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lament, best pvper ever


Raserei;2142946 said:
okay, mr best pvper, would you care to duel me for gold, addicted holds? :)

and thats like the 30th time you've posted that picture btw

nerd. when you lose your accounts, welch on your bet and continue to talk shit to me.. IM GONNA RUB IT IN YOUR FACE

ive got plenty of other screenshots... just not as funny as when the whole crowd is laughing at you for shit talking and then getting raped
Re: lament, best pvper ever

incubusfan1413;2142327 said:
i bet i could be lament in a duel. i know i cant on the feild cause he gates out in 1v1s. im not even good at my alchy. from the few times ive ran into him on the field i usually get explo stun pot then there is a gate somwhere on screen that hes ghealing running like hell towards.

coming from black sheep... now thats sayin something!!! (NO OFFENCE)


Re: lament, best pvper ever

luftwaffe;2142950 said:

thats the last time we fought..

you wanna hop up on rasereis jock a little more?


Re: lament, best pvper ever

Lament;2142952 said:
nerd. when you lose your accounts, welch on your bet and continue to talk shit to me.. IM GONNA RUB IT IN YOUR FACE

ive got plenty of other screenshots... just not as funny as when the whole crowd is laughing at you for shit talking and then getting raped

I believe I've explained that picture plenty, so I'm not going to worry about it, or what you have to say.. but when you get confident that you can beat me, let me know.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

luftwaffe;2142953 said:
coming from black sheep... now thats sayin something!!! (NO OFFENCE)


ive done nothing but shit on you in alchy duels...

so obviously you know im a lot better than black sheep

or you think youre just gonna say something on here WITHOUT me pointing out the facts???

wow. ur dumb

sooo. think you should start showing a little respect you bratty lame shoe wearing midget [no offense]
Re: lament, best pvper ever

Lament;2142955 said:
thats the last time we fought..

you wanna hop up on rasereis jock a little more?

by the looks of this whole thread, no one likes you, and im one of them, so that makes me on raserei's cock? and hes callin u out to duel him right now for gold.. why u dodgin?


Re: lament, best pvper ever

luftwaffe;2142950 said:

Raserei;2142946 said:
, addicted holds? :)

Like i said earlier , this is inconsciently pvp trolling

i know ras was probably serious in what he said but we all know nothing gonna happen .. lol

just saying those classics lines on the pvp forum is obviously for entertain us.
Re: lament, best pvper ever

lament, you cock eyed faggot LOL, look... ur avatar.. i think you need some sleep bro.. too much uo made ur eyes kind of deform, and i think its about time u need a haircut


Re: lament, best pvper ever

Raserei;2142961 said:
I will put 10mil on Hoodrich that he will beat you 1v1..

Lament takes everything so srs.. YouTube - Lament sure owned him... - good times (one of the 4 times that he beat me last time we dueled when it was 17-4)


because i was drunk on a saturday night dueling and losing to everyone
Re: lament, best pvper ever

and lament, u wouldnt duel me on ur char that has good rank, u came on kalvin so u wouldnt lose as much, so dont ever say u risk 300 for 1 or 2... and u say u shit on me in duels? u spam pots, u bring 45 explo pots a duel LOL. oh yea and other one of ur excuses "oh im really high right now off that good shit so im not doin so well, some stuff you cant afford"
Re: lament, best pvper ever

Raserei;2142970 said:
No man.. you got your excuses mixed up, the drunk Saturday night was before that. This is the time the GM's were setting your pots.

See: YouTube - Gms are out to get you Lament

hahahaha, he cant even get his EXCUSES straight... hes lookin pretty dumb at this point, i think he shouldnt reply or say anything else in this thread before he makes himself look any dumber


Re: lament, best pvper ever

luftwaffe;2142962 said:
lament, you cock eyed faggot LOL, look... ur avatar.. i think you need some sleep bro.. too much uo made ur eyes kind of deform, and i think its about time u need a haircut

are you insulting my looks kid...?

small deformed black child... i dont know if you are delirious or what.

but my level is so fucking far above yours its not even funny.

i would not have insulted your looks or your intelligence before.

However, since you are going to take the liberty of attempting to insult me.

im going to be perfectly honest with you

you are disgustingly ugly and wearing some retarded clothing.

you look very confused in your life and pretty stupid.. DO NOT KID YOURSELF

think on that
Re: lament, best pvper ever

2 yr old pic, and you say IM ugly? LOL cmon your COCK EYED, do you not get it? COCK EYED LOL get some sleep bro you think too hard and play too much UO...

Lament... take a minute out of UO and look at yourself



Re: lament, best pvper ever

luftwaffe;2142966 said:
and lament, u wouldnt duel me on ur char that has good rank, u came on kalvin so u wouldnt lose as much, so dont ever say u risk 300 for 1 or 2... and u say u shit on me in duels? u spam pots, u bring 45 explo pots a duel LOL. oh yea and other one of ur excuses "oh im really high right now off that good shit so im not doin so well, some stuff you cant afford"

90% of the pvper have always some inimaginable excuses.i never heard any pvper say ''oh yeah , you are better than me ,''

if they lost it's always because of: "lag , gm hacking their acounts , they are high / drunk

sallos/razor is bugged or wtf i was watching porn"


Re: lament, best pvper ever

Raserei;2142970 said:
No man.. you got your excuses mixed up, the drunk Saturday night was before that. This is the time the GM's were setting your pots.

See: YouTube - Gms are out to get you Lament

uhh yah, thats they exact same night..

what are you stupid..?

wow i walked home drunk on a saturday and played uo and lost to a bunch of people.

winning that night is the only backup youve ever had.
whereas, ive done nothing but shit on you on the field, duels and forums all the years youve been playing this game. so you hold a grudge and start threads like this only further proving im the best... nice fail you childish faggot


Re: lament, best pvper ever

luftwaffe;2142974 said:
2 yr old pic, and you say IM ugly? LOL cmon your COCK EYED, do you not get it? COCK EYED LOL get some sleep bro you think too hard and play too much UO...

Lament... take a minute out of UO and look at yourself

HAH are you joking?

i am 100 times better looking, stronger and healthier than you


my life shits on yours so DONT EVEN TRY to insult me you short ugly fuck

oh yeah nice earrings gay boy,, i think you need to shut up now cuz ur real fucking fugly.

you had no reason to insult my looks in the first place,, other than you were desperate..



Re: lament, best pvper ever

This thread should have been closed there.

Raserei;2142946 said:
okay, mr best pvper, would you care to duel me for gold, addicted holds? :)

after that , its just trolling , i mean

posting 1 y/o pic on the forum and

talking shit about irl.

this not going anywhere...

so lament do you accept his challenge ?
Re: lament, best pvper ever

you dont even look clean LOL, look at ur face, look at your dirty ass hair... cmon dont even TRY to compare hahahaha, you look dirty as shit , and you REALLY do need a haircut