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Keep using those mares 31D

Afro Man

31D without the tamers running sigs to base got dropped 4v5 and one ran.. with tamers/bolas of course we lose earlier on that day.

My question is: Who's really fighting.. the mares or the people?
welcome to the guild Dooder.

as for this thread, i didnt get in that fight, but come on...
must you post every win in the forums?

"OMG! we beat them!!! POST IT!! FAST!!!!!!"
get over yourself....
and yes, you guys always run into your GY house... dont lie about that shit....


I agree with the stupidity in posting whenever you kill someone.

I also think its better to at least gank in-game and post here... instead of trying to gank on the forums. I've seen guilds attempt this... and its kinda pathetic.

Ah well... at least you cant para someone on here... or bola, for that matter.



I dont post everytime we kill someone, we own people every day and yet this is the first post i've made about it. I never said we didnt run in the GY house, but it's not like we purposely go in there to hide from even numbered fights, if we go in there its for a reason, statloss, getting party setup, getting bars, or just plain old fashioned outnumbered (but if im calling targets and its only 1 or 2 man advantage I usually try to fight the odds anyway). If you want to call anyone a hypcorite, you can call 31D hyprocrites because I see Wade and company hiding in that cabin west of the graveyard constantly.


I think, for this one reason, UO is pathetic.

People will do what they need to to win. Period. If a group of 4 tamers come, i'd run into my "Brit GY house". If even a group of 3 mages come, and its only me... ill go in. Anyone would (unless, your bola-ed and watching the light fade). Its the same way with everything about this game. People bola because it gets kills. People chug because it prevents them from dying (right away).

Players come on here and start pointing fingers, when everyone does the same shit. Which... is the problem with this game.

Go play. Dont talk shit... dont gimp. Just know that its a game... and leave it at that.


roadshow you got it twisted. the forums arent a problem with this game. i dont think most people really care what gets posted here.

jenova, i see 4-5 mdk chase 1 guy around all the time. lets not talk about even numbered fights because sadly it doesnt happen all the time like we all want. the rest of us arent so lucky to have a gy house.

and i know 31d doesnt run from even numbers or outnumbered fights. and i dont mean a complete gank (sorry to patronize but i know someone would call me on it if i didnt post that)


Dooder said:
roadshow you got it twisted. the forums arent a problem with this game. i dont think most people really care what gets posted here.

jenova, i see 4-5 mdk chase 1 guy around all the time. lets not talk about even numbered fights because sadly it doesnt happen all the time like we all want. the rest of us arent so lucky to have a gy house.

and i know 31d doesnt run from even numbers or outnumbered fights. and i dont mean a complete gank (sorry to patronize but i know someone would call me on it if i didnt post that)

you're talking as if chasing down 1 guy makes us bad or something. if there is an oj, we will kill them, simple as that. our communication skills are far beyond any other guild on this shard. just remember next time you're running from an mdk, dont be surprised when they end up surrounding and dropping your ass. oh and don't talk shit about this type of situation...its not like were bola/tamer ganking everyone...its all about communication.
Dooder said:
roadshow you got it twisted. the forums arent a problem with this game. i dont think most people really care what gets posted here.

jenova, i see 4-5 mdk chase 1 guy around all the time. lets not talk about even numbered fights because sadly it doesnt happen all the time like we all want. the rest of us arent so lucky to have a gy house.

and i know 31d doesnt run from even numbers or outnumbered fights. and i dont mean a complete gank (sorry to patronize but i know someone would call me on it if i didnt post that)
Seriously guys we fight even numbers any day of the week and we even fight outnumbered. I dont wanna hear this shit about us running from even numbered fights cause thats bullshit. We even fight 4v7 I remember us doing that yesterday against COM. WE use the graveyard house for grouping up and gettting organized and its a nice little place to run too if you run into a gank which is the only time we ever run there. You little faggots are probably just mad cause your elite ganking tactics wont work on us cause we got a house in the gy stfu were not house hiders at all. My aim is Melvin500 hit me up set up a guild fight even numbers and we'll be happy to make your screens turn grey. But this shit about us running from even numbers is probably the biggest bullshit I've read all day.
i never said you guys run from even numbers.
wow some people love to flame on the forums.

you speak of our elite ganking tactics not working because you have a gy house, but jenova just posted saying he chases down the random oj 4-5v1.

kinda proves my point.
Dooder said:
i never said you guys run from even numbers.
wow some people love to flame on the forums.

you speak of our elite ganking tactics not working because you have a gy house, but jenova just posted saying he chases down the random oj 4-5v1.

kinda proves my point.
That post wasnt directed at you more at Spriggan and those other TB douches. And yes we chase down ojs rather well, but I dont understand what your saying.

Afro Man

This is why house hiding can sometimes rock!
