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Reality said:
I couldn't help but laugh at loud while I was at my work-station reading that post G-G-G Unit

Your 16, probably smoke lots of weed and have no grasp of real life, I work full time, I doubt you even have a part-time burger flipping job kid.

Get a grasp, you have no idea what your talking about kid.
Because we all know that life involves a miserable job and a "work station."
WOOT Taco Belll Emplyees. i used to work there long ago (fun fun) then ina week there was a shooting and 2 stabbings in the drive thhrough! i quit lol.
BTW, ic is still gay


I see these posts so much and it continues to remind that there are still dipshits out there who thinks everyone gives a fuck how they "own" people. No one gives a fuck about IC and all your gayass tamers. Go ahead and tell me "time and date and ill kick your ass". Well you can stfu when you say that cuz i suck at PvP and ima come flat out and say it. No one gives a fuck about your guild, get that through your thick little 12yr old brain.


terathan33 said:
OJ i always thought meant orange meaning a person orange to you. Either a rival faction member, some your at war with, or chaos/order.

Ohhhhh. See Oreo told me way way back that an OJ was an Axer, as a reference to OJ Simpson and his axe/shovel.


Reality said:
Hah, I couldn't help but LAUGH when we rolled the small group of former IC members.

You all knew we were the best, what the fuck do you think your gonna do when you see us, you have 1 of two options when you see us on the field again you fucken turn-coats.

1. Recall.
2. Recall.
3. OoOoOooooo

I have 100% faith in the still active IC members that are in IC still, when I was rolling with the few IC yesterday that were on, we tore EVERYONE down and all the fights were in the enemies favor.

Nuff said.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that looks like three options...


Reality said:
Im sorry, but 2 - 3 hours ago, around 8:00ish pacific time, im with 5 IC guild-mates, we first go to Bucs and take down a group of 7 to 8 reds, then hit Britain and clash into a huge group of OJ's, at least 8, they scatter because two instantly drop.

Honestly, I saw a single IC member die one time for the 2-3 hours we were running around, where are these BIG BAD MOTHERFUCKER guilds everyone is talking about that own factions??

Oh thats right.

Do you really think anyone cares? I mean honestly.
Evolution said:
Do you really think anyone cares? I mean honestly.


I know you put forth the effort to reply to my post, it certainly indicates that you care.

Please tell me that you don't, it'll hurt my feelings.


Afro Man

Reality said:

I know you put forth the effort to reply to my post, it certainly indicates that you care.

Please tell me that you don't, it'll hurt my feelings.


He was replying to your post to show you that no one cares. Hate to break it to you, no one does care. IC isn't nearly as powerful as they were before since ur GM brought every newb in CoM into a once respectable guild. :cool: .


Afro Man said:
He was replying to your post to show you that no one cares. Hate to break it to you, no one does care. IC isn't nearly as powerful as they were before since ur GM brought every newb in CoM into a once respectable guild. :cool: .

Glad to see someone understands english.

Reality, the fact is that there is nothing to gain by creating posts about your 'elite' skills in a game on this forum. When I replyed to your post it took all of 20 seconds, and clearly I did not take the time to spell my message out for you, I thought you were intelligent enough to figure it out. In which case, I will do it for you..

-- No one gives a damn about IC. -- No one gives a damn about you. -- And no one gives a damn about what kind of "action" you had associated with your rapidly decaying Ultima Online guild. --


elias said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that looks like three options...

Ever heard of "place holders" like in binary 1101 is really 00001101? It's the same thing slick. You could have had 8 options:

1. Recall
2. Recall
3. Recall
4. Recall
5. Recall
6. Recall
7. Recall
8. 00ooo00ooo0o

But count it up however you like, there are still only two possible outcomes, so really only two choices.


Ahhh I see...so he was just causing people who don't know about "place holders" in binary to imply that he doesn't know how to count? Also he said two options, not two possible outcomes.


hah this was the biggest waist of time i have ever spent reading forums..... But for some reason i couldnt stop reading it cause it made me giggle. I love all the people on here that think they "pwn" on here when they roll in groups. I just wanna know was the people you talked about (other than >I<) all in the same guild? cause if not then its really not "pwning" gimme a group of 5 people i play with all the time and see whats gunna happen. No i feel really stupid for replying to the most retarted Post i have ever seen. Everyone that reads this post is now not as smart as they once were.


elias said:
Ahhh I see...so he was just causing people who don't know about "place holders" in binary to imply that he doesn't know how to count? Also he said two options, not two possible outcomes.

Exactly, much like capitalization's importance is shown in your sig.

Btw, it's not just in binary:

1.0 is 1
2.300 is 2.3

Isn't learning fun?!
So wait... wasnt reality the lamer who threw pots and said pwnage? Oh yea... pot tossing and bola ganking is IC pwnage. Sorry, not playing for a lil while kinda gets ya confused on whats skill and what isnt