if you vote uninformed, you get crooks like obama, bush (both of them), clinton, reagan, nixon, carter, and all the rest in office.

i frequent here to talk about UO primarily. but when i see people arguing about important issues, i feel a need to contribute. just because you are "textbook" and "uninformed" now does not mean that you cannot change. sure i've gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience in my life, but it would be wasted if i did not share it when i found somewhere to relevantly contribute. which, if you havent noticed, i've been doing here. in opposition to nitpicking about matters irrelevant to the debate at hand.

i hope you do learn something, at least you're willing to listen. more than i can say about a supposed university student who thinks that discovering how certain key terms relate to the US economy is a fiscal interpretation of the canadian dollar.



i guess those "reading comprehension classes" comments were somehow NOT implying that you were more intelligent.
May you elaborate on how they implied that I was more intelligent than you?

Just because you have a sub-par reading comprehension ability, does not make me any more intelligent than you, nor does it imply such a thing.

And you wonder why I bring your reading comprehension into question, giggle.

i guess your grammar nazi comments were not implying that you were smarter (about grammar) than someone else.
There was no implication that my grammar was better than his, only that his post was grammatically incorrect. Then again mine is shit too compared to someone as great as you, friend. I simply do what I do to get people like you to entertain me. Thanks.

Unlike you I don't view these forums as a place to prove myself.

i guess your correction of "could care less" is not some statement of a superior command of the language (thanks for taking the bait)
It was no bait, it was just a foolish mistake in which I happened to help you out with, since you helped me out with a few links. One should return a favor.

In the end, you're rather hypocritical. Your portrayal of everyone seems to be that they are here to impress, and act smarter than the rest. Sadly, the only one to have this train of thought, is yourself. After all we are all foolish peons from the same mold, and you are an unique individual.

It's UOGamers forums, (I'd prefer you wouldn't but out of my care for the fellow man I'll give you a tip); Do yourself a favor and lighten up.

We understand you have a need to feel superior, but if you really want to be superior, I wouldn't even bother posting in these dull forums.

Your views on the way people do things are about as foolish and simplistic as to why I do what I do.

Either way, thanks :D



RAKninja;2157087 said:
sorry pal. intoxication is no excuse. actually, there is no excuse. if intoxication is an acceptable excuse for you, i could run with it saying that i am never sober when i post. gives me carte blanch under your reasoning, eh?

dont pretend. it is unseemly. the process of shittalk is designed to "impress" your little "clique." otherwise, why butt into a discussion you have no position in to degrade someone because you are so much smarter than they are? about grammar, none the less, on the internet of all places. you seem to have a bad habit of twisting yourself into a pretzel to stick your foot in your mouth, so to speak.

i could care less about "attention." at least attention from those i am not directly addressing. i get more than enough attention from my activities elsewhere on the internet. the couple of hundred people that frequent these forums are small potatoes.

world renowned economists
Max Keiser - YouTube - Max Keiser - The Original Death of the Dollar

Peter Schiff - YouTube - Peter Schiff Mortgage Bankers Speech Nov/13/06

hope you learn something.

you know in debate, you build your own argument and attack the opposing one, right? this is not scientific theory, it is history. i hope you understand this difference. you also know in science, you do not develop a theory without supporting evidence. i have given mine, where is yours?

healthcare (including "tropical and infectious diseases" is a BIG business. moral obligations are not careers. unless you are and have no plans on making profit from it. i didnt say YOU wanted to have your own practice, i asked if understanding the basics of business was more practical to a doctor running his own practice (the end goal of a good portion of medical students, yes?) compared to fine arts.

understanding how your nation's economy (and government) functions is an important part of being a citizen. this is not some facet of being a doctor, but of being a citizen who has a say in their governance.

how about this, stay over in africa or wherever you are, and renounce your citizenship and shut up, as you dont seem to care about us here as much as you do the people we exploit with the way we run our business and government.

All I got from this was, "blah blah blah I hate people who disagree with my theories blah blah blah you should not be a US citizen if you didn't take economics in Med School..." In a debate that everyone really cared about, yes I would have made a rebuttal. But in this case, considering nobody really wants to participate in, why would I try and enable you?

I would love to stay here in Africa but I would rather exploit the U.S. financial systems loop holes. Plus, the dollar is usually around 7 Rand per 1 Dollar so I would rather stick to the Dollar. Notice how I am not complaining about our currency?

FYI, if you think HIV/AIDS is a business, you really should consider allocating your moral values. This is the 21st century... But alas, I forget, us young kids who are 4 years younger than you are such twits; what do we know right?

RAKninja;2157115 said:
i frequent here to talk about UO primarily. but when i see people arguing about important issues, i feel a need to contribute. just because you are "textbook" and "uninformed" now does not mean that you cannot change. sure i've gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience in my life, but it would be wasted if i did not share it when i found somewhere to relevantly contribute. which, if you havent noticed, i've been doing here. in opposition to nitpicking about matters irrelevant to the debate at hand.

i hope you do learn something, at least you're willing to listen. more than i can say about a supposed university student who thinks that discovering how certain key terms relate to the US economy is a fiscal interpretation of the canadian dollar.

The only thing you have been contributing is the annoyance of this stupid debate that nobody really cares to talk about; and people say I am persistent? Honestly, shut up already. I have agreed to disagree, learn to do the same. In any case, once again, this debate started from a stupid joke. Considering your SIGNIFICANT age difference, you should try and be more mature.



It's true that a lot of higher education knowledge is overrated in terms of its actual usefuleness. Some of it is very useful, but a large portion of undergraduate course material has little direct applicability to the real world, and is certainly not worth the expense paid for it in tuition. Much of what I learned in college was associated with training that would make me a good employee for some large company out there, as opposed to someone who has the knowledge and experience to generate wealth on an indiviual basis (which is what I was after). There are many ways and avenues to gain information and experience about things besides formal education, so I try not to throw around the college card myself. I can guarantee there are people out there that have only a 6th grade formal education, that have more knowledge and experience doing all sorts of things than I ever will.

Sometimes I think people like to stick their hands into the wasp's nest, just cause it reminds them of the taste of honey. I'm going to go back to knitting sweaters out of nitrocellulose for tobacco executives now. I really don't belong in the conversation, but I did appreciate some of the things posted.



elohdee;2157128 said:
May you elaborate on how they implied that I was more intelligent than you?

Just because you have a sub-par reading comprehension ability, does not make me any more intelligent than you, nor does it imply such a thing.

And you wonder why I bring your reading comprehension into question, giggle.

There was no implication that my grammar was better than his, only that his post was grammatically incorrect. Then again mine is shit too compared to someone as great as you, friend. I simply do what I do to get people like you to entertain me. Thanks.

Unlike you I don't view these forums as a place to prove myself.

It was no bait, it was just a foolish mistake in which I happened to help you out with, since you helped me out with a few links. One should return a favor.

In the end, you're rather hypocritical. Your portrayal of everyone seems to be that they are here to impress, and act smarter than the rest. Sadly, the only one to have this train of thought, is yourself. After all we are all foolish peons from the same mold, and you are an unique individual.

It's UOGamers forums, (I'd prefer you wouldn't but out of my care for the fellow man I'll give you a tip); Do yourself a favor and lighten up.

We understand you have a need to feel superior, but if you really want to be superior, I wouldn't even bother posting in these dull forums.

Your views on the way people do things are about as foolish and simplistic as to why I do what I do.

Either way, thanks :D
speaking of hypocritical, you harp on grammar, when you do such things as use double negatives and use quite incorrect grammar yourself. you then seek excuse because "i was intoxicated, lol"

let's board the logic train, shall we? by needlessly correcting folks, you claim greater understanding and knowledge. another way of saying this would be that you think you are smarter, or more intelligent, in this area. of course this is moot, as none of this is about "who's da smartiest." in essence you are using ad hominim to refute his argument.

before you attack my comprehension, perhaps you should look at what you, yourself, are saying. you claim to be trolling (posting things just to get a rise out of people for entertainment) yet it seems to bother you greatly enough to correct me about it when i claim you are doing it for attention. you betray yourself. why bother correcting anyone if you were not attempting to demonstrate your "superior" wit? oh yes, i nearly forgot. u b trollin'.

you think yourself superior to me enough to judge my comprehension ability (which is stretched to the limit by your sub-par ability to express yourself properly, or perhaps just cover your own ass from the hypocrisy of your own statements, havent quite decided yet.) then again you probably just harp on it to try to get a rise out of me. i sincerely doubt that someone who conducts himself in "public" the way that you do is qualified to judge the reading comprehension of a fourth grader, let alone someone whom has been reading on the level i have for as long as i have. oh yes, again i forget myself. you da bestest troll.

in closing, i suggest you educate yourself on creative writing a bit. your ability to express yourself is severely hampered by your very imperfect grasp on the written word. while your unintentional faux pas are often quite humorous and mean the opposite of the point you are trying to make, you would probably garner more entertainment if you were able to concisely communicate your meaning. from one troll to another, train harder grasshopper. you have potential, but you seem to waste it.

so lets forget this unimportant bullshit, and talk about the economy some more, mkay?



Brookly;2157141 said:
All I got from this was, "blah blah blah I hate people who disagree with my theories blah blah blah you should not be a US citizen if you didn't take economics in Med School..." In a debate that everyone really cared about, yes I would have made a rebuttal. But in this case, considering nobody really wants to participate in, why would I try and enable you?

I would love to stay here in Africa but I would rather exploit the U.S. financial systems loop holes. Plus, the dollar is usually around 7 Rand per 1 Dollar so I would rather stick to the Dollar. Notice how I am not complaining about our currency?

FYI, if you think HIV/AIDS is a business, you really should consider allocating your moral values. This is the 21st century... But alas, I forget, us young kids who are 4 years younger than you are such twits; what do we know right?

The only thing you have been contributing is the annoyance of this stupid debate that nobody really cares to talk about; and people say I am persistent? Honestly, shut up already. I have agreed to disagree, learn to do the same. In any case, once again, this debate started from a stupid joke. Considering your SIGNIFICANT age difference, you should try and be more mature.
elohdee should be harping on you about reading comprehension. how did you ever make it that far in school if you can not read simple sentences? here, let me break it down into baby speak so you might have the sliver of a chance of learning something.

you think the economy is unimportant. you do not care about what most americans think is the biggest problem the nation faces.

you are not complaining about the currency because you do not understand it. before 1965, an ounce of gold was worth $23. the value of gold does not change. look up historical gold prices. i dare you. you do understand the difference between "value" and "price," right?

you seem to think that HIV/AIDS is not a booming business that earns pharmaceutical corporations billions. as a specialist, you should know how much the drugs that treat the symptoms, and the experimental drugs that try to suppress or cure it cost. i suppose the corporations who exist solely to turn a profit make an exception in this area out of the goodness of their hearts? the same corporations that push untested flu vaccines out that end up killing more people than the diseases they were designed to protect against?

again, four years makes a big difference. in less than four years i went from apathetic and uninformed - like you - to angry and informed, as i currently am.

i would try explaining to you why africa is so poor despite the wealth of resources to be found there, but it would be a lost cause. you'd rather be self righteous by helping the poor unfortunates there, rather than the people here that need the same help.

now watch those videos i posted. if you dont have that much time, use youtube downloader or something to save and watch later.



''UOGamers Forums > Guilds and PVP > Faction Forum ''

Name of the thread: I LOVE YOU MISTRO

Actual subject:The economy,Hiv/Aids

Dam this thread fail so much ...

Brookly;2155725 said:
the only reason Canada even has 2 cents above our dollar is because U.S. corporations continuously use the country as an outsource for manufacturing (e.g. more jobs for the Canadians) because of cheap labor and taxes.

Alright, I don't have time to go through this whole thread again but lets just start here. For the past +20 years the American Dollar has always (for the most part) been valued MORE than the Canadian Dollar is terms of exchange rates. So does that mean for the past 20 years Canadian companies and corporations were outsourcing to the USA? As you put it... "continuously using the country as an outsource for manufacturing".

So outsourcing causes currency devaluations?? Really?? So what happened in 2008??? The Canadian Dollar overtook the US Dollar. Does that mean that in 2008 Canada stopped outsourcing to the US, and the US started outsourcing manufacturing jobs to Canada? Why did they wait until 2008 to do this? The point is, none of this happened....you are just mistaking. The point is, the outsourcing of jobs has very little to do with currency deprecation. If exchange rates were based off of the level of outsourced jobs, then that means you must believe that whenever the American Dollar floats higher than the Canadian Dollar - that's a sign Canadian companies are outsourcing manufacturing jobs to the US. Currency devaluation is a monetary phenomenon and has pretty much nothing to do with outsourced jobs, here is how it actually works in the real world:

County X expands its money supply - Country X's existing money supply is now devalued because of the expansion of MS.
If Country X wants to buy the currency of Country Y
Country X must issue MORE of its own currency to buy LESS of Country Y's currency

The point of all of this is that exchange rates have more to do with the expansion or contraction of a nations money supply, relative to the expansion or contraction of ANOTHER nation's total money supply. It has very little to do with the outsourcing of jobs....

Why not just admit what you know deep down inside, that you have no understanding of basic economics. You just feel the need to always be right and always have the last word. Your economic theories make no sense and you have no argument to support them.

Brookly;2155725 said:
because of cheap labor and taxes.

So now Canada has cheap labor and low taxes?? How do they afford universal health care if they don't have high taxes? The level of taxation (direct and indirect) of Canada compared to the US is so minuscule that it really isn't even worth talking about. Both countries have high levels of tax and government regulations.

Instead of thumping so hard on the thesaurus and dictionary, maybe you should read an economics book before debating economics?? It would help you not look like a moron like you do now....spewing complete bullshit out of your mouth and calling it sound economic theory.

elohdee;2156694 said:
Can you direct me please, I would enjoy a lecture. :D

I couldn't really tell (over the internet) if you were being serious about wanting to get into Austrian Economics but if you were:

YouTube - Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One | Peter Schiff
YouTube - How I See the World Today: Question and Answer Period | Jim Rogers
YouTube - Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition)
YouTube - Peter Schiff Analogies



RAKninja;2157159 said:
elohdee should be harping on you about reading comprehension. how did you ever make it that far in school if you can not read simple sentences? here, let me break it down into baby speak so you might have the sliver of a chance of learning something.

you think the economy is unimportant. you do not care about what most americans think is the biggest problem the nation faces.

you are not complaining about the currency because you do not understand it. before 1965, an ounce of gold was worth $23. the value of gold does not change. look up historical gold prices. i dare you. you do understand the difference between "value" and "price," right?

you seem to think that HIV/AIDS is not a booming business that earns pharmaceutical corporations billions. as a specialist, you should know how much the drugs that treat the symptoms, and the experimental drugs that try to suppress or cure it cost. i suppose the corporations who exist solely to turn a profit make an exception in this area out of the goodness of their hearts? the same corporations that push untested flu vaccines out that end up killing more people than the diseases they were designed to protect against?

again, four years makes a big difference. in less than four years i went from apathetic and uninformed - like you - to angry and informed, as i currently am.

i would try explaining to you why africa is so poor despite the wealth of resources to be found there, but it would be a lost cause. you'd rather be self righteous by helping the poor unfortunates there, rather than the people here that need the same help.

now watch those videos i posted. if you dont have that much time, use youtube downloader or something to save and watch later.

Reading comprehension? Did you miss the part about how my internet is rationed? You think I would waste my MB on videos you posted about stuff that does not interest me whatsoever (FUCK I am a horrible US citizen!).

It is rather ethnocentric of you to think that my work here in Africa couldn't benefit the work I will be doing when I return to the States. And I am the bad U.S. citizen...? Again, a reality check is much needed for you.

As for pharmaceutical companies making profits on HIV/AIDS; spare me the conspiracy theories. This forum can only handle one pointless debate at a time.

JustinRClassof07;2157221 said:
Alright, I don't have time to go through this whole thread again but lets just start here. For the past +20 years the American Dollar has always (for the most part) been valued MORE than the Canadian Dollar is terms of exchange rates. So does that mean for the past 20 years Canadian companies and corporations were outsourcing to the USA? As you put it... "continuously using the country as an outsource for manufacturing".

So outsourcing causes currency devaluations?? Really?? So what happened in 2008??? The Canadian Dollar overtook the US Dollar. Does that mean that in 2008 Canada stopped outsourcing to the US, and the US started outsourcing manufacturing jobs to Canada? Why did they wait until 2008 to do this? The point is, none of this happened....you are just mistaking. The point is, the outsourcing of jobs has very little to do with currency deprecation. If exchange rates were based off of the level of outsourced jobs, then that means you must believe that whenever the American Dollar floats higher than the Canadian Dollar - that's a sign Canadian companies are outsourcing manufacturing jobs to the US. Currency devaluation is a monetary phenomenon and has pretty much nothing to do with outsourced jobs, here is how it actually works in the real world:

The point of all of this is that exchange rates have more to do with the expansion or contraction of a nations money supply, relative to the expansion or contraction of ANOTHER nation's total money supply. It has very little to do with the outsourcing of jobs....

Why not just admit what you know deep down inside, that you have no understanding of basic economics. You just feel the need to always be right and always have the last word. Your economic theories make no sense and you have no argument to support them.

So now Canada has cheap labor and low taxes?? How do they afford universal health care if they don't have high taxes? The level of taxation (direct and indirect) of Canada compared to the US is so minuscule that it really isn't even worth talking about. Both countries have high levels of tax and government regulations.

Instead of thumping so hard on the thesaurus and dictionary, maybe you should read an economics book before debating economics?? It would help you not look like a moron like you do now....spewing complete bullshit out of your mouth and calling it sound economic theory.

I couldn't really tell (over the internet) if you were being serious about wanting to get into Austrian Economics but if you were:

YouTube - Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One | Peter Schiff
YouTube - How I See the World Today: Question and Answer Period | Jim Rogers
YouTube - Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition)
YouTube - Peter Schiff Analogies

Why are you still here? You are like a gnat that just flutters around aimlessly. You keep trying to prove a point when nobody here cares.

Brookly;2157248 said:
Reading comprehension? Did you miss the part about how my internet is rationed? You think I would waste my MB on videos you posted about stuff that does not interest me whatsoever (FUCK I am a horrible US citizen!).

It is rather ethnocentric of you to think that my work here in Africa couldn't benefit the work I will be doing when I return to the States. And I am the bad U.S. citizen...? Again, a reality check is much needed for you.

As for pharmaceutical companies making profits on HIV/AIDS; spare me the conspiracy theories. This forum can only handle one pointless debate at a time.

Why are you still here? You are like a gnat that just flutters around aimlessly. You keep trying to prove a point when nobody here cares.

mad because now the whole world now knows you really don't know what you talking about? care to reply the economics arguments i laid out for you?

By the way, I like the part where you said Canada has low wages.

In US Dollars:
Average income in Canada for 2009: 63,900
Average income in US for 2009: 49,777

Do you bother to look this stuff up before you post to make sure you are correct??? I guess not....