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JustinRClassof07;2155939 said:
I just posted this whole thread up at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute forums ;)

brookly please expand on your outsourcing/currency devaluation theory also we would like to hear more about the free market and government "allowing" companies to move overseas.....

we aren't laughing at you, we are laughing with you. don't be shy brookly, you now have the undivided attention of about 20 or so economics students.


Are you legally retarded?

Honest question, sorry if I offend.



elohdee;2156158 said:
Are you legally retarded?

Honest question, sorry if I offend.




Son of Wanker;2156062 said:
yeah....sorry my post caused the housing bubble.........MUH BAD BRO
your post shows your ignorance. the collective ignorance of people like you has allowed things to degrade to this point. perhaps elohdee can give you comprehension classes.

elohdee;2156157 said:
Maybe I should attack your reading comprehension instead of his grammar.

I have no argument to disprove. I simply seen two people engaging in conversation through text. I as an outsider who enjoys reading found it hard to read his post, so I as a reader "attacked" his post.

I see you're still no brighter than the first time we engaged in conversation.

On a side note, I was not necessarily attacking his grammar, I was simply making comment in hopes that he would make it easier on my eyes.

Have a good day, mate.

Till we next meet, I am off to sleep.
i see i have to talk to you as if you are a toddler, as always. the conversation was something of a debate on economics. in a debate, your position is your "argument". because you can not find some way to say justin is wrong, and justin is in conflict with someone you like, you feel the need to debase his position (or "argument") in order to make him look bad, and your pal look good.

i see you are still no brighter than the first time we engaged in conversation.

on a side note, i expect you to make these kinds of comments to your butt-buddies when they do not use proper spelling and grammar (which is to say, every post)

stop coming to a battle of wits unarmed. you make it boring.

now was there anything you wanted to contribute as to why the CSD is valued more than the USD, or were you just going to blow it all off so you can look cool?



RAKninja;2156312 said:
i see i have to talk to you as if you are a toddler, as always. the conversation was something of a debate on economics. in a debate, your position is your "argument". because you can not find some way to say justin is wrong, and justin is in conflict with someone you like, you feel the need to debase his position (or "argument") in order to make him look bad, and your pal look good.

Hey, genius, I have no position in the argument for I was not part of the argument.

Like I said, maybe I should attack your reading comprehension instead of his grammar.

I don't need to be apart of ones debate in order to attack their poor grammar use.

Also note that I do not like Brookly, she has always been my enemy. Do not assume to know things anymore.

Who's the toddler now, bitch?

edit; yes, i responded before i read the entirety of your post, sorry.



RAKninja;2155915 said:
i did not say we were purely socialist, i refuted the point that we are a free market economy, and asserted that we are mostly socialist. mostly is a word that denotes "most of, but not all." you should know this.

i dont need to use any more than one cause for the DEPRESSION (the numbers are worse than that of the "Great" Depression, did you know?) the fed has been the root of it. everything else stems either from the fed and fiat currency, or outright fraud in business. i can suggest to you some world renowned economists who can back this up in spades.

my how the standards have changed. when i went, it was required. hell it's still required in community collages.

i really hate to be insulting to the ignorant, but you are quite the fool if you use wikipedia as a reference, rather than the verified references cited in any given article. that's what's wrong with you kids these days, you want everything handed to you. one extra step to take is just too much.

to paraphrase myself, this is not frivolous, this shit is important. you are the future. if you dont bother to learn about this, in a few years, you'll be wondering why you are so poor, why your children are so poor, and why you all are debt-slaves.

Haha! You are quite entertaining. If your age by your avatar is accurate, you are roughly 4 years older than I am so I am not quite sure how you get off on "you kids?" I used it once as a reference in a half-assed last minute paper I wrote my freshman year. I too am carbon-based... I can make stupid mistakes at a young age just as I am sure you did.

Second of all, I have done quite well for myself both educationally and financially thank very much.

Lastly, did you honestly compare community college curriculum versus a 4 year school's curriculum? The standards haven't changed in any case; social sciences, humanity and fine arts, basic college math and English. Why on Earth would they make a public health student specializing in tropical and infectious diseases take economics and business? I guess in our 4 year age difference, college curriculum's were completely revamped across the nation. God, it is no wonder we are in a recession... We keep spitting out students who never took economics and business while in med school.

Sorry Sig, I hate to break it to you, but you are going to fail as a doctor and at life because you didn't minor in economics. ;)

JustinRClassof07;2155939 said:
I just posted this whole thread up at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute forums ;)

brookly please expand on your outsourcing/currency devaluation theory also we would like to hear more about the free market and government "allowing" companies to move overseas.....

we aren't laughing at you, we are laughing with you. don't be shy brookly, you now have the undivided attention of about 20 or so economics students.


That's ok. Unlike you, I am not afraid to admit that I have been laughing at you this entire time at your astonishing ability to completely turn one joke into a pointless debate about economics. Congrats on proving to the world how useless you can make yourself.

JustinRClassof07;2155941 said:
i think brookly's problem is that she she posts absurd things that dont make sense about ecomonics, but she does it in formal english so she thinks that makes her right.

newflash: when your entire concept is economically inaccurate...you dont win by posting it in proper english and grammar.

Again, introductions are in order. Somebody update me of the new kid?

In any case, I would love for you to divulge further into how only one theory can be the cause to our recession. As Rakninja would put it; you kids are all textbook, no imagination.



Brookly;2156623 said:
Haha! You are quite entertaining. If your age by your avatar is accurate, you are roughly 4 years older than I am so I am not quite sure how you get off on "you kids?" I used it once as a reference in a half-assed last minute paper I wrote my freshman year. I too am carbon-based... I can make stupid mistakes at a young age just as I am sure you did.

Second of all, I have done quite well for myself both educationally and financially thank very much.

Lastly, did you honestly compare community college curriculum versus a 4 year school's curriculum? The standards haven't changed in any case; social sciences, humanity and fine arts, basic college math and English. Why on Earth would they make a public health student specializing in tropical and infectious diseases take economics and business? I guess in our 4 year age difference, college curriculum's were completely revamped across the nation. God, it is no wonder we are in a recession... We keep spitting out students who never took economics and business while in med school.

Sorry Sig, I hate to break it to you, but you are going to fail as a doctor and at life because you didn't minor in economics. ;)

That's ok. Unlike you, I am not afraid to admit that I have been laughing at you this entire time at your astonishing ability to completely turn one joke into a pointless debate about economics. Congrats on proving to the world how useless you can make yourself.

Again, introductions are in order. Somebody update me of the new kid?

In any case, I would love for you to divulge further into how only one theory can be the cause to our recession. As Rakninja would put it; you kids are all textbook, no imagination.

i hate you but love you at the same time.............. :(



elohdee;2156598 said:
Hey, genius, I have no position in the argument for I was not part of the argument.

Like I said, maybe I should attack your reading comprehension instead of his grammar.

I don't need to be apart of ones debate in order to attack their poor grammar use.

Also note that I do not like Brookly, she has always been my enemy. Do not assume to know things anymore.

Who's the toddler now, bitch?

edit; yes, i responded before i read the entirety of your post, sorry.

He wasn't either so no need to apologize. As a matter of fact, neither was Justin. He was just looking for attention and spun this whole conversation into a pointless debate.

Also, your denial makes me sick; you have always liked me. I fucking bake you pies for God's sake!



Brookly;2156623 said:
Haha! You are quite entertaining. If your age by your avatar is accurate, you are roughly 4 years older than I am so I am not quite sure how you get off on "you kids?" I used it once as a reference in a half-assed last minute paper I wrote my freshman year. I too am carbon-based... I can make stupid mistakes at a young age just as I am sure you did.

Second of all, I have done quite well for myself both educationally and financially thank very much.

Lastly, did you honestly compare community college curriculum versus a 4 year school's curriculum? The standards haven't changed in any case; social sciences, humanity and fine arts, basic college math and English. Why on Earth would they make a public health student specializing in tropical and infectious diseases take economics and business? I guess in our 4 year age difference, college curriculum's were completely revamped across the nation. God, it is no wonder we are in a recession... We keep spitting out students who never took economics and business while in med school.

Sorry Sig, I hate to break it to you, but you are going to fail as a doctor and at life because you didn't minor in economics. ;)

4 years. i was attending a university before you were allowed to drive. 4 years is how long it takes to earn a degree. 4 years can mean a lot. in the space of four years i went from a punk kid (yes, i consider myself at 21 to have been a "kid" these days) to a disabled veteran. "you kids" is a broad generalization. i would think that someone past their freshman year would be able to pick up on this. especially because you, as an individual, are not a plural.

yes, business was a required course. as a doctor, how can you run your own practice, department, or what have you, if you do not understand business itself, at least in a general way? it's far more practical than "fine arts" wouldent you say?

speaking of the DEPRESSION, another factor is student loans, and the exorbitant tuition fees we charge here. you know that in the UK they are rioting because they have to pay about a quarter of what we pay?

at least you honestly admit you dont have a clue what you are talking about. now remedy this, and look up those terms justin gave you. no, it is not a fiscal interpretation of the canadian dollar. or, if you dont have enough time for that, i can direct you to world renowned economists who will verbally explain it to you.

you dont have to specialize in it, just get a layman's understanding (which you currently lack). at least that way you wont be surprised when bread is $100 a loaf in ten years.

elohdee;2156598 said:
Hey, genius, I have no position in the argument for I was not part of the argument.

Like I said, maybe I should attack your reading comprehension instead of his grammar.

I don't need to be apart of ones debate in order to attack their poor grammar use.

Also note that I do not like Brookly, she has always been my enemy. Do not assume to know things anymore.

Who's the toddler now, bitch?

edit; yes, i responded before i read the entirety of your post, sorry.
you would be amusing if you were unique. sadly, you are one of thousands from the same mold. too wrapped up in trying to be clever to impress people on the internet. it's more sad than anything.

now, since you want to be a grammar nazi, you dont need to be away from someone's debate to attack grammar? oh, and you want the possessive use of "one's". your first sentence is compound, and is missing a comma between "argument" and "for".

your second-to-last sentence is also missing a comma, right after the first word.

oh, and look. like a grown man, i was able to get my point across without resorting to profanity.

edit: i missed the extra comma in your first sentence. it's "hey genius,"



RAKninja;2156647 said:
you would be amusing if you were unique. sadly, you are one of thousands from the same mold. too wrapped up in trying to be clever to impress people on the internet. it's more sad than anything.

now, since you want to be a grammar nazi, you dont need to be away from someone's debate to attack grammar? oh, and you want the possessive use of "one's". your first sentence is compound, and is missing a comma between "argument" and "for".

your second-to-last sentence is also missing a comma, right after the first word.

oh, and look. like a grown man, i was able to get my point across without resorting to profanity.

edit: i missed the extra comma in your first sentence. it's "hey genius,"

Nice. Sadly I was a little intoxicated.

Anyhow, I know my comma use is bad. My professor constantly reminded me, I failed to listen, but I'll survive though.

If anyone fits the mold you chose to describe, it would be yourself.

I get on, I talk poop, I get off. I have no one to impress, nor do I try to impress anyone in the ten minutes of the day that I use the internet. Thanks for assuming so much about me though, I must impress you.

You on the other hand seem to crave attention. Thanks for the grammar lesson though boss, I always appreciate learning new things.

Also, I still don't think you got your point across, try again please.


i can direct you to world renowned economists who will verbally explain it to you.
Can you direct me please, I would enjoy a lecture. :D

Pie Baker said:
Also, your denial makes me sick; you have always liked me. I fucking bake you pies for God's sake!

giggle, i was kidding of course D:



Brookly;2156623 said:
Again, introductions are in order. Somebody update me of the new kid?

That would be a waste of an introduction, you know these new kids come and go. By the time we learn who he is, he'll have gone away.



RAKninja;2156647 said:
4 years. i was attending a university before you were allowed to drive. 4 years is how long it takes to earn a degree. 4 years can mean a lot. in the space of four years i went from a punk kid (yes, i consider myself at 21 to have been a "kid" these days) to a disabled veteran. "you kids" is a broad generalization. i would think that someone past their freshman year would be able to pick up on this. especially because you, as an individual, are not a plural.

yes, business was a required course. as a doctor, how can you run your own practice, department, or what have you, if you do not understand business itself, at least in a general way? it's far more practical than "fine arts" wouldent you say?

speaking of the DEPRESSION, another factor is student loans, and the exorbitant tuition fees we charge here. you know that in the UK they are rioting because they have to pay about a quarter of what we pay?

at least you honestly admit you dont have a clue what you are talking about. now remedy this, and look up those terms justin gave you. no, it is not a fiscal interpretation of the canadian dollar. or, if you dont have enough time for that, i can direct you to world renowned economists who will verbally explain it to you.

you dont have to specialize in it, just get a layman's understanding (which you currently lack). at least that way you wont be surprised when bread is $100 a loaf in ten years.

you would be amusing if you were unique. sadly, you are one of thousands from the same mold. too wrapped up in trying to be clever to impress people on the internet. it's more sad than anything.

now, since you want to be a grammar nazi, you dont need to be away from someone's debate to attack grammar? oh, and you want the possessive use of "one's". your first sentence is compound, and is missing a comma between "argument" and "for".

your second-to-last sentence is also missing a comma, right after the first word.

oh, and look. like a grown man, i was able to get my point across without resorting to profanity.

edit: i missed the extra comma in your first sentence. it's "hey genius,"

You know in science we tend to take into consideration contrary points of view rather than discredit them. You have presented your theory of reason as to why we are in a depression and I have given mine. You want to portray yourself as some education crave but you instead make yourself out to be a pseudo-intellectual who only wants to banter on about absolutely stupid shit and spew bias drivel.

Infectious and tropical diseases is not a business; it is moral obligation that I have and made it a career. When did I ever say I wanted to open my own practice? Regardless, I still would not need to take economics in med school otherwise it would have been made a requirement. So it seems the Medical Board doesn't agree with your theory. Move on and shut up already. :)



Brookly;2156735 said:
You know in science we tend to take into consideration contrary points of view rather than discredit them. You have presented your theory of reason as to why we are in a depression and I have given mine. You want to portray yourself as some education crave but you instead make yourself out to be a pseudo-intellectual who only wants to banter on about absolutely stupid shit and spew bias drivel.

Infectious and tropical diseases is not a business; it is moral obligation that I have and made it a career. When did I ever say I wanted to open my own practice? Regardless, I still would not need to take economics in med school otherwise it would have been made a requirement. So it seems the Medical Board doesn't agree with your theory. Move on and shut up already. :)




Cooking and cleaning;2156627 said:
I fucking bake you pies for God's sake!

Glad to see your learning your role in the world, finally. Now stop typing novels on the computer and get back in the kitchen!



Stides40oz;2156775 said:
Glad to see your learning your role in the world, finally. Now stop typing novels on the computer and get back in the kitchen!

As soon as you get off your fat ass and bring home the bacon pookie. ;)