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Mickey vrs Robocop. No gheal wands

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

As a matter of fact I do.

I haven't done much pvp since returning but I personally watched your group of 6 hide inside tb base against mickeys group of 3 until you placed a million guards and then decided to come out.

Trash talking is fine, but anybody who has pvped with either of you can probably tell who the better player is.

By far...

Pat McGroin

No idea about Obi's claim, but the timestamps on these posts are proof that you're a pussy fuck who's terrified to carry out his challenge against me. Log in and die, little one. I'll make it quick.

Sorry pumpkin I am currently at work taking my lunch.

If shini is on tonight to record then I am down.

I am no longer doing these fights with out some kind of video as evidence.


ya genocide was included the group of 7 hiding tb from me mickey dwayne the other day. how is that fun, playing an OP template with all your scripts running behind faction traps and guards, only to come out and die. hybrid aint what it used to be


aweeee is the fat nerd upset about his identity being revealed.

How much of a pussy do you have to be that you gotta hide who you are on a gaming forum because you're afraid people will make fun of you.

Your real life friend decided your ultima online items were worth more then your friendship.

Let that sink in :)

Vizeroth do you want to take a physical challenge?

How much of a pussy do you have to be that you dodge a dexxer and then ask him if he wants to fight irl?

Let that sink in ;)

Pat McGroin

How much of a pussy do you have to be that you dodge a dexxer and then ask him if he wants to fight irl?

Let that sink in ;)

Awee someone's still mad they got 3-0'd in almost 30 seconds.

For someone who lives on this game you're pretty bad :/

Where did I ask him if he wanted to fight irl?

Are you that delusional?


Pat McGroin

It's funny the only time that kid will message me to fight is when he knows I'm at work.

Must be nice to live in your parents basement and play UO all day.


The longer you delay, the worse you're going to feel when you lose to me.
[12:55:36 PM] Genocide Pete: Take your death like a big boy.
[12:55:59 PM] Genocide Pete: You're embarrassing yourself with this pitiful cowering.
[7:51:22 PM] Mickey Munday: YOU ON?
[7:52:21 PM] Mickey Munday: ???


Awee someone's still mad they got 3-0'd in almost 30 seconds.

For someone who lives on this game you're pretty bad :/

Where did I ask him if he wanted to fight irl?

Are you that delusional?

I could care less if I lost. I've never dodged anyone. I knew I was lagging slightly and that you are a little better than me and fought you anyways. I would have killed you in two of those duels if my pot threw when I hit last target. Anyways, I guess I don't understand what you meant by "physical challenge". Not that I really care what you have to say on the matter, Micky the Yeast Infection.

Pat McGroin

I could care less if I lost. I've never dodged anyone. I knew I was lagging slightly and that you are a little better than me and fought you anyways. I would have killed you in two of those duels if my pot threw when I hit last target. Anyways, I guess I don't understand what you meant by "physical challenge". Not that I really care what you have to say on the matter, Micky the Yeast Infection.

A little better?

You have like fucking 8k duels on one character alone and still can't break the top 50.

You aren't even close to being in my league, you're like in the same bracket as general lee or nibbles lol.

It's cute though that you are able to put together so many excuses in one paragraph.

But as far as the request for a physical challenge go ahead and skip to 2.40 ;)



A little better?

You have like fucking 8k duels on one character alone and still can't break the top 50.

You aren't even close to being in my league, you're like in the same bracket as general lee or nibbles lol.

It's cute though that you are able to put together so many excuses in one paragraph.

But as far as the request for a physical challenge go ahead and skip to 2.40 ;)

Yeah, a little better. I've got 6.3k duels on one character because I only use one character to duel, unlike you who has switched char names at least 10 times in the 4 years or so I've known you. I've never turned down a duel and many of those duels are me getting murdered repeatedly by people who out class you. I don't mind losing to learn and I'm pretty sure that my win loss has something to do with my rank. About the physical challenge, I'm pretty sure that guy in the video was challenging you to a fight irl. I suppose your post was just an inside joke to Shini, but I wouldn't put that sort of comment past you, since you apparently don't have the balls to fight Vizeroth in game. On that note, you talk a lot of shit to boomshakalaka, but I know for a fact that you dodged him like Neo dodges bullets when he came back and was climbing the duel ladder. Act as smart and as aloof as you want, but you've always been a sad little shit ever since I had the misfortune of meeting you. Oh, do you remember that? When I was a scrubby ass newb and I spanked your ass out in front of Gabes justice shrine house? Then after you ressed and I allowed you to loot yourself you came back with explosion loaded and killed my swampy while I was standing there talking to Gabe. Honestly I don't know why I even just wasted my time typing a response to such a petty, false pride driven excuse for a person.

Pat McGroin

Yeah, a little better. I've got 6.3k duels on one character because I only use one character to duel, unlike you who has switched char names at least 10 times in the 4 years or so I've known you. I've never turned down a duel and many of those duels are me getting murdered repeatedly by people who out class you. I don't mind losing to learn and I'm pretty sure that my win loss has something to do with my rank. About the physical challenge, I'm pretty sure that guy in the video was challenging you to a fight irl. I suppose your post was just an inside joke to Shini, but I wouldn't put that sort of comment past you, since you apparently don't have the balls to fight Vizeroth in game. On that note, you talk a lot of shit to boomshakalaka, but I know for a fact that you dodged him like Neo dodges bullets when he came back and was climbing the duel ladder. Act as smart and as aloof as you want, but you've always been a sad little shit ever since I had the misfortune of meeting you. Oh, do you remember that? When I was a scrubby ass newb and I spanked your ass out in front of Gabes justice shrine house? Then after you ressed and I allowed you to loot yourself you came back with explosion loaded and killed my swampy while I was standing there talking to Gabe. Honestly I don't know why I even just wasted my time typing a response to such a petty, false pride driven excuse for a person.

I don't even have any where near 6k duels between my 3 alchy characters so that is pretty bad to be honest.

I am also not afraid to fight Genocide pete, but the last time this happened he got his ass handed to him and he wants to act like it never happened so this time I am going to make sure it is recorded. As I stated he only messages me when he knows I am at work but as soon as I am online he avoids me.

I liked your cute made up story about killing me in front of Gabes house, I can't ever remember a time where I even needed to put any sort of effort into killing you.

How about I just 10-0 you like Obi?

Or are you trying to avoid further embarrassment?


Pat McGroin

You are literally like 95% of the uogamers population.

You talk shit, but can't back a word of it up and do nothing but make excuses for your mediocrity.

Who have you dueled so many times that you think can beat me?