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elohdee;2155028 said:
Dear Lord, don't they make you take any English classes while majoring in said subjects?

last defense of someone who has no way to disprove an argument, attack grammar and spelling.

Brookly;2155725 said:
I won't repeat what lod said. Your posts give me enough of a headache as it is.

Just a little common sense for your financier ego; the only reason Canada even has 2 cents above our dollar is because U.S. corporations continuously use the country as an outsource for manufacturing (e.g. more jobs for the Canadians) because of cheap labor and taxes. You should have learned about our Free Market Economy correct? They teach that your freshman year at least don't they?

What do I know though... I am just an airhead who didn't major in finance/econ/business but can put a simple sentence together using simple punctuation.
so, on the basis of spelling, your notions of finance are right and his wrong?

look up the fractional reserve. our economy is suffering due to outsourcing and corporations creating and abusing loopholes in tax law, yes, but the basis of our suffering is the federal reserve and our fiat currency.

instead of arguing about a topic you have limited, if any, understanding of, educate yourself. this shit is important.

as someone who has said they were attending an university, you should have had a business class. in this, you should have learned that we have not been a free market economy for decades. my own business professor's predictions from 1999 have been fulfilled. we have become mostly socialist by 2010.

do you not think that making up nearly over a trillion dollars out of thin air would affect the value of the dollar? i'll give you a quick breakdown of how it "works".

the government confiscated our gold starting in 1933. this was to hold it all in a reserve, because before this time, we used gold coins as money. the federal reserve (as federal as federal express) issued dollars that were redeemable in gold. by taking the gold, the government got access to it to trade it internationally, while we used dollars (promissory notes) as currency, domestically. in 1965, they removed the "redeemable in gold" quality of dollars. because the fed charges the government (with interest) to print these dollars, after 1965, dollars were no longer backed by a commodity, but by debt.

as the fed is not held accountable to ensure that the dollars in circulation are equal to the value of the gold in the reserves, they gained the magical power to create money out of thin air. because the value of all the USD in circulation is equal to the value of the reserves, printing money without the hard commodities to back it up decreases the value of all the other USD in circulation.

so when we bailed the banks, and the automakers, and everyone else out (spending that trillion) we therefore decreased the value of the dollar by a corresponding amount. are you starting to understand?

sure, outsourcing hurts us, just like how most of the big corporations dodge their taxes, but the root of the problem is the fiat currency and the federal reserve that perpetuates it. do yourself a favor, learn about this stuff. unlike vdeo games and spelling bees, this shit is important.

RAKninja;2155731 said:
last defense of someone who has no way to disprove an argument, attack grammar and spelling.

so, on the basis of spelling, your notions of finance are right and his wrong?

look up the fractional reserve. our economy is suffering due to outsourcing and corporations creating and abusing loopholes in tax law, yes, but the basis of our suffering is the federal reserve and our fiat currency.

instead of arguing about a topic you have limited, if any, understanding of, educate yourself. this shit is important.

as someone who has said they were attending an university, you should have had a business class. in this, you should have learned that we have not been a free market economy for decades. my own business professor's predictions from 1999 have been fulfilled. we have become mostly socialist by 2010.

do you not think that making up nearly over a trillion dollars out of thin air would affect the value of the dollar? i'll give you a quick breakdown of how it "works".

the government confiscated our gold starting in 1933. this was to hold it all in a reserve, because before this time, we used gold coins as money. the federal reserve (as federal as federal express) issued dollars that were redeemable in gold. by taking the gold, the government got access to it to trade it internationally, while we used dollars (promissory notes) as currency, domestically. in 1965, they removed the "redeemable in gold" quality of dollars. because the fed charges the government (with interest) to print these dollars, after 1965, dollars were no longer backed by a commodity, but by debt.

as the fed is not held accountable to ensure that the dollars in circulation are equal to the value of the gold in the reserves, they gained the magical power to create money out of thin air. because the value of all the USD in circulation is equal to the value of the reserves, printing money without the hard commodities to back it up decreases the value of all the other USD in circulation.

so when we bailed the banks, and the automakers, and everyone else out (spending that trillion) we therefore decreased the value of the dollar by a corresponding amount. are you starting to understand?

sure, outsourcing hurts us, just like how most of the big corporations dodge their taxes, but the root of the problem is the fiat currency and the federal reserve that perpetuates it. do yourself a favor, learn about this stuff. unlike vdeo games and spelling bees, this shit is important.

i lol'ed pretty hard when she implied that the US is propping up the canadian economy. she knows very little about how economies function, it would be funny if it wasnt so sad lol.

she said the CAD is 2 cents more valued than the USD because apparently canada has low wages and low taxes (neither of these are actually true, she is just retarded but ok lol lets play along for now)

her stupidity is stunning, canada is known all around the world for having high taxes due to the universal health-care system and other unfunded federal gov liabilities and apparently all of this is making american companies outsource to canada (news to me because this just simply isnt true lol) but ok,..............

good post by you tho sir, maybe you should pass along your rothbard murray books to brookly, she needs them more than you.

ok so now, here in this next part of my post ill completely destroy her argument for why the canadaian dollar is 0.02 more valued than the american dollar.

How would she explain why the canadian dollar only *VERY* recently overtook the US dollar in terms of value (by two cents) when it was the other way around since like the 1980's.....i guess back then it was CANADA who was outsourcing to AMERICA for cheaper labor and taxes??? lol, oh wait a minute, thats not true at all??? why you ask?? well because canada never outsourced to the US, oh wait brookly doesn't know what shes talking about???? reserving her stupid argument and logic that she pulled out of her ass shows pretty quickly that she just doesn't know what she is talking about.

Using brookly's logic: the american dollar was always worth more than the canadian dollar for about the past 30 years, that would mean that canada was the one outsourcing to america all these years up until 2008, did all of this outsourcing just all of a sudden stop allowing the canadaian currency to overtake the US dollar two years ago?? of coarse not, the fact is none of this happened at all, its just made up in brooklys head. outsourcing by firms has very, very, very little to do with currency devaluation....it does a little bit to an extent because of things like trade deficits, etc.

brookly isnt just making this nonsense up because she has too much spare time, enjoys trolling, or because she wants to mislead people or provide disinformation. she just honestly believes this stuff because she just doesn't know any better.

eric_azria.;2155763 said:

That's why we bailed out all the banks right?


way over brookly head dont bother....

she wont comprehend that in a free market you arent suppose to subsidize insolvent firms.

edit: hell that last sentence right there prolly just made her head spin



eric_azria.;2155763 said:

That's why we bailed out all the banks right?


Like our health care system and economy, we have never fit into any systematic model like the rest of the world. We are one of the few countries in the world that allows corporations to pack up and leave the country and move manufacturing overseas and keep H.Q. nationally. Hardly the characteristic of a managed economy wouldn't you say? We use both models so you can argue this both ways.

JustinRClassof07;2155773 said:
way over brookly head dont bother....

she wont comprehend that in a free market you arent suppose to subsidize insolvent firms.

edit: hell that last sentence right there prolly just made her head spin

Right, and in a managed economy, you can allow corporations and banks to freely move about and out of the country? Refer to the above statement. You won't win with me kid. I promise you.

JustinRClassof07;2155774 said:
if brookly became an author and wrote a book, it would be 300 pages long and say nothing.

Right... Examine your posts and compare them to mine. I can remember what I have learned in college years ago without the need of Google. One day, you too, will no longer need the use of Google and Wikipedia to make yourself look smart. Hit puberty and then come to me and we can have a debate.

free market has nothing to do with where a firm has headquarters.....

the US treasury bailed out companies who in a free market should have went out of business to free up capital for more productive firms, this is a huge example of central economic planning. you have a very wrong definition of what a free market is.

huge moron, keep this stuff coming lol. "we let them move to other countries, so that means we have a free market" that one was a real gem lol

oh and nice explanation of the USD/CAD exchange rate....outsourcing devalues currencies...that was another gem




RAKninja;2155731 said:
last defense of someone who has no way to disprove an argument, attack grammar and spelling.

so, on the basis of spelling, your notions of finance are right and his wrong?

look up the fractional reserve. our economy is suffering due to outsourcing and corporations creating and abusing loopholes in tax law, yes, but the basis of our suffering is the federal reserve and our fiat currency.

instead of arguing about a topic you have limited, if any, understanding of, educate yourself. this shit is important.

as someone who has said they were attending an university, you should have had a business class. in this, you should have learned that we have not been a free market economy for decades. my own business professor's predictions from 1999 have been fulfilled. we have become mostly socialist by 2010.

do you not think that making up nearly over a trillion dollars out of thin air would affect the value of the dollar? i'll give you a quick breakdown of how it "works".

the government confiscated our gold starting in 1933. this was to hold it all in a reserve, because before this time, we used gold coins as money. the federal reserve (as federal as federal express) issued dollars that were redeemable in gold. by taking the gold, the government got access to it to trade it internationally, while we used dollars (promissory notes) as currency, domestically. in 1965, they removed the "redeemable in gold" quality of dollars. because the fed charges the government (with interest) to print these dollars, after 1965, dollars were no longer backed by a commodity, but by debt.

as the fed is not held accountable to ensure that the dollars in circulation are equal to the value of the gold in the reserves, they gained the magical power to create money out of thin air. because the value of all the USD in circulation is equal to the value of the reserves, printing money without the hard commodities to back it up decreases the value of all the other USD in circulation.

so when we bailed the banks, and the automakers, and everyone else out (spending that trillion) we therefore decreased the value of the dollar by a corresponding amount. are you starting to understand?

sure, outsourcing hurts us, just like how most of the big corporations dodge their taxes, but the root of the problem is the fiat currency and the federal reserve that perpetuates it. do yourself a favor, learn about this stuff. unlike vdeo games and spelling bees, this shit is important.

Although the historical 'lesson' you gave me was much appreciated, you cannot honestly say that we do not carry different characteristics of both a socialistic and capitalistic economy. I didn't have to minor in business to know that our financial system is much more complicated than to give it but just one model of market. There are numeral theories as to why we are in a recession. Don't burden yourself in trying to give it just one theory and back it up.

For the record, business is not a required course to take in college as a foundations curriculum; it is a choice.



Brookly;2155791 said:
Like our health care system and economy, we have never fit into any systematic model like the rest of the world. We are one of the few countries in the world that allows corporations to pack up and leave the country and move manufacturing overseas and keep H.Q. nationally. Hardly the characteristic of a managed economy wouldn't you say? We use both models so you can argue this both ways.

I never implied that we were a managed economy. We are neither. Your initial response was that we were a free market economy. We are not.

Brookly;2155791 said:
Right, and in a managed economy, you can allow corporations and banks to freely move about and out of the country? Refer to the above statement. You won't win with me kid. I promise you.

You're 25 years old. Don't call people "kid", young one.

Brookly;2155791 said:
Right... Examine your posts and compare them to mine. I can remember what I have learned in college years ago without the need of Google. One day, you too, will no longer need the use of Google and Wikipedia to make yourself look smart. Hit puberty and then come to me and we can have a debate.

Welcome to 2010. You don't think the internet is a learning tool? Do you think that today's educational tool is not the internet? We're not looking at text books anymore (for the most part). We're also not going to the library anymore to look through a filing system to find the books we need. It's all available online. Get with the program.

What does puberty, even if it were true, have to do with anything? There's kids half your age on this earth that would dance circles around you on any debate. Age is irrelevant, and it surely doesn't assert anything other than the fact that you're a douche bag trying to pick on people you think are kids.

Btw, go fuck yourself.



Every political stance or economical view can be argued just as well on the otherside. Its all about the audience. Did you guys know to prep for political debates, its common for the participants to argue the opposing point of view? Have you ever heard them do it? Its kind of terrifying.

They have so much bullshit to them, they can make anything sound like a good idea- Thats their job. Its silly for pawns to take a power stance in a game of chess. We don't really know what the fucks going on. We know what they teach in textbooks and what they tell us on the news.

I've been to a third world country twice. If the US even came remotely close to resembling a place like Benin, Mali, Malawi, the world is in trouble. We could enter a depression worse than what we saw in 1930's and still not be that bad. The value of life there is nothing. There are just too many others who rely on us for that to happen. Not that they wouldn't love to see the US being driven into the ground though.

It really does hurt anyone with the ability to empathize. I can't help but have the upmost respect for people who enter a third world country with the understanding of doing 'a little bit'. The people who enter organizations like the Peace Corps are typically very well educated now a days. They've become much more selective. They know they aren't going to be the final solution, but they're the people who refuse to sit back. You enter a place like that, you see so many things that are wrong on a daily basis. It almost makes you feel completely insignificant toward the cause. Thats why those people are special. There is a very small part of the WORLDS population that could ever do it. Its an even smaller number when you exclude all countries but the US.

Take a place like a few countries in Africa where freedom fighters were purged of charges due to the inability of their court system to give all of them a trial. There are places where people share water with those who cut their limbs off not long before.

Much respect for Brookly who I'm sure isn't where shes at on holiday.



eric_azria.;2155805 said:
I never implied that we were a managed economy. We are neither. Your initial response was that we were a free market economy. We are not.

You're 25 years old. Don't call people "kid", young one.

Welcome to 2010. You don't think the internet is a learning tool? Do you think that today's educational tool is not the internet? We're not looking at text books anymore (for the most part). We're also not going to the library anymore to look through a filing system to find the books we need. It's all available online. Get with the program.

What does puberty, even if it were true, have to do with anything? There's kids half your age on this earth that would dance circles around you on any debate. Age is irrelevant, and it surely doesn't assert anything other than the fact that you're a douche bag trying to pick on people you think are kids.

Btw, go fuck yourself.

Right, type a research paper using Wikipedia as a resource and let me know what grade you get. As far as picking on people who are kids, only a kid would ignite such a frivolous debate from what was only a mere joke in the beginning that didn't even involve him from the start.

P.S. Thank you for calling me young. :)

WillyDaSquid;2155812 said:
Every political stance or economical view can be argued just as well on the otherside. Its all about the audience. Did you guys know to prep for political debates, its common for the participants to argue the opposing point of view? Have you ever heard them do it? Its kind of terrifying.

They have so much bullshit to them, they can make anything sound like a good idea- Thats their job. Its silly for pawns to take a power stance in a game of chess. We don't really know what the fucks going on. We know what they teach in textbooks and what they tell us on the news.

I've been to a third world country twice. If the US even came remotely close to resembling a place like Benin, Mali, Malawi, the world is in trouble. We could enter a depression worse than what we saw in 1930's and still not be that bad. The value of life there is nothing. There are just too many others who rely on us for that to happen. Not that they wouldn't love to see the US being driven into the ground though.

It really does hurt anyone with the ability to empathize. I can't help but have the upmost respect for people who enter a third world country with the understanding of doing 'a little bit'. The people who enter organizations like the Peace Corps are typically very well educated now a days. They've become much more selective. They know they aren't going to be the final solution, but they're the people who refuse to sit back. You enter a place like that, you see so many things that are wrong on a daily basis. It almost makes you feel completely insignificant toward the cause. Thats why those people are special. There is a very small part of the WORLDS population that could ever do it. Its an even smaller number when you exclude all countries but the US.

Take a place like a few countries in Africa where freedom fighters were purged of charges due to the inability of their court system to give all of them a trial. There are places where people share water with those who cut their limbs off not long before.

Much respect for Brookly who I'm sure isn't where shes at on holiday.

Ask the forum moderators. Apparently, they can check the IP location of the posts. I won't defend myself for such an ignorant assumption.

As far as third world African nations goes, you really don't want to go down that route with me as I have been to quite a few myself.

I am not here for holiday by the way. :)



Brookly;2155827 said:
Right, type a research paper using Wikipedia as a resource and let me know what grade you get. As far as picking on people who are kids, only a kid would ignite such a frivolous debate from what was only a mere joke in the beginning that didn't even involve him from the start.

P.S. Thank you for calling me young. :)

Wikipedia is not THE INTERNET. It's a part of the internet. Any text book you have ever studied from can be found online. That's the entire point of what I said. There's also online lectures from professors, online educational tools, people even do their classwork/homework through web based sites.

Brookly;2155827 said:
Ask the forum moderators. Apparently, they can check the IP location of the posts. I won't defend myself for such an ignorant assumption.

WTF? What ignorant assumption?

Brookly;2155827 said:
As far as third world African nations goes, you really don't want to go down that route with me as I have been to quite a few myself.

WTF? x2 What route? He wasn't challenging you. He was actually agreeing with you.



eric_azria.;2155833 said:
Wikipedia is not THE INTERNET. It's a part of the internet. Any text book you have ever studied from can be found online. That's the entire point of what I said. There's also online lectures from professors, online educational tools, people even do their classwork/homework through web based sites.

WTF? What ignorant assumption?

WTF? x2 What route? He wasn't challenging you. He was actually agreeing with you.

My mistake. My internet here is rationed so I have to quickly read through these posts. My apologies to Willy. You are right, I am not here for holiday.

As for you, we can go at this as long as you want but you will find you cannot win with me.

When I get back to the States, perhaps you and I can 5x (my effort to bring this conversation back to the game). I pick up quickly when it comes to getting back into dueling. ;)



Brookly;2155836 said:
My mistake. My internet here is rationed so I have to quickly read through these posts. My apologies to Willy. You are right, I am not here for holiday.

As for you, we can go at this as long as you want but you will find you cannot win with me.

When I get back to the States, perhaps you and I can 5x (my effort to bring this conversation back to the game). I pick up quickly when it comes to getting back into dueling. ;)

k , duel ?

(it's now totaly UO related gg)



Brookly;2155725 said:
I won't repeat what lod said. Your posts give me enough of a headache as it is.


You should have learned about our Free Market Economy correct? They teach that your freshman year at least don't they?

What do I know though... I am just an airhead who didn't major in finance/econ/business but can put a simple sentence together using simple punctuation.



"our Free Market Economy" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

"hey teach that your freshman year at least don't they? " LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

a book, you ever read one?

YouTube - Read a Book (Dirty Version)