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Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Triple h-Lot.Tld.Rbk;2005472 said:
the only people that were lot that plays on here is , buttefingers,brookly,and griff and myself...... high five!! lol

Didn't you kick it at GY a lot on TC?

papa john

Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Brookly;1957445 said:
Hmm who are you? Because as far as I know, I have never heard of you. =(

For F%&K's sake why would you even be that invested about something that happened in a game..A Online game 8 years = ago. who cares that much>?..We were all in high school back then and the forum-pvp made sense when we were kids, but for F&%ks sake we are all wage earning adults now ,with good careers that I hope we would be more invested in.

Grow up and let people reminisce the way they want to and don't bother bitching over shit that was not even real...God way to ruin a good time Buddy. Just let it go it was not real life...I repeat it was not real life and it sure is not worth fighting over. Like hearing two kids say: was so..was not ..was so ..was not. Makes you just want to slap them and send them on timeout. to another country with no P.C and no internet. : /:tounge2:


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

papa john;2005701 said:
For F%&K's sake why would you even be that invested about something that happened in a game..A Online game 8 years = ago. who cares that much>?..We were all in high school back then and the forum-pvp made sense when we were kids, but for F&%ks sake we are all wage earning adults now ,with good careers that I hope we would be more invested in.

Grow up and let people reminisce the way they want to and don't bother bitching over shit that was not even real...God way to ruin a good time Buddy. Just let it go it was not real life...I repeat it was not real life and it sure is not worth fighting over. Like hearing two kids say: was so..was not ..was so ..was not. Makes you just want to slap them and send them on timeout. to another country with no P.C and no internet. : /:tounge2:

What do you think you are doing right now? You took the time out of your day to show how pissed off you are about my statement. God, why don't you grow up?

P.S. Nice delayed reaction buddy.


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

I remember the -lot crew and Triple H that's about it. I played until around 02'. Was in Brit GY mostly Names were Marlboro Man, Steve, Akiria. Mostly hung out with a guy named "mechanic" I remember fighting against triple H alot. Laso remember Boondock Saints. About it though


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

SynTax of Old;2003608 said:
Yeah man the good ole days. Defending the old Minax base at Papua for hours and hours, fighting roof to roof in Magincia, seein hundreds of bodies dead at the Mag healer and bottlenecking the Mag Sigil bridge.I remember runnin around as sheriff of different towns, "all killin" random OJ's, with like 30 guards. No follower limit was the shit too, because if a tamer showed up with like 50 WW'S you all had to focus fire him down first. Oh and I almost forgot, the faction Turrets!, now that was fuckin fun. I'd get bored of factions for a while and go pk tamers in wind tryin to tame mares for hours.What was even better was when TC would reset and mirror your main shard( if you were lucky) There was so much to do back then. Nothing comes close. Anyone who was there knows and agrees, if u missed it that sucks. Long live old TC

I remember one faction would get too big and short lived truces would pop up to take em down. Those days were honestly the most fun I ever had in UO. When I first started UOG was good too, but nowhere near that level. Factions just don't get any better than how they were back then. I personally had the most fun post pub-16, when all the new content came out. Hate it or love it, it certainly made the game more interesting.

As far as fake -lot members goes I can't really say, I remember when Orion first formed - lot back before it was even a guild. He just had a character named legendoftest, I joined right after that. Later on I wasn't around enough to be sure who was or wasn't a member, there were alot of fuckers runnin around usin the tag. I am only positive of brookly, zion, prodigy, and later on Grif ( me and him ran together alot) , Prolly more but I just don't remember , And whoever was talkin shit about bout -lot, sounds like they didn't even play TC regularly. If they had any idea what they were talkin bout, they would know -lot was some of the best at that time on TC (Anywhere from 2000- to when AoS came out)


We had great times, some of funnest days in uo for me. Missing you like the desert misses the rain <3!



Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

SynTax of Old;2003608 said:
As far as fake -lot members goes I can't really say, I remember when Orion first formed - lot back before it was even a guild. He just had a character named legendoftest, I joined right after that. Later on I wasn't around enough to be sure who was or wasn't a member, there were alot of fuckers runnin around usin the tag. I am only positive of brookly, zion, prodigy, and later on Grif ( me and him ran together alot) , Prolly more but I just don't remember , And whoever was talkin shit about bout -lot, sounds like they didn't even play TC regularly. If they had any idea what they were talkin bout, they would know -lot was some of the best at that time on TC (Anywhere from 2000- to when AoS came out)

Yea, EvilOrion made the guild with Zion. I knew EvilOrion from UOGateway which he stole the idea of -lot from either the Pacific or Atlantic shards. The original -lot tag was from a guild called Legends of Time. ArtfulDodger, one of the best pvpers (GM ass-kissers) on test, was a member of that guild I believe. This was years ago so it is somewhat blurry but I think I recall him saying that to me out of anger when I caught him receiving free items from GM's at his house. I knew Esk-Prodigy (Butterfingers at that time) from a PK guild we used to roll around in by Yew Gate when I wasn't factioning. Grif, Triple H, and I guess you were one of the last people to join -lot.

I do miss the intro of AOS because it was so buggy with the new weps and 2/4 casting that if you managed to get 3/6 casting, you couldn't be beat. That is what EO and I would do. We would farm until we both had 3/6 casting jewlery and we would make lmc leather suits and forge the news weps with spell channeling and spell casting. Good times!


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

I joined at the time of the pain strike double strike gimp templates were running around. Eo asked on that test that I remake a character with a tag so that was sometime in 2003 I suppose.

On some later test Scargen showed up with a guild he ran called population control and a few of the members merged their tag with that as well.

Anyways, fun times regardless. After eo quit the tag seemed to be worn by a ton of people I didn't recognize, which who really cares they can play the way they want to. I just found it funny if you didn't play for an extended period of time those same people would call you a faker if you wore the tag. Needless to say later on I usually ran incognito to avoid any unnecessary children barking ;)


Road Dogg

Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Ermey;2006025 said:
I remember the -lot crew and Triple H that's about it. I played until around 02'. Was in Brit GY mostly Names were Marlboro Man, Steve, Akiria. Mostly hung out with a guy named "mechanic" I remember fighting against triple H alot. Laso remember Boondock Saints. About it though

dude holy shit mechanic was my boy back in tc. wheres that fool at? didn't he play hybrd for a while?


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Road Dogg;2007802 said:
dude holy shit mechanic was my boy back in tc. wheres that fool at? didn't he play hybrd for a while?

Have no idea if he played or not. Just started this shard myself. First time playing UO again since the TC days. I use to have his AIM not sure is he still gets on there or not. I haven't been on AIM myself is years also.

Road Dogg

Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Im pretty sure I remember playing gamers with him, a few years back. he had a 18x18 near yew gate lol. Im at work atm and cant log on aim, I cant remeber his aim sn off the top of my head but I remember he had that led zepplin buddy icon haha. anyways a friend of a friend is a friend to me so if you need any help on hybrd hit me up.


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Road Dogg;2007822 said:
Im pretty sure I remember playing gamers with him, a few years back. he had a 18x18 near yew gate lol. Im at work atm and cant log on aim, I cant remeber his aim sn off the top of my head but I remember he had that led zepplin buddy icon haha. anyways a friend of a friend is a friend to me so if you need any help on hybrd hit me up.

All right my man, I appreciate it. Let me know if you get in contact with him


Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

I have been playing TC a lot. I was BlackBunny, been Commanding Lord of the TBs, then switched to CoM for a couple months.
Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

Point.n.Click-;1934942 said:
OSI TC was the shiznit.... once it was "stable" and went from months and months without a wipe... I was Notorious Big was in TB .... mainly would just solo... if I wasnt soloing I would run with artfuldodger or pkfactionbarbie..... I remember fighting tons of people on this thread..... good times..... I still got a set of macros.txt for my tc accounts.... where all my macros were tweaked out with ; "wisper" to set skills..... was like being 30x gm ..... once everything changed and artifacts came out and fast cast and recovery n shit.... i didnt play must after then....kinda got lame imo.... but good shit while it lasted..... now we got uog [e Yea!

haha the True brittanian axer? i remember you. I was carnage in minax and remember killing u for 25 points. not a flame or anything, was just amazed that u got so many pts for one kill. I remember losing 23 to someone when i was in com. i know it sucks rofl
Re: Looking for OSI Test Center players.

i dont rem losing points on oci tc :( i couldnt be killed hahah :( only 3 people could kill me there and they were my bff's hahaha